I'm long haul trucking again. So I'll only have about 4 days or so to put up scores
Also, games I'm good at.
Donkey Kong, DKJr, DK3, Zaxxon, Galaga, Moon Patrol, Arm Wrestling, Tube Panic, Crazy Kong, Timber, Donpachi, Donpachi, Sky Skipper, Mat Mania, Punch Out, Super Punchout, Rod Land, Space Invaders 1995, Pac Man, Nibbler,
Galaga 88, Red Alert, Satan of Saturn, Side Traks, Twin Cobra 2, Pooyan, Bullfight.
There's probably 10 or 20 others as well.
Guess what? None of those freaking games are on this list.
Only game I did decent at was Alpine Ski, and that's because of a trick that is now well known.
So even that won't net me points.
I'm tired of having learned a ton of games and still getting constantly screwed over.
So there's an extremely detailed warning to anyone drafting.