Author Topic: CHRISP's KOK defense torn to shreads.  (Read 14517 times)

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Re: CHRISP's KOK defense torn to shreads.
« Reply #15 on: October 15, 2013, 08:17:02 pm »
Tim, just to let you know, I'm going to respond to this post, but not right away. I want to take a little time with it.

I'll hand it to you that you pointed out a few things where my argument was not as well-fortified and clarified as it could have been, but you definitely misunderstood me in other places (Corey pointed out an important one above), and overall I think you're still totally off your rocker on this subject.

I'll get to it.

Go right a head write another and I will dismantle it with the same documented facts as I did your other. You can't polish a turd and that is exactly what you are doing in your rebuttals.
Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result............this is what you are doing defending  KOK and you say I'm off my rocker? Please!
Looking foward to shredding another!
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Re: CHRISP's KOK defense torn to shreads.
« Reply #16 on: October 15, 2013, 08:24:57 pm »
Mitch, what's with this evil trickery of which Tim speaks ?  :o

Hey, Tim, we don't blame, shame, or call names, sir. That is a good place to start. People respect calm, cool reasoning where the facts do speak for themselves without continually being colored by your emotions and perspectives.

I think that what Mitch is demonstrating as opposed to saying is that you have not really offered any evidence for some of your claims, you have offered reasoning with some ideas, unlike Chris' post which actually has quotations in it to support his view. In other words, offering this youtube video actually shows us that Billy said that he called you (or at least someone that sounds like Billy since it was a still photo), but in the KOK he actually said that no one else had been seen getting to the end of Donkey Kong (which could be an allusion to a live score, which would be true). So, does billy ever lie? And what evidence do you have, other than that you say so? because then we are back to your questioning Steve's say so for his earlier scores. It may very well be a fact, and you may well have evidence, but I think that is what Mitch may be attempting to do here. Correct me if I am wrong.

Tapping my fingers on the table, waiting for your response to my post.

P.S. What are you doing in these threads Tim, and what results are you expecting?

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Re: CHRISP's KOK defense torn to shreads.
« Reply #17 on: October 15, 2013, 08:26:17 pm »
Billy has stated multiple times he did call me.......maybe you don't think Billy is a reliable  source of info on the subject material but I assure you I am and Billy did in fact call me in 2000 to congratulate me as did I stated

You yourself have said that you don't think he is a reliable source... but now you are saying he is? Which is it?

This is just a stupid comment!
Heads you win Tails I that the Idea? I can see your partisian on the subject and I'm  just wasting my time explaining even the most simple facts and concepts to you so I will no longer wast time responding to your "heads I win Tails I loose" trickery

I's not trickery... maybe it just feels that way, because when one is caught in a contradiction it is a no-win situation. Somethings gotta give Tim. Avoiding the issue is an unwise choice and doesn't solve the problem.

Edit: Exactly Corey. Maybe it's the case that Billy is only reliable in one of these instances (or, more simply, only one source is true), but there needs to be evidence given to demonstrate that in one case he was honest/non-ignorant and in another he was  the opposite -otherwise, it's a completely possible option that Billy is just trying to give BOTH 'documenters' what they want!
« Last Edit: October 15, 2013, 08:30:48 pm by marinomitch13 »
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Re: CHRISP's KOK defense torn to shreads.
« Reply #18 on: October 16, 2013, 12:22:57 am »
So, the clique is ganging up on yet ANOTHER forum member already?  Wow, it's amazing how quickly a nasty habit can emerge.

CHRISP SAYS: The fact of the matter is this: while the filmmakers didn't acknowledge you, the people in the scene didn't acknowledge you either, and that is, without a doubt, a major contributing factor for why the filmmakers made the determination that they made.

This is a truely massive assumption and is almost certainly completely wrong.  You have absolutely no idea what was left on the editing room floor and I can pretty much guarantee you that Tim's name was mentioned on camera by someone at some point (and probably a lot).

