Hey all, I just got a Braze HSS kit - no remix, deranged or any of that other stuff - just the simple HSS w/ free play and attract mode sound. It seemed to be running slightly faster than I'm used to, and with a bit more difficulty. Now, this kit is running the rom code off the daughterboard, from my understanding. And, it seemed to be running slightly faster, and with a bit more gameplay difficulty.
So, I pulled an excerpt of captured L5-1 start, and compared this to L5-1 start from 2 days ago, before putting this kit it, when my board was running a remix kit (which is supposed to be running from original roms). Now, I don't believe the difference that I felt and then documented via video excerpts is due to the kits in any way. I am speculating that it has more to do with the TKG4-** version of the code.
I would love to hear from the experts and other enthusiasts who have ever done any comparative gameplay between the board sets. Below is what we know, and some additional "what I believe"
What we knowTKG2 and TKG-3-6 (prior to patching) - original code with ladder cheat
TKG-3-7 (and any patched earlier sets) - "speed up" patch. We know it removed the ladder cheat. We joke that it sped up the transition of quarters from players' pockets to ops' coffers.
TKG4-11 - first 2-board revision, jumpman has "flat" running and climbing sounds
TKG4-12 thru -14 - "flat" running and climbing sounds are corrected, and again "warble" like they did on TKG-2/3 sets
What I knowComparing L5-1 of TKG4-11 to L5-1 of Braze HSS kit, from jumpman's appearance on the screen to ascending the first short ladder and the first frame of standing on girder 2, the Braze HSS kit is 6 frames faster.
-I will provide video, but now want to put more samples together from other levels, to make a video that is more than 6 seconds.
What I believeThe "speed up" patch did not only fix the ladder cheat, but also provided a slight speed increase. I notice it when going from my blue cab (TKG4-11 native code) to my red cab (unpatched TKG3-6). The unpatched TKG3-6 is a hair slower.
Subsequent releases of the TKG4 code introduced additional gameplay modifications. Other things I noticed, playing the Braze HSS kit:
-L3 wild barrels are actually hard. I never knew what the hoopla was all about. I hardly ever experience any anomalous wild barrels on TKG4-11 L3-1
-Riviot levels are more difficult. Firefoxes spawn on the left side, from the start, more frequently. The firefoxes are noticeably more aggressive/less friendly (there is a distinction).
So, again, I would love to hear from the rest of you, who would be able to detect these very minor differential nuances. Or, tell me I'm crazy...it's okay, I can take it.