Hi all, just wanted to post my score even though it's obviously not an official score, it is my personal best. I'm on my quest for the kill screen and will play on retrouprising.com or wolfmame from now on to make my next score official.
I got 591,800 and was flying with my last jumpman. Sadly, I was playing using OpenEmu on my MacBook and the emulation has been known to freeze on rare occasions. And this was one of those occasions, so what you see in the photo is a frozen game with no way I could find to un-freeze, (defrost?), it! Especially upsetting as that nearby firefox was on its way up the ladder, so I pretty much had these rivets sewn up.
Feel like I've finally made an improvement though. I was stuck at 421k for over a year and have now beaten that twice in the last week or so. The kill screens coming...