As most of you should know by now my little break from DK has turned into a mission to learn Donkey Kong Junior. I wanted to create this thread for the patterns that I am working with, to see if you guys have used them, or have other ones you would like to suggest.
First. I decided to learn the fast pattern on the springboard level, and then created variations that addressed if I had made a mistake in its perfect execution. So, if I missed the first smash with the banana, or if the bird came out on the top, or if I missed a bird with the apple, or missed the first smash opportunity with the apple.
Mainline: Bird Variation: Yellow Fruit Smash: First Red Fruit Opportunity: Red Fruit Smash: No Red Fruit Smash seems to have two different variations. The first is shown in the video, the second just requires more timing on that drop to the bottom. I will post more as I develop how I decided to handle these different situations that may arise. There is still work to be done here.
Second. I originally began my approach to the blue chains in the same manner as Graham Wolfe which starts out with the attempt to get the first lone key all the way to the top and then proceed to the last lone key, and if he can't succeed with the first, then he drops and then proceeds to the last lone key and if time permitting maybe push up the second grouped keys as he waits.
I started using what I call the Riley Pattern because I basically saw him use it. It is basic and the same... push the second grouped keys up close to the top and then proceed with the last lone key. Once I began to use this pattern, my success percentage increased. evening I was playing around with the Riley Pattern, and noticed that when pushing the second grouped keys up, as long as there are no red snappers coming down, you can actually just push it all the way to the top every time. I only named this the Corey Pattern because I modified another pattern, and have not seen anyone use this exact form before. Maybe someone has. comment, share your ideas, and post your patterns that you like to use.