Post from John Salter,
Well, I guess you wont be playing in any more tournaments, because we are not changing the rules. We can't babysit the players. We put time, energy and money into the tournament. The bounties are there for players to claim as a bonus. We or not obligated to have them, just as you are not obligated to play in tournament. A tournament which is FREE to enter and is meant to promote friendship and camaraderie, not make money.
It's very simple. If the tournament doesn't meet your standards, then you don't have to play in it. Actually I'd rather not have you play in any more, since you felt the need to publicly call Eric and I liars and cheaters for rigging the bounties. Honestly we don't need poor sports like you playing in the tournament. You proved who you really are with your childish rants after last tournament and this tournament. I though after what happened in the last tournament you may have learned a lesson about friendship and being humble, but I guess I was wrong.
My post I mentioned,
This last post was from John Salter. I mentioned about the bounties and that I believe more than 1 should be allowed not only 1. The rules to me should be changed. I thought its totally ridiculous. Yes I did mention that I thought that the tournament was rigged in the bounties and believe this still. How can still a 2,200 score end up winning something when almost all players in a tournament who have been playing for years end up basically getting nothing out of it? Still doesn't make any sense to me. But whatever. I won't be playing in any more tournaments anyways if John and Eric will always be in charge. Unless one day the tournament decides to change the moderators or whoever is in charge of them. And yes I have made friends and I know that there are friends who are still behind me anyways and can understand how I feel about this.
And yet they mention to me about being a poor sport on top of it? Didn't I help to promote this last tournament to all the webpages that I knew of? Didn't I try to do my best to actually help them? I thought I was doing a bit of my part. I guess I was wrong in the first place to even try to put a bit of my time to actually help out as well.
All the tournaments I have played in, I have actually always felt that alot of the mystery bounties was rigged alot of the time anyways. I always actually have felt that. I know actually a couple other players who actually thought the same thing that I did! If Eric and John want to, they can actually ask a bunch of the other players as well besides me who would think that there was something fishy about those mystery bounties. I know i'm definately not the only person. I'm sorry that I'm speaking my mind but this is the truth! Whoever wants to go ahead and leave my page and are on Eric and John's side, then go ahead! I'm sorry that I'm actually speaking my mind about this!