As a matter of fact, if the movie is watched with a careful eye for this sort of stuff, there is a rather important scene where Steve hits a killscreen live at Funspot and in the immediate aftermath Brian Kuh gives sort of an off the cuff commentary about what just happened and how significant the moment is in classic gaming.  Do you remember what he said?  He said something to the effect of:

"So with that game, Steve is now the THIRD person verified to have reached the Donkey Kong killscreen."

The filmmakers originally put a graphic over that scene that said ("Actually, Steve is the 2nd"), which was later changed.  Why was it changed?  Because Tim's killscreen score was already a verified TG score at the time.

Now let's go deeper.  Why would Brian have made a statement like that with no further explanation?  I am betting that he probably said this assuming that everyone, including the viewers, would already know exactly what he was talking about!  Meaning, there were probably dozens of conversations on camera about the timeline, about Tim's score, about how Tim had been the WR holder until recently (at the time of the filming, Billy had already regained the WR with a score of around 930k), and so on and so forth -- Brian probably didn't want to belabor the obvious ... except that ALL of that was cut by the filmmakers.  However, they couldn't figure out a way to cut out Brian's reference to Steve being the 3rd without losing that very important scene entirely -- so they clumsily put a graphic over the scene and literally changed the story.

CHRISP SAYS: The experts on the subject of Donkey Kong, especially Brian Kuh, always referred to Billy Mitchell as the reigning champion and maintained that his unrivaled skill put him on top of the record holder chart."

Again, at the time of the filming, these were actually accurate statements from Brian because Billy had the 930k score recently verified.  At some other point, the filmmakers probably asked Brian a question specifically about Billy and he happened to frame his answer with respect to Billy's old 874k score that many players, including himself, had been trying to beat for a long time.  It's possible that in the very next breath Brian may have gone on to mention about how Tim came along and beat that score and how Billy beat it back and yada yada yada, the filmmakers cut the exact snippet that best fit their story and left the rest on the cutting room floor.

With respect to Greg Bond's quote -- Again, that was in reference to Billy's 933k WR score.  That is actually shown in "The King of Con", which Tim has referenced -- it shows Steve on top with 985k, then Billy next at 933k, then Tim at 879k, straight from a TG website circa the date of KOK filming.

Same with the Roy Shildt quote, which is accurate for the same reasons -- referencing the 933k WR score.

It would be helpful if somebody would repost (or even sticky) the link to that timeline website that somebody posted within the last few days -- it gave a lot of excellent details and you could see how a lot of stuff with respect to the scores and the verifications and the filming were all overlapping quite a bit.

COREY SAYS: If you saw that your TG score was taken down on May 7th 2004, and started submitting new scores and having them verified, I am sure that you would have played a role in the over all competition. And you are right, the interest grew when two players went back and forth like that. That was the interesting part. May I propose that since you did not attempt or accomplish this is the reason that history unfolded the way that you did.

Do you ever suppose that it was your ignorance, inaction, or inability in this regard that plays a role in this story as well? Your score of 1,034,700 on 2/24/2010 is many years too late. When did you find out that your score was beaten in 2004? Did you make attempts to get the record back? And most importantly, were you successful?

Corey, this is totally and completely unfair and is a massive misunderstanding of the timeline of events and the manner in which TG was operating at the time.

Billy had only very recently beaten Tim's score with his own score of around 933k when a LOT of the filming of very key scenes were already underway.  Billy's score hit the database in May, 2004.  Then, all summer long, Steve sent in several different tapes with different WR scores to TG -- none of which were even looked at during this time.  What makes you think that if Tim sent a tape in during this time that it would have been any different?  Later on, in August, 2004, the players visited Steve's house with the so-called "break in".  This event is actually what prompted the filmmakers to begin filming, or at least to begin focusing on this particular story, and filming ensued very quickly after that.  After the crew had been filming for a bit, Steve went to Funspot in June, 2005 and by then the Billy vs. Steve storyline was already decided.  Steve's videotaped submissions had gone until November, 2004 before being rejected -- nearly 6 months after being submitted on possibly TG's highest priority game at that time.  Just to demonstrate how the phrase "moving at a snail's pace" was greatly OVERestimating how fast TG was able to do ANYthing at that time.  So, to say that in the midst of this it was somehow Tim's responsibility to jump into the fray and become "active" in the "competition" is just borderline ludicrous.  There's really almost nothing he could have done. 


