So George, do you feel a bit silly now for defending the inclusion of mame players that haven't put up a big arcade score?
"You just cannot not allow MAME players to participate if they are in top 12. Period."
You know I love you, but I still disagree with you, Vincent.
So no one got inspired by my John Belushi Animal House inspirational pep talk last night? Oh well. When you get to the Kong Off 3, you'll see what I was talking about.
And yes, I feel that mame is like running on a treadmill. It isn't just about the rom and the score. There is no substitute for the real thing. Chris p likes to make it seem like aesthetics and emotional considerations are somehow lesser than logic and reason, but that's just foolish. Putting up a score on an arcade cabinet shows you have gone beyond, made an effort and that you really really want it.
You can play guitar all day in your bedroom, but when you get serious you have to go outside your comfort zone, find a band, book gigs, and carry your big heavy guitar amp and a set of drums. You can play mame all day in your rec room, but when you get serious you have to get out of your comfort zone, find an arcade and or buy a cabinet.
Let's keep this discussion going. now that you've got me started, I can go for days like this, like a marathon. I think if we're going to all be honest about it, the arcade argument will win the debate over mame every time. I still haven't seen anyone answer why it is that top mame players always put up an arcade score to show they are the real deal, but arcade players don't feel the need to play mame. Why do you think that is, if it isn't for the reasons I've been saying?
I think what happened is arcade only side of the argument felt bad and didn't want feelings to get hurt, so we were holding back. But it just got so silly that now the cold hard truth must be said.