Happy New Year!!
Well, this is as good of a time as any to start a list that
COREY can send to Jace.
Currently there is only Medium for single and doubles and NO POW for single and doubles for arcade tracking. Hard difficulty was added to MAME because of scores being added before we knew the dips were backwards. Later I had to add Medium on MAME.
Ultimate NO POW (single & doubles) (on all difficulties???) May be a over kill.
Easy difficulty (single & doubles & NO POW & Ultimate NO POW )
Hard difficulty (single & doubles & NO POW & Ultimate NO POW)
Hardest difficulty (single & doubles & NO POW & Ultimate NO POW)
Luigi variation? This opens up another can of worms, more difficulties, more variations.
Phase 98 Kill Screen score (single & doubles & NO POW & Ultimate NO POW)
Most Red fireball kills on one phase? Steven already owns this record at like 17 fireball kills. This is also something that would make the phase 98 kill screen go WAY up there.
The last thing I want is to water down a great game but at the same time the other difficulties is like a whole new game and they probably need to be added anyway for single and doubles. At least
Hard needs to be added on arcade as it's in MAME already. There would probably need to be a note, declaring MEDIUM as the true difficulty for world records and the other variations as just fun, extra variations??? Just asking.
Corey, once we come up with a final list, can you start a voting thread for this and let people vote on it for a month or so? Until then we can just finalize this list.