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Re: VonBlogenstein
« Reply #180 on: July 23, 2015, 11:12:04 pm »
« Last Edit: August 04, 2015, 07:07:45 pm by VON »
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Re: VonBlogenstein
« Reply #181 on: July 24, 2015, 12:57:55 am »
Oh my god, Ross played D2K! I'm so proud!  BibleThump

That right there is called "taking one for the team!"

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Re: VonBlogenstein
« Reply #182 on: July 24, 2015, 02:40:31 am »
Oh my god, Ross played D2K! I'm so proud!  BibleThump

That right there is called "taking one for the team!"

Fk!  And I'll have to come back and up my shit score at some point because I know I can at least crack 120K.  BibleThump  What's worse is I bumped Phil out of the top 5, so now he's playing this garbage again too.

IMO, the creator of D2K should be punished in some way for creating this abomination.  You can tell he never played the original much because he literally fucked up everything he could possibly fuck up.  From the altered fireball behavior to the rising point sprites, it's all terrible!   

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Re: VonBlogenstein
« Reply #183 on: July 24, 2015, 04:02:13 am »
Oh my god, Ross played D2K! I'm so proud!  BibleThump

That right there is called "taking one for the team!"

Fk!  And I'll have to come back and up my shit score at some point because I know I can at least crack 120K.  BibleThump  What's worse is I bumped Phil out of the top 5, so now he's playing this garbage again too.

IMO, the creator of D2K should be punished in some way for creating this abomination.  You can tell he never played the original much because he literally fucked up everything he could possibly fuck up.  From the altered fireball behavior to the rising point sprites, it's all terrible! 

I don't think he really messed things up but rather upgraded things.  I think it's cool to see the rising point sprites.  Just different like a NEW version should be.  The fireball behavior is probably this way because if not then people would never get past some levels in the game.  Like on the later rounds of barrels where the barrel explodes and three fireballs pop out.  Well, one goes to the top and you know this can be a death sentence on the original DK but here you know it will go all the way left and then all the way right.  I guess it is what it is and just different.  It's not one of my favorite titles to play but I still give it the thumbs up for effort. It's a mega challenge indeed.

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Re: VonBlogenstein
« Reply #184 on: July 24, 2015, 05:39:40 am »
I don't think he really messed things up but rather upgraded things.

I strongly disagree.  In fact, I don't think Jeff Kulczycki should ever be allowed to make another video game.  All he did with D2K was try and capitalize on a renewed interest in DK.  He didn't know DK or understand what made it fun, hence why all the fun elements were removed in the making of D2K.

D2K is slow, it's highly linear, it's challenges are uncreative, and there's lots of wasted space in most of the new level designs.  Furthermore, he clearly never tested the game much as there's at least one prize that is irretrievable, and he created a millions digit that is impossible to use because he also inadvertently created a killscreen on level 14 springs.

When asked if he would fix the killscreen and release an updated rom, his response was something like, "No one will ever make it that far."  Why would anyone support this guy?  He couldn't even be bothered to make an attract screen. 

I give him an 'F' for effort and an 'F-' on execution.  D2K will forever be one of the worst games I've ever played, but hey, your mileage may vary.

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Re: VonBlogenstein
« Reply #185 on: March 24, 2016, 03:51:31 pm »

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Re: VonBlogenstein
« Reply #186 on: April 04, 2016, 04:05:01 am »
Greetings from Bangkok, Thailand!

My flight to San Francisco left Portland around 6:45 am on March 28th.  I had scheduled my domestic flights and international flights separately to save money -- because for whatever reason San Francisco is a significantly cheaper departure point than Portland -- but of course I was immediately met with unforeseen charges when Virgin Airlines taxed me 25 bucks for checking my luggage.  Virgin Airlines: you're dead to me.  Furthermore, upon reaching SFO I had to first claim my checked baggage from the domestic flight then recheck it with my international flight -- not a huge pain in the ass, but in the future I'll just pay extra to sidestep these annoyances and book my trip entirely through one airline. 

