If you've been paying attention to the DKJR submissions the past week, you won't be surprised to learn that the great Phil Tudose has taken the #1 spot in Donkey Kong Jr. with an absolutely massive score of
1,478,000! He beat the MAME WR on July 23rd with a 1,398,400 effort. That was quickly followed up with three 1.4M scores that were just shy of Mark Kiehl's arcade and overall record: the legendary 1,412,200 set on May 23, 2013...the first Jr. game to pass 1.4M and a 63,200 improvement on the record. Today, instead of just undershooting the 1.412M, Phil rocketed past by 65,800.
Although the game was played on The Island, it was replayed later in the day on the DKF Twitch channel:
https://www.twitch.tv/videos/696940513Some scores are great, but this one is legendary. In my opinion, Phil has cemented himself as the greatest DK platformer player of all time. Congratulations, sir. Can't wait to see what's next.