Author Topic: Will anyone ever hold the DK, DKJr, and DK3 records at the same time?  (Read 19938 times)

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Offline homerwannabee

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OK, I have been thinking about it.  What some may not know is no one in the history of Arcade gaming has ever held all 3 World Record titles at the same time in Donkey Kong, Donkey Kong Junior, and Donkey Kong 3.

I think there was a point about 3 or 4 years ago when this could have been done.  Billy Mitchell had his opportunity, but he didn't like DK3, and so he never went after the title.  The same is true for Steve Wiebe who could have done it as well.   Now I just don't think it can be done by anyone.  In fact I am not too sure anyone will ever again have the Donkey Kong, and Donkey Kong Junior titles at the same time again.  Here are my reasons for believing this.

1) Donkey Kong itself has too many people gunning for the record.  Yes the record will be broken this year.  How can someone get the other 2 records when by the time they get one of the other records someone else will have surpassed them in this game.

2) Donkey Kong Junior, and Donkey Kong 3 both have had their world record scores pushed to a very high level.  Speaking from experience that 1.41 million Donkey Kong junior score by Mark Kiehl is insanely good.  I think most of us could play this game every single day for the rest of our lives, and never reach that score.  As far as my DK3 score, all I know is it's over 3 times higher than the 2nd place.  So take from that what you will.

3) All 3 have world record holders who are still active.  Meaning that if you somehow break one of the records you will most likely get a response from one of us.  And most likely that response would be done before anyone could move on, and break another record.

4) DK3 is so different from the other first 2 games that it actually weeds out a few very good players because their skill set is mainly on platform games instead of shooter games.

5) Potential lack of interest to go after the DK3 record.  Remember Billy Mitchell, and Steve Wiebe at one time had the opportunity to get the triple crown.  They took a pass on it.  So it's possible that even if someone like Mark Kiehl came along, and got both the DK, and DKJr records at the same time that he would take a pass on DK3.  I used his name because he doesn't really play the game.

So there you have it.  I just don't think anyone will EVER hold all 3 world records at the same time.  It's in my opinion the ultimate triple crown.  I could see someone hitting .400 in baseball before I could see someone getting all 3 records at the same time.
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Re: Will anyone ever hold the DK, DKJr, and DK3 records at the same time?
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2014, 06:51:18 am »
Well and the fact the scores are so high is a real mark of why they wont be held at once by all three. All of them can still be broken but the amount of effort to get all those scores is a HUGE task. IT would take years. DK is probably the most active and its now at a level where it takes more than just skill alone to get it. You need some luck too. Same probably holds true for DKJR and DK3 but I just don't have enough experience with those games to say that for sure. If I get the record on DK I will move on to DKJR for sure and just try and get that trifecta badge hype!

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Re: Will anyone ever hold the DK, DKJr, and DK3 records at the same time?
« Reply #2 on: January 28, 2014, 07:05:55 am »
I would say it's unlikely but not impossible. An interesting poll would be to ask the the top 5 players in each game what their interest is in getting the record on the other two games.

I think the player with the highest combined skill set for all 3 games would be Ben Falls, so any theoretical Triple Crown discussion would have to start with him. In fact, I would say Ben has the greatest combined skill set for all DK-related arcade games (Crazy Kong and D2K included). Is he the best at every one? No, but he would have the least amount of work to do.

George, since you're already at the top of DK3 and have the 3rd highest DKJR score your biggest remaining challenge would be to get the DK record. So, what is YOUR interest in doing that?

You're right that the DK arcade competition is hot right now, so any potential future WR might not be able to hold that title for long. Then again, Hank's been at the top for 3 years now. If the next DK WR holder can hold the position for 3 years, that might be enough time for them to attack the other two games. But how long would it take for you or Mark to take those records back?

Maybe the best approach for a Triple Crown would be a long, slow, tedious approach: learn the WR skills for each game at the same time. If the WR for each game is increased during the learning process, so be it. Keep with the practice until you're confident that you can make a run for each record in a short amount of time...probably a month or less.
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Re: Will anyone ever hold the DK, DKJr, and DK3 records at the same time?
« Reply #3 on: January 28, 2014, 09:13:39 am »
I could see someone holding both DK and DK Jr as both those games have similar game mechanics.  It's been done in the past (I think by both Steve and Billy).  DK3 however is a completely different game.  I'd be surprised if anyone ever held the DK3 WR and either the DK or Jr record. 

I personally have little/zero interest in going after the DK Jr or DK3 WR.  DK Jr. spark jumping is just too painful and DK3 doesn't appeal to me.  In my opinion, the spark jumping is the result of a mistake in the game balance for Jr.  It would be the rough equivalent of getting 200 points for jumping a single barrel in DK with no threat from fireballs.  We'd all be standing on the 6th girder jumping singles.  How boring would that be?