Now, with all of that being said ...

Tim, you are STILL not due any money and have NO valid claims for any monetary damages suffered as a result of your side of the story being left out of the film. 

The fact is, Billy WAS the WR holder in 2004 and the story was about one specific challenger against the champion, plain and simple.  I think that the timing of events was unfortunate for you because, like I said above, you really didn't have any opportunity to get back into the competition while there was a story being done about it.  But mostly that's just bad luck and is not anyone's fault really.  Sure, the filmmakers massively edited the film in order to tell the story that they wanted to tell and in my opinion (as I pointed out above) you can see this clearly in literally every single quote that comes out of somebody's mouth throughout the entire movie -- it's like they were saying something in the breath just before or just after what's actually in the movie that didn't fit with the story so the filmmakers carefully cut all of those sentences out so what we're left with is extremely disjointed one-liners taken totally out of context and pasted together to create an entertaining story about a challenger vs. the champion.

Really, despite the fact that everyone seems to be needlessly attacking you on these forums right now, which I find to be borderline embarrassing, you honestly should consider taking the core of their advice which is to try to let go of your disagreements with the people who were involved in the film and just join in with today's community where we now have a relatively large amount of really good people sharing a passion and a hobby that we enjoy ... for the FUN of it!  Make an effort to come out to the live events where you WOULD be a minor celebrity and tons of people would be very interested in speaking with you personally.  Create a FUN quest for yourself to take down both Billy's and Steve's scores and getting your name listed above both of those guys on the arcade scoreboard again -- stream your attempts to do so, a lot of us would cheer you on in such a quest!


I'm starting to feel like a broken record at this point, but EVERYONE on this forum seriously needs to RELAX!  STOP BICKERING!  You are RUINING a good thing, and that is no joke.
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Re: CHRISP's KOK defense torn to shreads.
« Reply #19 on: October 16, 2013, 01:14:05 am »

Corey, this is totally and completely unfair and is a massive misunderstanding of the timeline of events and the manner in which TG was operating at the time.

Billy had only very recently beaten Tim's score with his own score of around 933k when a LOT of the filming of very key scenes were already underway.  Billy's score hit the database in May, 2004.  Then, all summer long, Steve sent in several different tapes with different WR scores to TG -- none of which were even looked at during this time.  What makes you think that if Tim sent a tape in during this time that it would have been any different?  Later on, in August, 2004, the players visited Steve's house with the so-called "break in".  This event is actually what prompted the filmmakers to begin filming, or at least to begin focusing on this particular story, and filming ensued very quickly after that.  After the crew had been filming for a bit, Steve went to Funspot in June, 2005 and by then the Billy vs. Steve storyline was already decided.  Steve's videotaped submissions had gone until November, 2004 before being rejected -- nearly 6 months after being submitted on possibly TG's highest priority game at that time.  Just to demonstrate how the phrase "moving at a snail's pace" was greatly OVERestimating how fast TG was able to do ANYthing at that time.  So, to say that in the midst of this it was somehow Tim's responsibility to jump into the fray and become "active" in the "competition" is just borderline ludicrous.  There's really almost nothing he could have done. 

Dean, I made no attempt at being unfair at all. I had assumed that since Tim had already a verified score that it would be that much easier to get through the process again. Besides, up until May, 2004 Tim had the official TG world record, why wouldn't they accept another score from him. I don't mean to be unfair at all. And it is possible that I am misunderstanding the timeline to some extent and what was going on with TG at the time. There could be other factors of which I am not aware. I appreciate you sharing and correcting me on this point. In my post, I did craft this in the form of a question, with which I was hoping to gather clarification. I never for a moment thought that there was no opportunity for a person to drop a quarter in their machine and get a new score and have the tape copied, and one sent to TG, and to have this not be verified. Though it sounds like you know some things that I don't.

