Author Topic: Robbie's 1.272  (Read 74113 times)

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Offline francoisadt

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Re: Robbie's 1.272
« Reply #165 on: June 23, 2021, 01:34:50 am »
It could also be viewed as an attempt to intentionally provoke some thought and teasing those finding this on the borderline of "did he cheat" or "intent to cheat" or "display bad sportsmanship" ect.... the list can go on...

Are these valid grounds not to accept a score? Debatable..

Could these type of "teasing" be have a negative impact on a forum's public view?

Can one compare this to having a "sport team" and one of the members continually boast he/she will murder someone and also tweet things that to murder someone is OK.
So this mean an analogy on this will obviously have an negative impact on the TYPE of players a sport club/team will employ.

Given the above: Will accepting Robbie score have a negative impact on the public facing value of the DK Forum accepting score of people that intend to cheat or show the inclination to cheat or even joke about it, whereas cheating is a very serious offense in scoreboard keeping.

Your thoughts?

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Re: Robbie's 1.272
« Reply #166 on: June 23, 2021, 06:04:32 pm »
Just wondering if anyone has thought to test the voltage on the DK machine at Funspot.  Rumor has it the game plays harder than most.  Maybe the voltage is running a bit high <Pigger>
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Re: Robbie's 1.272
« Reply #167 on: June 24, 2021, 03:42:30 am »
If a sports player not only threatened to murder someone, but did actually murder someone, that player?s past achievements and legitimate achievements in his sport would not be stripped from record. They would likely be barred from play in any sort of major league, but since DKF can?t exactly stop anyone from getting their hands on their own personal copy of a Donkey Kong ROM, anyone, regardless if they are a murderer or a rapist or what have you, can compete in Donkey Kong. If Adolf Hitler came out of hiding and put up a DK world record, I would expect it to be accepted. Any legitimately achieved record, regardless of who achieved it, should be registered and ranked on the leaderboard. If it isn?t, the leaderboard isn?t a real leaderboard.

DKF?s leaderboard, as of now, isn?t a real leaderboard. Until Robbie Lakeman?s score that Jeremy admits was legitimately achieved is ranked, the DKF leaderboard will continue to be a joke and a circle-jerk.
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Offline francoisadt

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Re: Robbie's 1.272
« Reply #168 on: June 24, 2021, 06:33:33 am »
If a sports player not only threatened to murder someone, but did actually murder someone, that player?s past achievements and legitimate achievements in his sport would not be stripped from record. They would likely be barred from play in any sort of major league, but since DKF can?t exactly stop anyone from getting their hands on their own personal copy of a Donkey Kong ROM, anyone, regardless if they are a murderer or a rapist or what have you, can compete in Donkey Kong. If Adolf Hitler came out of hiding and put up a DK world record, I would expect it to be accepted. Any legitimately achieved record, regardless of who achieved it, should be registered and ranked on the leaderboard. If it isn?t, the leaderboard isn?t a real leaderboard.

DKF?s leaderboard, as of now, isn?t a real leaderboard. Until Robbie Lakeman?s score that Jeremy admits was legitimately achieved is ranked, the DKF leaderboard will continue to be a joke and a circle-jerk.

It all depends... I know for a fact that , a club had people with bad behavior, which impacted the clubs reputation, therefore the player was banned from using the club.

In another case a player's photos was removed from the walls inside the club.

What I am asking here is about "reputational risk" for doing business... Getting sponsors (i.e. Money) depends what view(s) are portrayed.

No one wants to invest in a club where there is low return...

So back to scoreboard: If one do accept scores from anyone that have negative impact on a companies reputation, is that a risk, will that have a negative impact on the credibility of the leaderboard?

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Re: Robbie's 1.272
« Reply #169 on: June 25, 2021, 03:58:28 pm »
Pretty clear he was attempting to manipulate hardware to gain an advantage over others. He even said he was cheating in one of his facebook posts when trying this tactic. I agree with Jeremy that it's pretty clear violation of the of the list submission rule "Any score may be rejected if a player uses a technique or method not mentioned here, if it violates the spirit of the game and the spirit of fair play."

In a case of fraud (cheating or unfair play would be classed as fraudulent) you need to show intent, otherwise it's just "carelessness" or "accidental" and classed as non-compliance, less heinous and more forgivable. Well he has clearly shown his intent to gain unfair advantage, I mean he he wrote it in a facebook post. That's practically a written confession.

Logically this score isn't valid as it violates a rule of submission.

