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Re: Dean's DK Blog
« Reply #75 on: September 04, 2013, 12:49:03 pm »
Actually "indefinitely" was the right word, but it is also one of those words in the English language that I always thought sounds worse that what it is. When you hear someone say "He's been suspended indefinitely!", you're like OMG! INDEFINITELY....but, it's definition only means for an undetermined time. Anyway....

When I saw your stream say 1.19M, I thought it was just a joke, but I see what you mean about not having to have that perfect L=3 start to get a game going and having more starts.
« Last Edit: September 04, 2013, 12:51:05 pm by LMDAVE »
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Re: Dean's DK Blog
« Reply #76 on: September 04, 2013, 01:01:59 pm »
It's an interesting strategy question at all levels.  Should you play out more games at a lower start or fewer games with a higher start.  Obviously there's a balance somewhere in between.  If you play out more games at a lower start, you may still get 1.2M as you're more likely to have a game where the L5+ boards are more cooperative than average.  Good luck Dean.  Don't give up!

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Re: Dean's DK Blog
« Reply #77 on: September 04, 2013, 01:48:41 pm »
Haha that's true Dave.  Kinda like, "I could care less."  Most people mean to say "I couldn't care less."

Also I have been watching Phil play Crazy Kong today, and every time he passes a rivet screen it says GIVE UP!! maybe we should all give up.

But Billy's phone says 'never surrender', so we must play on.
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Re: Dean's DK Blog
« Reply #78 on: November 06, 2013, 07:48:36 pm »
It's been a while since I've added anything to my blog here, my bad.  There's actually a bunch of stuff I've meant to post here but never got around to it.

For now, I'm sure most are aware that I will be attending the KO3 later this month and I'm looking forward to it.  It had actually gotten to about a 90% certainty that I would NOT be attending, but just a couple of days ago I got it worked out and my trip is booked.

Once I knew for sure that I would be attending, it was time to dust off my custom control panel (built and donated to me last year by Robert (jammvy)) and hook it up to my computer to play some MAME DK with an extra helping of arcade DK on the side.  It's always a bit of a transition moving from my keyboard to arcade controls and because my trip was booked so late I've been somewhat concerned that I won't have enough time to prepare.

But, so far things are progressing pretty well.  I just finished up my 3rd or 4th session since hooking up the control panel yesterday, and unfortunately my internet crapped out in the middle of my broadcast for unexplained reasons.  I feel like I'm about 80 - 90% of the way towards getting back to my full "arcade control" ability already so that's promising.  My maximum arcade control ability is obviously several notches below my ability to play the game with a keyboard and because of that, I am required to actually make a LOT of significant changes to the way that I approach the game in order to avoid deaths due to "awkwardness" or just the simple fact that you lose a few frames when attempting certain maneuvers because of the mechanical nature of the arcade controls.  Fortunately, I've been through that process several times before now and so I (sort of) know which adjustments to make to vastly increase safety without giving up "too much" in scoring potential.

Contrary to popular belief, I feel pretty strongly that if I'm going to win the event this year that I'm going to have to break the World Record.  In fact, I think it's possible that the record could be broken by multiple players during the event.  I've been working on some strategies to try to play beyond record pace while maintaining maximum safety.  Tonight I had a decent run that ended at 13-2 at 644,400 points, which is a pace that I'm pretty happy with and I'm glad to have played a game like this in my second day back on a control panel.

There is still plenty to tweak and lots of control panel rust to iron out before the event, but hopefully more progress will be coming soon.  I also want to make sure that I'm prepared with some alternate strategies for toning it down in case everyone (including myself) seems to be bombing out, but my gut feeling is that that's not going to happen.  The competition is very strong this year and I anticipate some big scores.
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Re: Dean's DK Blog
« Reply #79 on: November 07, 2013, 06:23:39 am »
I am very glad you are going to the Kong Off.  It wouldn't be the same without you.  I'll definitely enjoy watching you, and the other Kong Off competitors from my home. 8)
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Re: Dean's DK Blog
« Reply #80 on: June 28, 2015, 11:43:50 am »
Some thoughts regarding personal record and "world record" quests:

First, in my opinion there should never be any negativity associated with the same person beating their own score just because it's the top score.  Especially when there is an active competition in place in trying for the top score on a title, but even if there was not (like in most other classic arcade games), every new high score should be fully celebrated.  After all, everyone else gets to try as hard as they like to beat their own PR, so why shouldn't the top scorer be able to do the same if they so desire?  It's mainly all for fun anyway!  So, kudos to Robbie for continuing to play a game that he is still passionate about and sharing his quest with the community.