I actually appreciate your post here Dean. I have been trying to calm things down so that we can actually discuss these issues. But for awhile I began to feel that the forum was starting to fill up with these kinds of things and that it was not good. I originally proposed a course of action to help steer the forum back on course, and have us discuss what was going on, but that was not seen as favorable by all. Trying to keep the peace and keep the forum free from venomous posts and vindictive name calling and insults is rather challenging. Just be warned that any negativity that you have sensed here has had an obvious source.

I hope that Tim and everyone takes your advice Dean, I really do. I am on board! :D

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Re: CHRISP's KOK defense torn to shreads.
« Reply #20 on: October 16, 2013, 05:32:51 am »

I'm starting to feel like a broken record at this point, but EVERYONE on this forum seriously needs to RELAX!  STOP BICKERING!  You are RUINING a good thing, and that is no joke.

Dean, I know you don't post here often, and not really sure how often you read the past posts beyond this one, but I encourage you to go thru the countless number of posts/responses from Tim (most hidden inside others' quote boxes). I feel that logic and facts are pointless now. Even if you just listen and sympathize/empathize that appears to still get yourself an attack response. I am not an advocate of the term clique, club, ganging up,etc... this forum is what it always was. A place to discuss DK. Lately we have seen the forum flooded with attacks and arguing, and all I see is regular members  trying to come to a conclusion to have things return to normal.

BTW, on a side note, you may want to update your signature, 1.2M is quite an accomplishement :)
« Last Edit: October 16, 2013, 06:13:02 am by LMDAVE »
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Re: CHRISP's KOK defense torn to shreads.
« Reply #21 on: October 16, 2013, 05:55:47 am »
Dean, in case you're not aware, the post you are replying to here is actually a chopped-up response to the original here:

You should check out that discussion, and my post (and follow-up posts) in their original form and context.

I have been civil with Tim throughout, and Tim has been civil with me. In fact, he is clearly having fun with it. I (speaking for myself at least) am not trying to chase him off.

Onto your points:

We've discussed Kuh's "third player" line in that thread.

Kuh was, according to the producers in the audio commentary, talking about  himself. Robbie Lakeman corroborates, from his own personal communication with Brian, that this may be the case, since Brian claims to have killscreened in 2000.

The exact quote from the commentary during that scene is: "Brian Kuh claims that he has gotten to the kill screen on his own... which is why he said 'third' there."

That doesn't mean it's true, but it is a possibility, with plausible grounds. Nobody will ever know for sure except Brian.

When Kuh, and others, refer to Billy as "the champion", yes, they may have been referring to the brief 2004 933K de-facto reclamation.

But for your assertion that Shildt and Bond were referring to the '04/'05 record tussling, as opposed to Steve's original 2003 victory over Billy's 1982 score, I disagree. Look at their wording carefully. It just doesn't support that interpretation.

Roy: "That was the last world record that Bill ever had. That was the last one to go. He had five world records in 1985, he had the Donkey Kong, and then Steve Wiebe took it away."

Roy is, first of all, speaking in a way that suggests a longer length of time, an era that came to an end, not to some back-and-forth that was happening over the course of two years.

Second, Wiebe beat Billy's Junior record before he beat the DK record, which was Sczerby's when Wiebe first beat it. So *Junior* was actually the last one to go, because DK had already been lost to Sczerby.

If Roy was cognizant of the fact that Billy had already lost the DK record to Sczerby, why would he refer to DK as "the last one to go?" Or a very recently reclaimed record as "the last one to go?"

Greg: "Steve deserves a lot of credit for that because he also... He also broke the record on Donkey Kong Jr. So he--he took two--he took two of Billy's titles, like, right away from him. And l don't mean to sound, you know, crude or anything. But he did. He did. Officially, he did."

Again, Greg really sounds like he is speaking longer-term; about the reign that (he thinks) went from 1982 to 2003. Not about this 2004 stuff, where Billy held the record for literally less than a month before more Wiebe submissions came in.

If King of Con actually contains genuine additional *sourced* details about these quotes, and isn't just Dwayne ranting and speculating, please let me know.