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Re: Robbie's 1.272
« Reply #170 on: June 26, 2021, 07:21:13 am »
Is it searching for an unfair advantage if he "believes" the record score to have been done the same way? Not defending anything but it either makes a difference or it doesn't. This is all arithmetic. If it's a good score it's a good score. There's no "spirit" in math. Some people just need to test it out. It's not like half of this community doesnt believe in conspiracy theories and make believe shit. Dont really see what the big deal is.
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Re: Robbie's 1.272
« Reply #171 on: June 26, 2021, 09:40:50 am »
Is it a right? or a privilege? To have your score on the DKF list just wondering?
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Offline elbee85

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Re: Robbie's 1.272
« Reply #172 on: June 26, 2021, 03:41:58 pm »
Is it searching for an unfair advantage if he "believes" the record score to have been done the same way? Not defending anything but it either makes a difference or it doesn't. This is all arithmetic. If it's a good score it's a good score. There's no "spirit" in math. Some people just need to test it out. It's not like half of this community doesnt believe in conspiracy theories and make believe shit. Dont really see what the big deal is.

If he was searching for the advantage and researching the effects of the change of voltage then why did he submit the score? Seems like a "win at any cost" mentality. I disagree that this is all just arithmetic. As soon as you have a leader board there is competitive sport at play and thus some form of rule system needs adhering to including that of fair play, especially for the top spot. Also, speculating what Robbie might believe or what his intentions are is aimless and superfluous. Only he can clarify and elaborate on these, and currently he hasn't posted further to do so.

These are just my thoughts anyway. And with anything competitive, when something polarizing like this occurs rules can and should be looked over and amended if need be. I think we are at that point now.

Is it a right? or a privilege? To have your score on the DKF list just wondering?

Depends on how one sees the forum, another mans trash is another mans treasure.

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Re: Robbie's 1.272
« Reply #173 on: June 28, 2021, 10:56:53 pm »
I looked at the video, it had sound, was complete, had no cuts or edits, boardset stack appeared factory unmodified or tampered with in any way, dips were correct and the board set had normal voltage after the typical drop through connectors and harness. If Robbie truly had been researching with putting hair driers for heat on the pcb and very low voltage until glitches occur etc all that stuff he told us about; I didnt see any of those things here, not a hair drier to be found. He apparently gave that up and just grinded out a score like he has done for years, everything looked good in this submission to me.
Congrats Robbie, insane score man; I understand you were testing if other players were cheating and thought you were onto something, which is an admirable mission, but im glad to see a stock DK here again. Vote is a yes from me.
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Re: Robbie's 1.272
« Reply #174 on: June 29, 2021, 05:02:38 pm »
I looked at the video, it had sound, was complete, had no cuts or edits, boardset stack appeared factory unmodified or tampered with in any way, dips were correct and the board set had normal voltage after the typical drop through connectors and harness. If Robbie truly had been researching with putting hair driers for heat on the pcb and very low voltage until glitches occur etc all that stuff he told us about; I didnt see any of those things here, not a hair drier to be found. He apparently gave that up and just grinded out a score like he has done for years, everything looked good in this submission to me.
Congrats Robbie, insane score man; I understand you were testing if other players were cheating and thought you were onto something, which is an admirable mission, but im glad to see a stock DK here again. Vote is a yes from me.
>Normal voltage

Pick one.
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Re: Robbie's 1.272
« Reply #175 on: June 29, 2021, 06:28:15 pm »
Quote from: Flobeamer1922
>Normal voltage

Pick one.

"TTL gates operate on a nominal power supply voltage of 5 volts, +/- 0.25 volts. ... ?Acceptable? input signal voltages range from 0 volts to 0.8 volts for a ?low? logic state, and 2 volts to 5 volts for a ?high? logic state."

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Offline francoisadt

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Re: Robbie's 1.272
« Reply #176 on: June 30, 2021, 12:07:47 pm »
So if TTL chips operate on 5V +- 0.8 volts difference up or down, then this mean correct output are driven between these variances?
So any lower could mean an input logical flow into a gate could have been not processed to output incorrect output?

Example, if a chip depends upon:
-THREE inputs
-logical flow between these INPUTS
-provide an OUTPUT

if one of the INPUTS fail, then only two inputs are used in the arithmetic of 1,0,1 instead of 1,1,1 in input?

Please explain per example if you can
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Re: Robbie's 1.272
« Reply #177 on: July 06, 2021, 06:45:35 am »

When you find out 2nd place couldn't hake it anymore and foolishly makes the poor decision to suicide his DK career. Whoops!
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