Chris Psaros
986,600'm now in the "almost" club with Estel and Dan Dock.
): Hoping you do stats, because I want to see just how bad those springs were. Had 1M pace locked in all the way until the beginning of I think level 18, then started slipping, then total freakout choke near the end, lo. I was not expecting this game, and was not psychologically prepared for it. If I'd just cashed in my spare guy on 21-5, rather than blowing the guy by suddenly deciding to try to group on 20-1 when it was way too late to make that decision, I would have gotten 1M. Once I'd made that terrible mistake, and got to L21 knowing that I'd need a 61K level to get 1M (61K still too rich for my blood at this juncture), the goal shifted to just beating 960K to ensure 5th place for the tournament and I gave up on double-hammering to avoid any possible bottom fireball fkstickery.
First death was the worst death of all time (thanks a lot for showing up and putting me off, Allen.)
Oh well, this means I get to keep playing DK. Yay(?)