Is it really that hard to believe that these two, and many others, weren't necessarily up to speed on everything? That they might have missed, or simply forgotten, that Sczerby, a total stranger to them, had broken the DK record before the much more up-close-and-personal Steve/Billy situation came along?

Again, DK did not have some elevated stance in the gaming world until the 2003-2005 hullabaloo (and of course the movie) brought it into everyone's field of vision.

Your assertion that Sczerby was indeed being talked up by the gamers is no less speculative than my assertion that he was not.

Tim's name was "probably mentioned on camera, probably a lot"? How can you possibly "pretty much guarantee" that?

In one of the follow-up posts from the thread I linked above, I attached Mruczek's detailed report on Steve's original 2003 submission, the one that beat Tim. *The report does not even mention Tim's name*, yet it mentions Billy's several times, and conveys a strong sense that Billy is and was the real top dog in the game. Even Steve is quoted saying that he suspects Billy of having a secret 950K-range score.

Anyway, to get into the drama/"clique" subject, your talk about "ganging up" is unfair and underinformed (not to mention, I have to say, more than a little condescendingly paternalistic in tone), and comes from someone who spends less time on this forum than the people who are on both ends of the "ganging up."

It's hypocritical of you to come into the shoutbox tonight, sanctimoniously complain about the drama, then jump into this thread and make an agitating post that is, in tone and content, completely interchangeable with the rest of the "drama" posts.

As Dave just said, you might actually want to read a little more of Tim's abusive, repetitive, completely non-productive ranting, and how many attempts were made to be sympathetic prior to where things are now, before concluding that the forum is somehow "ganging up on him." He ganged up on us first.

If you were more active here and more aware of the texture of various relationships, you might have a better understanding of why this has been happening to certain posters.

In every case, with the possible exception of Brian Allen, the "victims" have been antagonistic and disruptive, in one case (George Leutz) willfully, aggressively, and gleefully so. (The strange thing, in George's case, is that nobody even resisted him. He just suddenly decided, of his own accord, that he was done.)

Personally, I am mystified by how tolerated he was. In fact, you even said yourself some days ago that his "middle finger to Phil" stunt with Richie actually deserved more of a backlash than it got.

So you tell us, is the "clique" being too zealous, or not zealous enough?

I don't understand your position on troublemakers, and nobody has been "chased off" who wasn't one. Are we supposed to roll over and allow inveterate, unrepentant ranters, liars, braggarts, and trolls to run amok, for "fear" that they won't stick around?

To put this in terms of a situation that you are more familiar with, would you say that Jon Petric is being "ganged up on" at CAG, or has he made that bed himself? And would you ever even suggest that you haven't been one of the most active (and in fact one of the more hostile) parties in that particular drama?

You ended your post by exhorting everybody to "relax." This is very ironic, in that you are frequently one of the least "relaxed", and most insistent, in an argument, and the post itself was rather hostile.
« Last Edit: October 16, 2013, 06:18:14 am by ChrisP »

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Re: CHRISP's KOK defense torn to shreads.
« Reply #22 on: October 16, 2013, 06:46:46 am »
Dude, I just realized how this needs to end: We need to get Mruczek on DKF!!! :D
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Re: CHRISP's KOK defense torn to shreads.
« Reply #23 on: October 16, 2013, 07:46:34 am »
You know how it can easily end, ignore it.  I've read about 5 sentences from this whole thread...enough to realize I don't want to read anymore.

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Re: CHRISP's KOK defense torn to shreads.
« Reply #24 on: October 16, 2013, 09:46:22 am »
So you tell us, is the "clique" being too zealous, or not zealous enough?

I already have told you, but I will tell you again.  The most active members of this forum are being TOO zealous.  Although it's likely unintentional, to the person that it's happening too, they ARE being ganged up upon.  The reason for my post is that I've tried 3 or 4 different times now over the last couple of months to point this out to the active members here and the situation is rapidly getting worse instead of better, which is frustrating.  I KNOW where that leads.  All you have to do is open up a browser and pull up the ghost town that is cagdc to see what happens when the members constantly bicker about bullshit and the moderators overcompensate by holding their own site hostage with overcensoring and denial of access.  I would hate to have to quote my own words here 6 months from now with a big "I told you so".  That would be tragic.