Met up with Spencer in SFO and we boarded our flight to Beijing around 3 pm (why I booked such an early flight to SFO I cannot tell you).  The flight from San Fran to Beijing was supposed to take 12 hours, which, had it arrived on time, would have allowed us barely enough time to catch our connecting flight to Bangkok.  Unfortunately it did not arrive on time.  Apparently a volcano had erupted somewhere in Alaska and forced a rerouting of our plane which added two hours to our flight.  To make matters worse, Spencer was seated next to a woman with the plague...  She was wearing one of those surgical masks and was hacking up a lung throughout the flight.  When I periodically left my seat I would see this poor woman stretched out across Spencer's entire row, sometimes with her feet in Spencer's lap, sometimes with her head in Spencer's lap.  Spencer, stoic as ever, took it like a champ, and has so far shown no signs of contracting whatever awful disease that woman was carrying -- those surgical masks, after all, are primarily worn by the sick, to prevent the spread of their disease, as opposed to worn by germaphobes trying to mitigate risk.  In the end, we arrived too late to board our Bangkok bound flight and were forced to spend the night in China.  China Air took care of everything and the accommodations were wholly adequate.  The next afternoon we were shuttled back to the Biejing airport and we boarded our flight for Bangkok around 2 pm Beijing time.  About 5 hours later we finally landed in Bangkok (about 6:30 pm Bangkok time), nearly 48 hours after departure.

The Bangkok airport was a completely painless experience. We flew through customs and were soon on our way to the hotel.  Our cab ride from the airport to our hotel on Khao San Road took around an hour, but only cost us $15.  First impression: Thailand is cheap.

We checked in to our hotel, Dang Derm, settled in a bit, then went for an exploratory walk.

Our rooftop view:

Me on Khao San representing Blazer Nation:

And a Where's Waldo picture if you're bored (I'm wearing the same red shirt pictured above):

As you can see, Khao San Road is a bit of a shit show.  It's a very touristy area dominated by "overpriced" bars and scam artists.  The food here is only OK, and the windows of our hotel room directly faced the loudest bar on all of Khao San.  That isn't to say Khao San wasn't anything but a phenomenal experience, but it was far from a cultural Mecca.

Spencer and I grabbed a bite to eat, had a few beers, chatted up some Portuguese girls, then called it an early night.  We were bushed from the journey and had 10 weeks of traveling ahead of us, so no sense in killing ourselves on night one.

We had made it to Bangkok, and our adventure had began.

Day two saw us wandering around Old Town, snapping a few pictures of random stuff, and simply trying to get our bearings.

Bangkok is hugenormous!  Khao San and the surrounding area is considered Old Town, where temples are everywhere and every street is populated with Mom n Pops selling food/Buddha statues/whatever out of shops they undoubtedly live in.  Across the canal the complexion of the city completely changes, with skyscrapers and massive shopping centers replacing the rustic charms of Old Town.

Stuff like this:




and this:

is everywhere in Old Town.  Every corner, every intersection, everywhere.

After several hours of walking Spencer and I had begun to learn some of Bangkok's tricks.  For instance, very few legitimate Tuk Tuk and Taxi drivers hang around Old Town.  Or, more accurately, very few Tuk Tuk and Taxi drivers around Old Town will give Westerners the same price they give locals.  A common scam we encountered was drivers telling us certain things were closed, but that they could take us to all the spots which were open for one low price.  One guy gave us such a long spiel about how much he could help us that when we walked away with a polite "khob khun krap" (thank you) we only received a "fuck you" in return.  I guess he's used to people buying his bullshit.  I don't blame them, of course.  We're grateful to be in their country and our middle class is significantly more well off than theirs.  One USD equates to about 35 Baht and it's extremely common to find meals for around 40 Baht, to give you an idea.  Still, the constant heckling gets tiresome, so when we met "Crazy Red" at the end of our walkabout we really were lucky that our character judgement hadn't been sabotaged by the day's barrage.  It would have been all too easy to blow him off as another person trying to take advantage of us, but somehow, some way, we knew Crazy Red was different.

Crazy Red, as he told us was the most literal translation of his name, Dang Titong, is a school teacher in Chiang Mai who was down in Bangkok only to purchase school uniforms for his pupils, as he doesn't particularly like the hustle and bustle of Bangkok.  In line with his aversion to the chaos of Bangkok, Crazy Red escorted us to a very quiet back alley where he promised we would find "real" Thai food.  Here Spencer and I would taste the best Thai food we'd ever had.  Prepared in the garage kitchen of a sweet old Thai woman and served on the humblest of dining wear, we knew we had struck gold.  We devoured our papaya salad and pork dish like we'd only eaten dog food up to that point in our lives.  With juices running down our arms we needed napkins, which somehow aren't really a thing in Thailand, so we had to settle for a roll of toilet paper.  It was messy, and it was fucking incredible.

