Author Topic: Ten years of dominance  (Read 7832 times)

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Offline homerwannabee

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Ten years of dominance
« on: May 29, 2020, 12:32:08 am »
First off, before anything, I want to add that I believe there are at least 50 people on this forum who have the ability to break my record. What's the difference between me and them?
 I put in time. I went down that that path when they wouldn't. At the end of the day it's about results over potential. Potential means nothing if you do nothing with it.

10 years to this day I broke the Marathon record for Donkey Kong 3. I got a score of 2.78 million(I already had the five man record).  I would later raise the score and take it to another level 3.53 million. Then I would take it to another level 4.25 million. Then ultimately I took the game to an even higher level and got the score to 6.1 million.

When I broke the record Steve Wiebe was a top Donkey Kong player who just broke the record again.  There was no Donkey Kong Forum.

Since then Wiebe has fallen out of the top 20.  The top 10s of Donkey Kong, Donkey Kong Junior, Donkey Kong 3, and Crazy Kong are completely different now.

But through it all my DK3 scores have remained at the top and have dominated the landscape. There are 4 different settings with 2 tracks each.  I not only have the record in all them, but my scores are far and away higher than anyone else.

But unlike others I have freely shown my gameplay to the world. So everyone can see the system I use.

Through it all I have entered scores where DK3 was being competed, and I thrashed the competition.
I won the Atariage tournament twice. Won a Brian Allen tournament. Won both categories of the DK fundraisers tournament. Won the DK3 competition when it was an IGBY event. I also won the very first 5 minute DK3 event. Then there's the online sites.
I achieved top score at Donkey Kong Forum, Twin Galaxies, MARP, and Retro Uprising.

Through it all, I feel fortunate. This is my favorite game, and I am glad I was able to take the game places it's never been before. I've put a lot of passion into this game. I revolutionized the game. I will forever be linked in a major way to this game.
Found the RBS screen, first to flip the boards, first to flip the boards twice. First to RBS on hard settings, first to flip the boards on hard settings.
50 years from now if there is still competitive play with this game, my name will still have meaning to this game. And when people beat my DK3 scores it will be still be meaningful after all these years.
And to the 50 who have the potential to put me in my place by beating a DK3 of mine, bring it.

Yes, this post is completely self absorbed with too much boasting, and goes on WAY too long. I don't care. I earned this right. I put in the time.
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Re: Ten years of dominance
« Reply #1 on: May 29, 2020, 12:55:31 am »
Hard to disagree with anything you've said there George

Your 13.9m on difficulty 1 is one of the greatest CAG scores of all time.
Member for 12 Years Former DK3 World Record Holder DK Masters - Rank A DK 1.1M Point Scorer 1M on DK, DKJR, and DK3 Difficulty 3 DK3 Repetitive Blue Screener Submit a score for every DK3 track Winner of a community event IGBY 2016 DKF Team Member DKJR Killscreener DK 1M Point Scorer CK Killscreener DK Killscreener Blogger Twitch Streamer

Offline TheSunshineFund

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Re: Ten years of dominance
« Reply #2 on: May 29, 2020, 06:56:08 am »
Your 13.9m on difficulty 1 is one of the greatest CAG scores of all time.

I can't disagree with this
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Offline johnbart

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Re: Ten years of dominance
« Reply #3 on: May 29, 2020, 10:04:07 am »
For all the shit we give DK3, which isn't as much as we give Jr., I'm sure we all agree that we respect and appreciate the skill and talent required to get these scores.

The big question for me is in ten years from now which WR still stands, DK3 or Monkey Magic?
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Offline bensweeneyonbass

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Re: Ten years of dominance
« Reply #4 on: May 29, 2020, 10:41:32 am »
Monkey Madness amirite
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