as I understand it the score list here includes all kong scores. both original PCB and MAME in one list. TG separates them in different tracks, where MAME scores compete with MAME scores and original hardware scores are kept separate. Im not sure all the kong people use TG either as well. So TG isnt the only place to look for Kong scores. tho I think it has a better review/adjudication process.
I've seen scores get rejected for not showing the PCB and they should be. I also think different tracks require different things. for example showing control panels seems to be a DK thing. Tho there is a recent post suggesting that MAME scores not using WolfMame should require a video of the performance showing the Controls 100% of the game.
but yeah, its not a 1 ruleset fits all. the rules vary by track. but for the most part. MAME needs a INP recording of the performance in WolfMame and PCB submissions NEED the dipswitch settings and serial numbers shown, as well as the board itself to verify no modification.
If you're capable of putting up a score worth submitting to TG, I dont care where you play. They will help you out Im sure. If not, maybe find a new arcade. You can even get what you need through the coin door in many cases.
as far as John's score. yeah TG wrote an article congratulating him on beating the other kid. but they did not immediately put his score up. He has not submitted it for review that I have seen and the other kid remains in the top slot on the board. (I hear he is also still calling himself the WR holder because of this. supposedly did some interview, calling himself #1 in some new kong propaganda film being made.)