ChrisP: As a Rural Letter Carrier I do have to admire your choice of panel!
Krehztim: When you say circular restrictor, do you mean it prevents the joystick from being centered? I am actually looking for a way to play 720 which needs that circular motion.
Jerky: Your setup is insane! I would love to have those but I fear I will have to a little smaller and possibly lose some of the stability because the wife would think I was cuckoo for having that sitting beside my computer. I am looking for a good track ball to play Centipede and Missile Command with so I may actually try to install one like you did.
Thanks for all these ideas guys. This is what I needed to know!
and Hooch, I did setup the software to recognize the 4 way movements. The problem is my controller is so easy to move from just right to right/up and Jumpman stops. The main thing that is giving me issues is getting on/off ladders.