If you aren't concerned with points at all, it's a good idea to try and push the far left key up first, as it seems the snapjaws tend to congregate around that area toward the end of the screen and that can make it tricky to finish if that key is left for last. If you manage to get that key out of the way, smashing snapjaws with the right apple will make the screen that much easier to finish because they will respawn on the left side of the board. Learn where the safe spots between the birds are, and use them to wait and see what the snapjaws decide to do before making your move to push up keys. I think it is easier to wait in these spots with both hands on one chain because it "seems" that your vertical hitbox is slightly smaller. If you wait spread-eagle, it's easy to misjudge your position and accidentally get hit on his raised hand. The other thing you may notice is that when the snapjaws are at the top of the structure waiting to decide which chain to take down they will move at a slow or fast mode (sometimes they freeze). If you notice one go into fast mode, be careful, because they are probably going to make their decision faster to go down a chain. Hope this helps. Oh, and yeah save-states help, but be sure to play full games often to put everything you learn together.