I fully understand you're all skeptical. I would be too! In the end, anybody can think and say what they want, it will just be even more satisfying to finally jump that final hurdle for you all to witness and finally possess, in all rights, the WR.
I'm not doing this for recognition or glory, it's just something that I know I can do, it's personal. Being #1 out of 8 billion proves to me that I know myself and that I set my sights very high and worked to obtain the record.
It makes me special
lol, seriously, the 1-1 record is kinda geeky and nothing compared to a 1.2mil score but I don't mind. I just know it's mine. I hit 14k once and no one was around to see it and I wasn't recording. If all goes well, I'll beat 14k this time and have the INP file to prove it
Besides, if you guys didn't uphold strict rules, someone else could claim 15k with a hacked video and all would be lost.