Finding any cab let alone a DK is super hard here in Australia. The only realistic chance of getting a cab is to either have one shipped over from the states ($$$) or to try and find a seller who is no longer enjoying their cab and is looking to sell, but because they are so hard to come by most people hold onto them forever. If you were to have a look on ebay (US) for lets say a centipede cab you would find at least a few in decent condition or at least in working order, now try on ebay australia...nothing the best that would come up (and is the most frequent) are rip-off MAME cabs or cocktail machines with multi-boards. There is also a lot of Street fighter machines in australia aswell, its a decent game but not the same as a classic 80's game.
As far as cab designs go, because of the shipping most Australian cabs are lowboy LAI cabs because back in the day arcade owners were to stingy to purchase the full cab (because of $$$) and so they just had the board shipped over and chucked the games into a default LAI cab, so it makes it even harder to find and original in Australia. Again you may find an original PCB in a lowboy but it has none of the artwork and barely ever has the original marquee.
And as much as I'd love an original PCB, this is why I'm hesitant about buying one - the stringent rules mean that if I could get my hands on one, then the scores would not be TG recognized due to unoriginal parts. I had a quick look on eBay yesterday and saw a board going for just over US $100 but registered international shipping was in excess of $60. Factor in dollar conversion, and you are getting towards the price of a complete machine (not DK obviously).
I think a guy who moved from the States to work in Nth Qld last year was selling some of his machines, I think a DK was among the games but he wanted top dollar (A$800-$1000+) from memory, but his machine was in very good shape. If I had the money I would have grabbed it.
I don't know too much about how business runs/gets taxed in the USA, but here in Australia the government gets their grubby little hands into your pocket anyway they can, and rent on retail premises in capital cities is extremely expensive - so unfortunately I doubt we may never see a real "retro" arcade again the likes of The 1UP or FunSpot