For the next three hours we drank beers and chatted with Crazy Red, who genuinely only wanted to practice his English and learn more about America so he could share some knowledge with his students.  And he shared plenty with us as well.  By the end of our conversation we had pages of notes for useful Thai phrases, which have served us well.

In the end we had made a new friend, and Crazy Red even offered to have his mom cook for us when we visit Chiang Mai.  We got his number and will definitely be looking him up in the near future.

After the extended afternoon drinking session with Red, and perhaps still feeling some jet lag effects, Spencer and I were cooked.  No matter.  We'd accomplished more in our half-day than we usually accomplish in a week back home.  And besides, we were holding off on visiting the more must-see attractions until Jake arrived that night.  We passed out early and the next thing I remember it was 1 am and Jake came through our hotel room door.

Jake had arrived, the crew was complete, and shit was about to get weird.

With the group fully assembled we were finally ready to do some damage, and on day three we truly pushed our limits.  One night in Bangkok makes a hard man humble, as the song goes.

We began our day at the Grand Palace, which was crowded, expensive, and even hotter than usual as we had to wear long pants for what I assume were religious regions.  We left after only a few minutes without even seeing the main temple.  It was just too much.

We continued onto Wat Pho, the sight of the world famous reclining Buddha.

Wat Pho was much less crowded and I think we all enjoyed this piece of sight seeing.

This guy was cool:

This guy was just a dick:

Many rooms like this:

and this:

Some more spectacular rooms like this:

Some weird stuff like this:

And of course, the main man himself:

I also banged a gong:

From Wat Pho we walked back to the hotel through a much less touristed part of Old Town in hopes of finding another hole in the wall where we could again enjoy real Thai food.  When we passed a joint populated solely with locals we knew we had found our spot.  The menu was entirely in Thai so we had to point to the pictures on the wall.  Even then I don't think we got what we ordered, but it didn't matter, it was all good.  BBQ chicken, more papaya salad (which we were able to order by name thanks to Red) and whatever the hell this was:  Again, it was incredible.  This Thai food was the best I've ever had, by miles, and it only cost me $3.

After a dip in the hotel pool and a shower we were rejuvenated and ready to tackle the Bangkok nightlife.

First up, Chinatown, where some of the best street food in the world lines the road for miles.  We ate strange meats and dipped them in unidentifiable sauces, and it was delicious.  We wandered down some dark back alleys where we got strange looks from the locals, but we managed to make it out before being attacked by one of the bad guys from Big Trouble in Little China. 

We carried on to one of the three or four red light districts of Bangkok.  We found the red light strip easily enough, but not without first accidentally stumbling through the gay red light district.

Greeted with, "You're not gay," we were confused until we saw all the Chip n Dale like guys hanging about.  Whoops.  Oh well.

Just a block away we found the red light district proper, where bars like Super Pussy advertise things like "Ping Pong" shows.

At this point I'm going to skip some stuff...

Our behavior was fine, but some stuff, as we learned, is best left to the imagination.

...later that same evening, back at Khao San Road, we continued to drink and be merry.  For whatever reason we decided it was a good idea to drink literal buckets of alcohol, I guess because they were two-for-one, but they were strong, and the night became a blur shortly after.

Day four brought us to the world's largest open air market: Jatujak.  This place was massive.  Too massive to capture in pictures, though her ya go:,, and

Endless alleys selling everything under the sun.  Perhaps the best way to describe the scope of this place is to share that Jake got lost.  We set up a meeting point and gave ourselves an hour and a half to peruse the market before reuniting.  It took me over an hour just to walk perimeter and Jake was at least a half hour late returning to the meeting point, even with text exchanges trying to guide him.  Massive, massive market.  Sometimes things claim to be the biggest this or that, but then you see them in person and are underwhelmed.  I have zero doubt Jatujak is, in fact, the biggest open air market in the world.

After a 40 Baht soup lunch:, we rode the air train ( to victory monument:, and onwards from there to Siam Place in the market district:

Sometime in the early evening we arrived back at our hotel where Jake and Spencer more or less shut things down.  I was tired as well, but I ventured out to reconnect with a local bartender I had befriended the night before.

Nang is a sweetheart and although most all we could do was smile at each other -- due to the language barrier -- it was well worth my time to spend time with another local (and talk to a woman).

Day five was travel day.  We were burnt out on the big city and wanted to switch things up.  We were booked on a 10 pm sleeper train which unfortunately didn't leave us enough time to see the night's Muay Thai fights.  No matter, we'll get that done when we return to Bangkok at the end of our loop.