The other thing that I continue to find very interesting within the community is that people's approach to reaching for a new high score (whether that is a new PR or a new overall high score) seems to fall mainly into two relatively distinct camps:  One philosophy seems to be to always play at 90 - 95% of your current maximum ability in order to give yourself a significantly better opportunity to finish the game and hit a new high score with each and every attempt.  The other philosophy is to always play at 105 - 110% of your current maximum ability (always a little bit "over the edge") with a numbers game in mind so that when the stars align and we are able to maintain our A game, combined with just the right amount of luck, you might on rare occasion make it to the end of the game, but that game has a significantly better opportunity of being a higher scoring game.  Sort of like the difference in mindset between "hitting for average" and "going for the home run" in a manner of speaking.

It is my observation that Robbie seems to prefer the first approach -- making sure to always play within himself by enough that he frequently has games that go deep.  As he has improved, his scores have improved, but always within this style of play.  It has clearly worked, as he has held the top score for quite a while now.  Other great champions who seem to prefer this approach include Hank Chien and Steve Wiebe and some current top contenders also play this way.

The other approach seems to be favored by players such as myself, Billy Mitchell, Ross, Ethan, and Phil, as well as some of the other current top contenders.  The results have been and will continue to be less reliable and more chaotic and sporadic, with potential huge jumps in score on a very occasional basis that may or may not ever come to fruition.  In many cases, the "eyeball" test will show how strong some of these players really are long before their scores catch up to their skill levels.

(Then, of course, there is multiple tournament champion Jeff Willms who seems to be the only top player who has managed to effectively create a play style that threads exactly between these two approaches for one of the most efficient learning curves ever!  But I digress!!)

There is not necessarily a right or wrong approach and it appears that both approaches have been very successful for players who play at a high level.  The choice seems to be partially personality driven and partially strategic, among other factors.  It has been my belief for a long while now that the second approach will eventually win out in the end and the players who prefer the first approach will eventually have to adjust if they want to remain in the high score race.  There is some mathematical basis as to why the first approach may indeed be preferable, which has to do with the fact that a single complete game played with a given style will have some variance in the final score due to a number of different random factors within the game that will directly and indirectly affect the scoring.  So, it seems reasonable that playing in a way that will allow for a large number of complete games will provide for some spread within this variance that should be helpful in the high score race.  But, right now it is still my belief that the really good "home run" style games will surpass any reasonable estimation of such variance and will lead to higher scores.  But, so far Robbie (and others) have proven that wrong!

Enter, the upcoming Kong Off 4.  In an interesting twist regarding the change in format, it appears that the first group of players have been given even more of an advantage than in previous events.  Everyone will still have to adjust to the specific event conditions, but those players who prefer the first approach to their own personal high score chase will likely have a lot less adjusting to do than those who prefer the second approach.  Even players who are seemingly no longer relevant in the high score chase might turn out to be one of the favorites in tournament play under certain formats (Steve Wiebe anyone!?).  It should be interesting to see how that plays out throughout the tournament.
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Re: Dean's DK Blog
« Reply #81 on: August 03, 2015, 09:54:30 pm »
Just recently got back home after a very long travel day.  If I attend the event next year I will have to seriously consider flying instead of driving.

The Kong Off 4 left me feeling a very mixed bag of emotions that is a bit difficult to explain.  Somewhat unexpectedly, I am still super disappointed and bummed out about my tournament performance and result which was surprising to me since I wasn't taking the competition as seriously this year as I had in years past.  I think it's been really getting to me that what I kept fearing would happen to someone in this format ended up happening to me in terms of bombing out really early in a head to head match and I obviously can't help but feel that it was at least 30% my own fault.  Combine that with my near miss on my world record attempt which basically was choked away and it just becomes a very unsatisfying experience.

