I had my best CK start ever this morning, which was 115,400. I highlighted the game on Twitch. I had my best 1-1 (9100) and my best start. I hammer dropped quite a bit, but only grouped on 1-1. I don't have the confidence yet to try to group on every barrel. I came up with a pace chart, since my current goal is to kill screen at 615K+.
http://www.twitch.tv/jnugent74/c/3402815And here's a quick chart I made up, if anyone wants it for reference. I think all of my deaths were on rivets, although I had a close call or two on the pie factory.
115,000 L=4
145,000 L=5
175,000 L=6
205,000 L=7
235,000 L=8
265,000 L=9
295,000 L=10
315,000 L=11
345,000 L=12
375,000 L=13
405,000 L=14
435,000 L=15
465,000 L=16
495,000 L=17
525,000 L=18
555,000 L=19
585,000 L=20
615,000 L=21
This is accounting for 30k per level, which I manage to somehow accomplish on average. If anyone has any comments on this game, my start, or pace in general, post away. I'm much more interested in CK right now than DK, and want to eventually kick Crazy Kong's ass. Feel free to post your best start, I'm interested to see how many have had a 115k+ or better start on CK.