Offline marky_d

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Re: Will anyone ever hold the DK, DKJr, and DK3 records at the same time?
« Reply #4 on: January 28, 2014, 10:26:32 am »
Yeah, like I've said before it's really too bad that to go for a really high score you have to milk the Hideout until the timer runs out. I think the game's design was rushed a bit, but there really needed to be an element that "forced" you to finish the screen. Then again, I highly doubt either DK was designed to make point-pressing entertaining, or even an aspect of the games. Even though throwing in the Dean Move, and going for the 4 spark smash can keep it a little interesting, it is quite a drag...but it's the other 200-300k you have to find that's more interesting.

As far as DK3 goes, I have actually been playing it sporadically. It is a fun game, but frustrating for me so I tend to put it down for long periods. I played last night matter of fact, and petered out at 350k so I'm limping towards 1m on that title. I think once I "figure out" a few more things I will get there. WR on DK3? No way. ha ha

For DK, I just don't play it enough I guess. Motivation has been a factor there, unfortunately. I, like others, have had a handful of deep games right around the pace needed but you know how that goes and how much it means.
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Re: Will anyone ever hold the DK, DKJr, and DK3 records at the same time?
« Reply #5 on: January 28, 2014, 11:26:16 am »
All three games are too pumped up now for a single player to get the triple crown. Nobody has that much time, or more importantly, desire. You'd have to want this really, really badly to even attempt it, let alone succeed, and it isn't a goal for anybody in the current player pool.

Nobody is even in the neighborhood of the DK3 record. I don't think anyone will ever beat that score.

I agree with you that the DK record will fall this year, though I must admit it kinda scares me that we are the de facto officiating body now that TG is gone. Do we have the clout to declare a new world record?

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Re: Will anyone ever hold the DK, DKJr, and DK3 records at the same time?
« Reply #6 on: January 28, 2014, 01:26:35 pm »
Also, what does it mean in the era of no Twin Galaxies, to even earn a world record. Must it be done live? If not, who verifies the scores?
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Re: Will anyone ever hold the DK, DKJr, and DK3 records at the same time?
« Reply #7 on: January 28, 2014, 04:20:03 pm »
I agree with you that the DK record will fall this year, though I must admit it kinda scares me that we are the de facto officiating body now that TG is gone. Do we have the clout to declare a new world record?

You should be scared.

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World Record?  Fuhgeddaboudit.

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Re: Will anyone ever hold the DK, DKJr, and DK3 records at the same time?
« Reply #8 on: January 28, 2014, 06:21:35 pm »
Don't worry, I've been thinking about this stuff these last few days and will make a big, tiresome, rambling post (forum, not blog) about it soon. ;D

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Re: Will anyone ever hold the DK, DKJr, and DK3 records at the same time?
« Reply #9 on: February 01, 2014, 05:30:53 am »
All but impossible. (Likely) Requirements for the average gamer: get the toughest video game record in existence, suffer through DK Jr., learn DK3 from scratch. Not happening.
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Re: Will anyone ever hold the DK, DKJr, and DK3 records at the same time?
« Reply #10 on: February 01, 2014, 09:55:46 am »
get the toughest video game record in existence

I think we can all agree to say that the Donkey Kong record still has a lot of potential to be upgraded. But if we're talking about Dean's score on MAME, it would indeed be one of the toughest arcade video game record to beat. As for 1,138,600, I know at least 5 people that could break it within a week if they tried (and I'm not even including myself! Kappa)
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Re: Will anyone ever hold the DK, DKJr, and DK3 records at the same time?
« Reply #11 on: February 01, 2014, 02:51:18 pm »
I think if you exclude marathons, Dean's 1.2 DK score probably IS the hardest existing record to beat in all of classic gaming. (Include marathons and it's a different story.)

I'd be interested to know if anyone thinks otherwise.

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Re: Will anyone ever hold the DK, DKJr, and DK3 records at the same time?
« Reply #12 on: February 01, 2014, 08:23:25 pm »
I know my opinion is biased, but I would have to say that Greg Bond's 1.277M point game of Mappy is tougher to beat.

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Re: Will anyone ever hold the DK, DKJr, and DK3 records at the same time?
« Reply #13 on: February 01, 2014, 09:15:24 pm »
after the BOTA i will be making very serious effort to really learn reg DK and beat mark again on Jr. so after i have those two. we will see HEHE
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Re: Will anyone ever hold the DK, DKJr, and DK3 records at the same time?
« Reply #14 on: February 01, 2014, 10:39:51 pm »
I think someone will unify the belts, eventually. The main reason being that I think there are several, younger, determined DK-game players who I think, either secretly, or openly intend on going for the trifecta.
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