Instead of spending hundreds of dollars and hours learning the game, now an expert player can explain to someone nearly all they'll need to know to get a KS in under 30 minutes!
Mitch, this is bullshit and you know it. You can be told exactly what and how to do, yet it still has to sink in and you still have to apply this to your game. How many players have been told to watch donkey kong and still get 1/16? How many players are told REPEATEDLY not to get on middle platform on pies with more than 1 fireball on each side, due to the possibility of being trapped, how many players and the list goes on and on and on... It does not work this way.
Being told the right way, and learning how to actively apply it to your game and the correct RNG situations is much much different.
Shane, I think you're misunderstanding what parts of 'getting' a DK KS I am saying is easier. In my mind, there are 2 parts to 'getting' a DK KS, one part is composed of 2 smaller parts. I implied this (pretty strongly) by my use of italics in the sentences preceding the one you quoted:
Essentially, the act of already having the necessary skills and executing a KS is the exact same as it was for people BITD, however, the process of acquiring that skill set is much, much easier and simpler now. Instead of spending hundreds of dollars and hours learning the game, now an expert player can explain to someone nearly all they'll need to know to get a KS in under 30 minutes!
The 2 main parts of getting a DK KS are as follows:
1) Acquiring the skills:
a) This includes
knowledge -which is the aspect of the whole process that I am saying is
significantly easier than BITD.
b) And this includes
practicing to apply that knowledge consistently -this I also think is much easier than back in the day, since now 1a) you don't have to cough up money like some people did, or 1b) you don't have to have your own machine, like some people did before MAME was around and arcades basically had ceased to exist, 2) People can have the added accountability of streaming their game or submitting inps where the best current players can analyze the game and give you constant and immediate feedback (the very existence of the internet works wonders to this end).
2) Playing the actual individual game that results in the KS (this is after already having acquired the necessary skills) -this I am saying is basically the same as BITD, since, in general, the good/bad luck in DK will tend towards the same average across various machines/MAME roms.
So, with what I was trying to explain now having been made (hopefully) even clearer and more explicit, I'm gonna have to stand my ground and still say that in terms of
acquiring the skills necessary for a KS, getting a DK KS is basically easier than it has ever been.