On the other hand, more than ever before I really enjoyed getting to see and hang out with my friends, talk shop about our hobby, cheer on the other players, witness some of the ridiculous drama unfold and just getting to participate in a terrific event.

The change in venue was an interesting choice and overall I liked the idea.  Being part of a larger event, but not so large that we were unnoticed, provides the potential for really growing this Kong Off series in the future.  It didn't seem to quite play out as Richie may have hoped in terms of the hype and the size of the crowds and so on, but that may have been due to how last minute the announcements were regarding this tournament's location.  But, if it is true that Richie has already secured the same location for next year, a lot more planning and marketing and general hype can occur in advance of the next one and that could make a big difference.  The physical building itself was enormous.  There were hundreds of classic games all over the place, there was a giant area filled with all manner of retro consoles, there were dozens upon dozens of pinball machines and tons of vendors, bouncy houses, food and beer concession stands, and so on.  The highly spacious setup allowed for the machines to be spread quite far apart from each other so that the players were not crowding each other.  If there was a problem where machines had to be worked on or moved around it was quite a bit easier for that to happen than it has been in previous events which were set up in much tighter quarters.  Between each machine was a giant flat screen which broadcast a blown up picture of the player's game in progress.  For the most part, the physical setup for players and live viewers was impressive.  One oversight was a lack of a viewable scoreboard for people walking by, but some tweaks like that can be easily solved for the next one.

In my opinion, the lack of streaming was a serious issue.  I hope that is something that can be worked out with the venue in advance for the next event.  I am of the opinion that live streaming within our community has been instrumental in maintaining and growing interest in this hobby over the past 7 years or so.  I'm sure Richie would agree as he has routinely streamed general activity within his own arcade as well as producing his web based Arcade Culture show.  This year, I personally have had people who I didn't even tell where I was going this weekend tell me that they were frustrated throughout the weekend by the general lack of streaming and the confusion about where to go when there was streaming going on.  I hope that is something that will be more carefully planned for future events since, again, I believe that goes a long way towards keeping our hobby alive and active for the future.

As for my trip, I got a bit tied up here before getting on the road to attend the event so I arrived at the hotel just before 3:00am.  At around 7:30am we were up, getting ready and heading into the city of Pittsburgh to hunt for some breakfast.  We ended up at McDonald's for some greasy food and some coffee, which subsequently caused about a half day of bathroom related stress which does tend to create some extra challenge when trying to play a video game for over 2 hours straight with no pause button.  Based on all of this, I pretty much knew that my best chance for being productive on Day 1 was to make something happen before lunch time.

Fortunately, I got on the board on my first quarter.  Surprisingly, the game started off pretty well and I managed something like a 129,000 start.  From there, I was playing a semi-risky style of my normal bottom hammer strategy, reduced risk in the transition, and minimal grouping up top in order to set up a favorable top hammer.  I was going for the free pass pretty aggressively and I was skipping the 3rd elevator prize.  This yielded a pace of slightly over 1.1 million points for about half the game.  I can't remember the circumstances of my deaths but I remember dying on Level 11 and then again towards the beginning of Level 14, perhaps on the Pie Factory or something.  I really wanted to get on the board early and didn't want to squander this game, and I also already had to use the bathroom.  So, at that point, I made the decision to switch to top hammer only for the rest of the game, which was about 8 Levels of play.  I ended up having one reserve man to cash in at the end which pushed the game up to 1,060,800 points.

It was a huge relief to get this game on the board so early.  I knew that it was not going to hold for a first place score, but I was confident that it would hold for at least 8th place and a spot in the finals.  At that point, my energy level already began dropping and I began pondering whether I was going to really play any more during the high score competition.  The prize money for that portion was not especially significant, and the winner would not be considered the Kong Off 4 champion.  I made a couple of half hearted attempts after this which didn't go very far, but I mostly began watching the other games and chatting with friends.

