Hey Jeremy,
You ok to just confirm this INP is good before I push harder with this newer version of MAME?
I've got some nice cmd shortcuts created now that start in the WolfMAME location, and auto add the commands so nice and easy to double click for record and playback. Could be nice for new guys to this. I've attached below, just needs the 'start in' location tweaking for wherever WolfMAME is stored.
This all looks good. Just need to tweak the batch file to show the correct WolfMAME version, and your preferred date/time format and timezone.
My skills don't allow me to do that
Here's what I've got in there. I figured the version number out, but not sure how to set to GMT UK:
@echo off
REM Get system time
for /f "tokens=1-4 delims=/ " %%a in ('date /t') do (set mydate=%%d%%b%%c)
for /f "tokens=1-4 delims=/:/./ " %%a in ("%time: =0%") do (set mytime=%%a%%b%%c%%d)
REM This assumes WolfMAME version 0.162 or newer, when MESS and MAME were merged. Replace "mamearcade" with "mame" if necessary
REM This disables NVRAM, runs in a window, disables bilinear filter, runs with no auto-frameskip at frameskip 0, and disables cheats
REM %2 - %9 are for any other options you want to use from the command line when running WolfMAME, for example: record milliped -mouse
mame64 %1 -rec %1.inp -nvram_directory NUL -w -noafs -fs 0 -noc %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
REM Zip the INP
REM Archive will be named based on romset short name, WolfMAME version, and the system time at the start of recording
REM 7-Zip executable must be present in WolfMAME root folder
REM This assumes default INP locations in inp folder
REM () is a placeholder for score
REM WolfMAME version ("wolfXXX") will need to be updated if used for different versions
7z a inp/%1_()_wolf216_%mydate%T%mytime%JST.zip .\inp/%1.inp*