RTM was never a Wiebe-head, he was actually a Billy defender and anti-KoK for years after the release, it was him that said that about your tape. I know you have the tape, but did TG ever have the tape? That's what RTM's quote was saying:
Robert Mruczek states (August 24, 2007) that he does not know who verified this score, when the score was entered, or who entered it. Regarding the tape itself, Mruczek states: “no mention of this even being on tape has come across my level of attention.â€
And earlier when I said "Gotcha ya" , I was saying "got you" because I was agreeing with you. Steve sat down in 2003 when he looked up the score, he had to see your name, but once it was determined they were not going to mention your score, they obviously must have told Steve Wiebe to say Billy Mitchell's 874K score, because that fit the flow of the story. Probably made Steve uncomfortable to state it that way, but those producers can be intimidating during filming I'm sure.