I'm still a beginner by the standards of this forum (my highest score is 187,100), but I used my
"Loop current stage" cheat on the level 5 rivets and practiced the weave over and over again, trying to get 10 successes in a row. I didn't manage it; I think the most I managed was 5. Then I switched to the star and I had a lot more success and did manage to get 10 in a row. So, clearly I'm generally better at the star than the weave.
But I think practicing the weave still improved my game. For one thing, if your star completely fails and all the fireballs are in the middle and on the right when the bottom hammer expires, you've converted to a weave; if you've practiced it well, you should know what to do. And sometimes you have to break your star and go for the Staal, which is a bit like a cross between a star and a weave.
But as for fully integrating the weave into the strategy while doing an actual run... that sounds tricky, and I don't have any real experience with it. Still, we can work with some basic facts and logic... you have to make the choice after grabbing the first rivet, and by that point four fireballs should have spawned. Obviously, you must make your choice depending on where they are. In what situations would we prefer the weave?
I can think of two possibilities:
- The fireballs are crowding at the top, and we want to get rid of them all as soon as possible.
- The fireballs are crowding at the bottom and middle, which may make it difficult to grab the bottom hammer later on.
The first of these is a rare situation. I don't think fireballs ever spawn on the top platform, and fireballs will often take the ladder down while Mario is below them. Plus, it might be dangerous to grab the top hammer while there are so many fireballs in that area. Finally, the top might not be so crowded by the time Mario actually gets up there.
The second of these situations seems to be handled better by the star as well, on the logic that you can switch to the Staal pattern if getting the bottom hammer isn't in the cards.
...so I must say I'm a bit baffled myself as to when the weave might be preferable, but maybe you can work something out if you experiment.