We boarded our second class sleeper car: b and headed north to Chiang Mai.

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Re: VonBlogenstein
« Reply #187 on: April 04, 2016, 04:29:44 am »
Looks like an amazing trip so far! Love it.

and whatever the hell this was:  Again, it was incredible.  This Thai food was the best I've ever had, by miles, and it only cost me $3.
This looks like tom yum goong...spicy sour soup with shrimp. Tom yum is easily one of my favorite soups, if not #1.  Kreygasm Katie and I actually had tom yum khai (chicken instead of shrimp) for dinner tonight.
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Re: VonBlogenstein
« Reply #188 on: April 04, 2016, 06:11:25 am »
I also banged a gong

I propose a minor change to the official T. Rex song lyrics:

Get It On
Bang A Gong

EDIT:  I just watched a pair of YouTube videos on the preparation of Spicy Thai Green Papaya Salad.

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Re: VonBlogenstein
« Reply #189 on: April 04, 2016, 07:44:00 am »
A comprehensive guide to Som Tam (green papaya salad) on my favorite Thai food website,

Blasfamee: It's also good with cucumbers if you can't find green papaya.


And how to make Tom Yam Kung (spicy shrimp soup):ต้มยำกุ้ง-with-video.html

This is the recipe I made for dinner tonight, but with rotisserie chicken (sometimes convenience outweighs blasfamee).
« Last Edit: April 04, 2016, 07:49:53 am by alumbrada »
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Re: VonBlogenstein
« Reply #190 on: April 04, 2016, 10:49:44 am »
Time to be cliche and show the "One night in Bangkok" video
Is the chess playing pretty good there?
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Re: VonBlogenstein
« Reply #191 on: April 04, 2016, 01:11:17 pm »
Don't cross the Ross...

Virgin Airlines: you're dead to me.
5 hours after Ross posted this story broke:

Alaska Air to acquire Virgin America in $4bn deal

P.S.  I was in Thailand in 2002 and spent some time in Bangkok.  It was cool.
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Re: VonBlogenstein
« Reply #192 on: April 04, 2016, 06:22:07 pm »
Super Pussy hype.

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Re: VonBlogenstein
« Reply #193 on: April 05, 2016, 08:18:16 am »
Looks like you're having a sweet trip, Ross! I've been to Europe a couple times, but it would be awesome to see Asia as well.

Be safe, and continue to keep us updated! You won't regret putting in the effort to journal about specific events/days, even though it takes some work.
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Re: VonBlogenstein
« Reply #194 on: April 08, 2016, 09:03:01 am »
Greetings from Chiang Mai, Thailand.

After a 14 hour train ride we arrived in Chiang Mai around noon on the 4th.  The sleeper trains aren't the most efficient means of travel but they are inexpensive and they afford more viewing of the countryside than flying.  I also have no trouble sleeping on the trains, though Spencer and Jake didn't seem to grab as much rest.

At my urging, we had booked ourselves in a hostel to both save money and meet other travelers.  I have no problem staying in hostels.  For the most part they are clean, cheap, and filled with interesting people.  Unfortunately only the latter two descriptors were true of our hostel.  There was a bathroom in the lobby that had an unflushed dump in it throughout the entirety of our stay, for example.  The toilets here can get clogged pretty easily if you're not careful as the plumbing is not up to Western standards and as such there are signs everywhere not to flush your paper but instead use the "bum gun", which is nothing more than a sink sprayer.  Disgusting.  Our bathroom/shower combo was also pretty gross and its door had a window so we inadvertantly saw each other naked once or twice -- less than optimal but after the ping pong show in Bangkok nothing can affect me through the scar tissue on my soul.

Anyways, by happenstance the hostel was throwing a BBQ the night we arrived and we had the chance to meet a bunch of other fun people.

We met people from all over the world and exchanged stories and tips for must-dos.  The party went late and we didn't venture far from the hostel that first night.  Even so, I managed to mess myself up pretty good...

Walking back from the pool bar just down the street from our hostel I somehow cut the underside of my big toe.  Bleeding all over myself, I wobbled awkwardly upstairs toward our room to treat my wound, but in trying to prevent getting blood all over the floor I lost my balance on the stairs and fell down the entire flight.  At the time I didn't realize how bad a fall I had taken but the next morning my left ankle was swollen to twice the size of my right and I could put zero weight on it.  I had endured a pretty nasty eversion sprain and my heart sank when I thought about the implications for our trip.  I genuinely thought it may have been broken -- it was that bad.