To put this in terms of a situation that you are more familiar with, would you say that Jon Petric is being "ganged up on" at CAG, or has he made that bed himself? And would you ever even suggest that you haven't been one of the most active (and in fact one of the more hostile) parties in that particular drama?

This is a terrible comparison.  First of all, John is not being ganged up on.  Pretty much the only person who was coming after him in that thread was me.  And I encourage you to read THAT whole thread, from the beginning, noting the timeframes involved.  For a period of YEARS (and NOT days or weeks), John was completely over the top in attacking me specifically.  I tend to let a few small borderline things go when I see this happening, but when I am outright attacked and wrongfully so in a forum, I will ALWAYS respond with a DISproportionate response.  If someone puts a knife to my throat, I will respond with a nuclear bomb.  I absolutely will not stand for being personally attacked.  So, that is another situation entirely and has no bearing here.

As for the quotes by various players in the movie and what they "meant" at the time ... fine, you might be right ... and you also might be wrong ...

If you were more active here and more aware of the texture of various relationships, you might have a better understanding of why this has been happening to certain posters.

Once again, this is completely inaccurate and totally off base.  I am actually extremely active in this community, probably to a fault.  I have spent WAY more time than I should reading posts in these forums -- I have likely read a VAST majority of everything that has ever been posted here.  I just don't post as often as other people because I tend to avoid posting in these sorts of threads (although obviously I am posting in this one now).  I also avoid posting mindless "LOL" sorts of posts and would rather create posts that are actually about the game that this forum is about, or about an event or someone's stream or something actually RELAVENT to why we have this forum in the first place.  If you are just looking at my post count and assuming that I am not an active member, that is pretty weak.

Keep in mind I'm not trying to single you out specifically Chris.  I think you're a great guy and an extremely valuable contributer to the community.  I just happened to pull some quotes that came from you as examples to demonstrate my point that there's an overall problem here.  I don't intend to become the enemy around here but I WILL point out when something is wrong regardless of who is on what side or which friends' feathers I happen to ruffle in the process.

If you honestly think that I'm now contributing to the problem because I am now posting in this thread, then *facepalm* I guess the point has been missed.  Again.
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Re: CHRISP's KOK defense torn to shreads.
« Reply #25 on: October 16, 2013, 10:49:32 am »
Pardon my French but I think a lot of people are getting fed up of this bullshit.


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Re: CHRISP's KOK defense torn to shreads.
« Reply #26 on: October 16, 2013, 11:07:41 am »
Dean, here is that link you requested: I have also thought a lot of the players comments fit along with the "933K in 2004" context. Of course, I could be wrong but that would help clear up why they would speak the way they did. I will say this in another place in response to Tim, but I think that the KOK would have been just as fun even if all of it was styled concerning the 933K game leading to the back and forth. It may not have had the same force but it sill would have been interesting.

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Re: CHRISP's KOK defense torn to shreads.
« Reply #27 on: October 16, 2013, 11:27:39 am »
I always wondered why Billy took 4 years to take the record back from Tim.

I look at the whole thing like a long race that Billy was always winning, and along came Tim and passed Billy up, but only took the lead by a small amount, so Billy brushed it off like "I can take that back in a second, no threat here" then out of no where sprinting by is this Wiebe guy who darts pass them, and Billy turns on the jets to catch back up, and voila! KoK has a story on it's hands. At no time was it a concern about who was ahead when Wiebe darted passed, they were practically side-by-side.
« Last Edit: October 16, 2013, 11:30:14 am by LMDAVE »
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Re: CHRISP's KOK defense torn to shreads.
« Reply #28 on: October 16, 2013, 01:08:55 pm »
In all fairness, the community is not ganging up on anyone.  We welcomed Tim to the community and encouraged him to be a part of the community.  Then the first thing he posts is about how people who are just going for a kill screen are posers.  That accounts for a good portion of the community.  He has been negative from the beginning and people are just tired of it.  If he is seen as being ganged up on then it is his fault for attacking and insulting the community in the first place.