Author Topic: Cheating allowed?  (Read 5197 times)

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Cheating allowed?
« on: January 16, 2024, 02:46:26 pm »
In many competitive fields, when someone has cheated they get merely a slap on the wrist. Many sports figures come to mind. Which begs the question, if handled differently, would  <Billy> have been able to still compete for places on some leaderboards? I am not suggesting so, but wonder what you guys think would have happened if he had handled it in a different way, one that was much better received. I probably sound like a newb, but what are the standards on cheating? I know TG had a permaban policy, but did other lists and associations, like Guinness, have a different policy? From my understanding, Guinness is of the persuasion that all of his scores have been legit, but if someone were to cheat at a WR in any category in relation to Guinness, would they except future achievements, or do they have a permaban too? I suppose events like KO have allowed him in, do other events? I'm just wondering in retrospect, what's the best  <Billy> could have handled the situation. What would you guys do if you were in the same boat?
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Re: Cheating allowed?
« Reply #1 on: January 16, 2024, 09:12:04 pm »
imho the best way forward for any cheater is show true remorse for their actions and honestly reform their behavior. Then, maybe, they can begin to rehabilitate their standing in their particular competitive community. Would that work for every cheater and be acceptable to everyone? No, but it's a start.
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Re: Cheating allowed?
« Reply #2 on: January 19, 2024, 12:34:04 pm »
"Yeah, sorry guys, you got me. Pretty ironic that I'm the guy who called out Sanders, huh? I'm sorry, and I'll be better in the future. All these tapes are fake."

If that were his initial statement the community and world at large would have forgiven him almost immediately.
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Offline Matt

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Re: Cheating allowed?
« Reply #3 on: January 19, 2024, 12:44:05 pm »
"Yeah, sorry guys, you got me. Pretty ironic that I'm the guy who called out Sanders, huh? I'm sorry, and I'll be better in the future. All these tapes are fake."

If that were his initial statement the community and world at large would have forgiven him almost immediately.

Yeah, at the very least "weasel" your way around it. Don't double down and go on the personal attack of others.

Y'know, you can beat around the bush, and not hurt people.

I am not saying there's anything honest or good about doing it that way, and I would not do that myself, but at least you could keep things cordial with folks.

Being "unkind", to be very mildly worded, doesn't have to connect with defending yourself. Like the corny pop song Why You Gotta Be so Rude?

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Re: Cheating allowed?
« Reply #4 on: January 21, 2024, 08:15:27 pm »
sadly Mr. Mitchell will forever have his very name tarnished in the DK community...heck every classic gaming community. the damage is done. Do I think he's good at these games? sure iv seen him in person play the heck out of some Pacman (from a distance). Do I also believe he flew to close to the sun on what he could get away with behind the scenes? absolutely. No matter what he's done before the case at hand. The only thing everyone will remember him for now is the day he got caught. stay honest folks. everyone finds out eventually.
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