At some point, I noticed that Dan had just finished a lengthy (and frustrating) game of his own and was about to go on an extended break.  I saw that he had been streaming and asked if I could borrow his setup while he went on break so that I could try for the world record on a stream.  A huge thanks to Dan for basically giving up his stream to me for the rest of the high score contest.  Without the stream, I might not have made any serious record attempts since it would be sort of tragic for it to not be on video if the record were to be broken, but with everything set up, I decided that I was going to spend the rest of the high score contest trying for the record instead of playing any "tournament strategy" games designed to give myself the best probability of finishing in first place.  By this point Wes had already overtaken the lead with a somewhat epic effort on the last level which was amazing to watch and so I was pretty much conceding the high score contest at that point unless of course I broke the record.

On Day 2, I found the stream all set up for me when I arrived -- huge thanks again to Dan for that.  Despite being incredibly sore, particularly in my lower abdomen, enough so that it woke me up several times throughout the night, I still did manage to catch up on sleep (it helped that I slept through the first 2 hours of competition), so my energy level was up.  I managed one really big effort that day which ended I believe on Level 17 with maybe 900,000 points or so.  Whatever it was, because things had started off so well, I actually had a pretty nice cushion beyond the world record pace, but of course I had a pretty horrendous 3rd death on Level 16 which was a total choke, and the game ended shortly afterwards.  This was pretty disappointing since I don't get many opportunities to go for the arcade record and I knew that I was pretty close on that effort, but oh well.

After this, I decided that I was done for the day, I got a beer at the concession stand and came back to witness some serious last quarter drama.  I actually feel bad for Steve personally since I feel like I was the one that sort of convinced Ethan to drop another quarter with less than 5 minutes remaining in the contest.  Vincent also started a game at around the same moment.  It was tough to watch since Steve, Ethan and Vincent are all good friends of mine and there was only room in the finals for two of them.  Incredibly, both Ethan AND Vincent managed to top Steve's 1,005,900 point game, putting him outside the cut.  I talked to Steve quite a bit throughout the weekend and I feel like probably the only player that felt as disappointed about how things ended up as I did was probably Steve.  But at the same time I was very happy for Ethan and Vincent who both did something pretty special to earn their places in the finals.

On Day 3, I had gotten a mediocre night of sleep and again woke up several times with soreness (I guess I really should have hooked up that custom control panel at home for a couple of weeks -- not so much to get used to the controls since that was a non-issue this time around, but perhaps just to work out these arcade playing muscles in advance of the event!) but by the time I arrived for the compeition I was feeling quite good.  Subway salads and vitamin waters are better on my stomach than McDonald's Sausages and coffee apparently.

Just before my first match with Mike began, I noticed that my arcade cabinet was very wobbly.  I called Richie over and he began trying to jam various objects under the cabinet in an attempt to stabalize it.  I had brought a change of clothes with me in a backpack and he opened it up, pulled out my pair of jeans (I played in athletic warm up pants) and stuck a pantleg under the back corner of the cab and voila!  It worked!  No more wobble.

The match with Mike was actually a great match.  He played his game very aggressively to the point where I had some trouble maintaining any pace advantage despite my own somewhat aggressive strategy.  I had an early death on the Level 2 rivets in a completely wide open situation purely due to nerves, but the rest of the game went pretty favorably for me and I only had one other close call which would have been my own fault for the next 5 or 6 Levels.  He finally started losing men when we were in the 300,000s and I caught one extremely lucky break with a fireball on my 3rd man and shortly after that the match was over.

My match with Hank was the polar opposite.  I was playing very comfortably in this match, not really feeling the nerves this time and things started off well with a first man start.  I had a screwing on the Level 6 rivets which I was totally ok with and wasn't phased by at all.  Then Hank lost two men over the next couple of Levels.  My game seemed to be filled with a lot of bad situations this time as compared to my game with Mike which was very favorable, but I was surviving them.  Then of course I had the two pie factory deaths for a total of 3 screwings over an unusually short span of screens.  I feel like on my A game I may not have died all 3 of these times so I was perhaps only 70% unlucky, but it was still a nasty development for a head to head match and I was just unable to mentally recover and the game ended shortly afterwards.