Spencer and Jake looked after me for the remainder of the day.  I kept off it, iced it, and Jake found a pharmacy where he was able to grab me an ankle compression sleeve.

In the end, it wasn't broken.  Thank goodness!  Nonetheless the injury forced me to cancel nearly every day plan I had for Chiang Mai.

Chiang Mai has been dubbed the adventure sport capital of SE Asia, offering activities like jungle trekking, mountain biking, zip lining, and more.  I had planned on doing most all of these things, so when I suddenly couldn't walk I was pretty bummed out.  Still, I managed to get out a bit in the days immediately following my fall: doing some very minor gimpy sightseeing close to the hostel, and even going clubbing with two lovely ladies Spencer and I had met on the flight to Bangkok.

Hilary and Erin from Las Vegas had flown to Chiang Mai after seeing the beaches offered in Thailand's South. They had many stories of adventure to share and we listened intently to gain knowledge for that portion of our trip.  Very sweet women, but unfortunately for them I think our group's energy levels were overall very low that night...

In just a few days in Chiang Mai I had: nearly broken my ankle; suffered dozens of random cuts and scrapes which must be given attentive care because the risk of infection is so high; a rock fly off the street and into my eye while we were taking a tuk tuk ride; and a bird try and brain me after it bounced off a window just a foot from my head.  My back was also acting up despite being bent in half by a Thai masseuse in Bangkok.  You can't make this stuff up.  Chiang Mai was trying to kill me.

Spencer wasn't feeling well either.  He had picked up a stomach bug and was going through the worst of it.  Not keen on ever being far from a toilet, Spencer shut things down for a few days as well.  And so, partly in quest for cleaner/private facilities and maybe partly not feeling the hostel scene, Spencer relocated during this time to a hotel up the street.  Can't say I blame him, though his room at the hotel cost him six times what I was paying at the hostel -- just not an expense I can justify.

The way I figure it, if you're doing it right, you only need a bed to sleep in and all other time should be spent out doing stuff.  Of course those weren't the circumstances for either of us, because they couldn't be.

Jake, on the other hand, was able to go adventuring during the day, and went on what sounded like a pretty epic mountain bike ride.  It was something like 105 degrees that day and he looked absolutely bushed when he returned to the hostel.  Beat down from the excursion Jake was not his normal exuberant self when we met Hilary and Erin for dinner that night.

So after three nights in Chiang Mai we really didn't have much to show for it.  Unfortunate, but this stuff happens when traveling.  The ride will go up and down, and all you can hope for during the lows is to find perspective which will make the highs higher.  It's part of what makes long term traveling great.

Finally, after several days on the mend, each of us was approaching recuperation.  I still couldn't walk very well and Spencer was still avoiding food, but on night four we crewed up with some folks we had met at the hostel and did a little exploring.

After some delicious street food from the Night Bazaar our night's group of seven took in the Muay Thai fights.

The fights were a lot of fun but also most definitely rigged.  After a few of us had won money on a couple of the preliminary fights, we collectively placed our largest wager on one of the headliners.  Our guy was clearly winning the fight, when the bookie who took our bet paid a visit to his corner.  WTF!?  Our guy then collapsed for no discernible reason in the following round.  Lame.  We stopped betting after that nonsense.  Still, amazing experience.

The following day we taxied a half hour from town to see the world famous Grand Canyon.  Err, the locally famous Grand Canyon.

This place was cool.  Some sort of old pit mine or something, I'm really not sure.  Check out the pictures.

And now it's now, I'm writing this message.  Taking it easy because we're going to spend the next three days bussing and boating our way to Laos where we will take in the Buddhist New Year water festival, Songkran.

I survived Chiang Mai, but this guy was not so lucky:

Untsa untsa:

Had to arm wrestle this chump so he'd reduce the cost of his wares:


World's best smoothie (passion fruit):

Blood cube soup (not as good as it sounds):

Banana pancakes (exactly as good as it sounds):

Intermission at the fights where they put five or six guys in the ring with blindfolds on.  It was a bloodbath, and it was hilarious:

That's dried pork shavings on top:

The little Grand Canyon was still pretty grand:

Jake jumped off the Grand Canyon:

Mmmmm hotpot:

Until next time...
« Last Edit: April 08, 2016, 12:08:05 pm by VON »
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