My strategy in these two matches was likely unique among the competitors.  I had a strong suspicion that all of the players would not be considering point pressing until Level 5.  I began point pressing the barrel screens on Level 3.  In addition, I made sure to leech the springs on the Level 2 and Level 3 elevators, grabbed the hammer on the Level 3 Pies, and tried to set up Kong leeches on the early rivet boards.  These strategies had duel purposes.  First, I felt like having a slightly higher starting score would help put some pace pressure on my opponents.  In addition, these particular point pressing techiques are also relatively time consuming.  All of the players made a gentlemen's agreement not to deliberately delay at the top of the barrel boards, but we agreed that any legitimate point pressing that happens to use up some time was fair game.  By playing my starts in this manner, I felt like I could generally create a small scoring lead while also generally slipping approximately 1 to 2 screens behind my opponent.  From that position, I could watch to see if they were grabbing bottom hammers on barrels.  While Hank was grabbing bottom hammers I would then grab the bottom hammer on that same screen when I arrived on it 2 minutes later.  When he decided to switch to top hammer, I also switched to top hammer since I knew I was ahead on pace and so it became beneficial to always match his level of risk.  I only wish the match had played out longer to see how that would have gone over the long run.  Even if I lost, I would have liked to make him earn it.  Very disappointing result.

However, one of the enjoyable parts of the event for me was that I had the opportunity to provide some commentary for the last portion of the final match.  This actually helped to get me out of the funk I was in after being eliminated from the tournament so I'm glad that I was invited to do it.  The final match was interesting to me from a strategy perspective and it's too bad it didn't play out just a little longer to see how the last few levels would have been played.  But it was still an exciting finish to witness.  Congratulations of course to Hank on winning the tournament.  Very impressive.

A bunch of us went out to dinner and then for drinks afterwards which was a great time as usual and then before I knew it it was the next morning and I was driving home.  Overall it was an excellent event and I am glad to have participated.  Huge thanks to Richie and everyone who helped him out for coming through and putting this event together.  It's too bad that a few people that had attended previous events were unable to make it this time, it would have been great to catch up with those guys.  But there's always next time!  Thanks to the rest of the competitors this year for continuing to push the envelope and provide ever more fierce competition.  The more we push each other, the more satisfying it is when we accomplish something in this hobby.  I hope everyone continues to stay in touch.

See you all at the Kong Off 5!
Donkey Kong:  1,206,800  Kill Screen
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Re: Dean's DK Blog
« Reply #82 on: August 04, 2015, 05:52:52 am »
Nice writeup Dean.  It's cool to hear your plan of attack for 1-on-1 pairings in the new format.  I was trying to get everyone's thoughts on the new bracket format for this year and I don't think anyone said it was a bad thing.  It even gives less talented players like myself a chance at the prize, if we can push into the top 8.

Was nice seeing you and everyone. Congrats to the top 8 and to Hank for taking away the belt.
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Re: Dean's DK Blog
« Reply #83 on: August 04, 2015, 06:07:44 am »

Dean's game at wr pace from Saturday night

unreal performance, very entertaining to Watch
the barrel point pressing is ridiculous
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Re: Dean's DK Blog
« Reply #84 on: August 04, 2015, 06:52:13 am »
Loved the write-up Dean thanks for that! Its great to see in-depth breakdowns for those of us not fortunate enough to attend the event.

I'm convinced the arcade record will be yours someday. Just a matter of when

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Re: Dean's DK Blog
« Reply #85 on: August 04, 2015, 07:15:58 am »
Great write-up Dean, and I agree, if you had full access to an arcade machine I think the record would be yours pretty soon.

I hated missing KO4, and the one that I missed had the least amount of streaming coverage than KO1-3. I was on the road during the bracket tournament, and was getting updates through facebook. It was a little more competitve than I expected, but not sure if I like it as the format for "King of Kong".

I'm still an advocate of highest score, and two days were dedicated to putting up the highest score. Jeff managed to pull that off again. Technically if the format didn't change, that would have been his three-peat. Not to take anything away from Hank, I was glad to see him comeback and get the title back, and how fitting to have the last two record holders go head to head.

Hope to make KO5
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Re: Dean's DK Blog
« Reply #86 on: August 04, 2015, 09:38:21 am »
DK High : 1,059,700 (Lvl 22-1 KS!);
DK KS Speedrun : 1 Hr 16 Min 40 Sec - World Record!
DK Lvl 1 - 1: 12,400
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Re: Dean's DK Blog
« Reply #87 on: August 04, 2015, 10:39:09 am »
Great job this weekend Dean, you really kicked some ass despite lack of sleep.  Even more impressively you had a shot at beating the record by a good amount while in that tired state.  It's not easy playing at 100% when you're fatigued from lack of sleep and having to grind out a big start.  The 800k-1m range playing at WR pace is the toughest in my opinion and thats where I have made countless mistakes at that point in the game, so I understand why your game ended the way it did. 

I agree with lack of streaming how it was by far the biggest issue with the event.  The absence of a scoreboard was also another one.  It just leaves fans and spectators in the dark about where the players are ranked at that point in time.

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Re: Dean's DK Blog
« Reply #88 on: August 26, 2015, 07:37:21 am »
Great write up Dean.  Didn't see this until today.  I had a great time at the event as well, and the highlight was the top 8 match against you.  Lotta nerves before the game started...which ended up building for longer than I had hoped considering the matches were kicked off in 5-10 minute increments (I was expecting a shotgun start).  The wobble machine was an awkward thing to notice right before the match started, but glad it got corrected (I didn't know your jeans ended up being the fix, haha).

What you likely don't know is that I nearly had a L2 rivet death happen in the same fashion as yours.  I mindlessly ran the star pattern and when I got to the part where you grab the first hammer I realized I had trapped myself in a spot where I didn't have enough time to grab the hammer, or run up or down a ladder, and pure luck would have it that the fireball changed direction and let me live.  Also believe it or not, hearing your hearing you lose a man so early in the match really rattled me.  I don't think I settled in until I had my own first death which was a poorly timed backjump (jumped too late and barrel hit my toe).  After that I knew I was playing the guy with the highest DK score ever, so I committed to a full bottom hammer game and never let up.  All of my other men were eaten up by difficult rivet scenarios/screwings, and I believe I lost my last guy on bottom lurking PF fireballs that refused to cooperate.

I was bummed to be eliminated, but the match was great and I was happy to make top 8.

Regarding streaming, I knew this would be an issue going into the event...and had friends/family that really wanted to watch my games during the high score I gave the app Periscope a try.  Add a $20 phone holder with a clip, and it worked out great.  I think I used up around 3.5-4Gb of data during the weekend, and people told me the stream was pretty good with decent sound and little to no dropouts.  If the players have to stream their own content, so be it, but it would be cool if the event took care of that.  I also think we need a separate TV for displaying a high score chart for the weekend.

Grabbing lunch/dinner, and talking with a bunch of the players all weekend was a lot of fun, and Richie did an awesome job with everything.   Special thanks to Steve Wiltshire for helping me adjust my screen width before day 2 started.  It made a huge difference (I also turned up my sound), and I really don't think I would have put up 2 1M games that day if Steve didn't help adjust the screen.  Thanks!

Special thanks to Alan for the sweet 1M buttons, and I am looking forward to the video footage Jeff took all weekend.

Also sorry for using your blog for a post that  belongs in my blog, but I don't have one.  Consider this a fee for the ibuprofen.  Kappa

Looking forward to KO5...!
Donkey Kong - 1,076,000 (arcade, KS)
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Re: Dean's DK Blog
« Reply #89 on: July 18, 2016, 12:15:37 pm »
This blog needs some love so I'll post in here.  Just had a solid game today as the Kong Off 5 approaches.  1,182,300 attaching the inp file here for those interested!

Donkey Kong:  1,206,800  Kill Screen
Donkey Kong:  898,600     16-5
D2K:                 380,200     L=9
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Member for 11 Years DK 1.2M Point Scorer Winner of a community event Wildcard Rematch Champion Blogger Former DK Level 1-1 World Record Holder Former DK No-Hammer World Record Holder DK 1.1M Point Scorer Former DK World Record Holder - MAME DK Killscreener DK 1M Point Scorer Individual Board Record Holder Twitch Streamer