Author Topic: A lost interview with Mruczek has revealed more evidence against Billy Mitchell  (Read 28011 times)

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Offline homerwannabee

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For me, at this point I am just interested in the Pro Billy Mitchell response.  I just want to see how they spin this.  So far it seems like we have had silence from their side.
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Offline colecomeister

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Frankly, I doubt we'll hear anything, ever. To engage directly with the evidence is a losing proposition 10 times out of 10. Billy's whole strategy post-TG ban has been to hit up as many events as possible and to showcase his DK play on Twitch, cultivating/nurturing his fan base, and his fans are glad to respond in kind - they have zero interest in the dispute review or Billy's past actions, and they don't strike me as terribly interested in the DK scene. It's almost a Comicon crowd, seeking autographs, merch, and maybe the odd photo at events.
« Last Edit: February 23, 2019, 07:14:15 pm by colecomeister »
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The strategy is banking on the short memory span that the average person tends to have.  It's the same strategy Chipotle has used multiple time after various food poisoning outbreaks from their chains, Wendy's used after the finger in the chili incident, just to name a few real examples.

Unfortunately for that strategy, the DK community remains continually focused on the historicity of the game as as well as the continuing evolution of it.
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Offline homerwannabee

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The strategy is banking on the short memory span that the average person tends to have.  It's the same strategy Chipotle has used multiple time after various food poisoning outbreaks from their chains, Wendy's used after the finger in the chili incident, just to name a few real examples.

Unfortunately for that strategy, the DK community remains continually focused on the historicity of the game as as well as the continuing evolution of it.

I have been thinking about this, and I think their last real line of defense is the David Race line of defense.  1)That an arcade game can somehow produce a MAME artifact.  2)That the footage isn't great, and somehow better footage would reveal this to be Arcade game play. 3) That the MAME back then in it's uncorrupted form will not produce the finger girder.

Of course there are explanations for each of these objections, but it's palatable enough for a Billy fan to swallow. 
"Perception forged in delusion and refined by pain"

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Offline colecomeister

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The strategy is banking on the short memory span that the average person tends to have.  It's the same strategy Chipotle has used multiple time after various food poisoning outbreaks from their chains, Wendy's used after the finger in the chili incident, just to name a few real examples.

Unfortunately for that strategy, the DK community remains continually focused on the historicity of the game as as well as the continuing evolution of it.

And therein lies part of the success of the strategy - it isn't truly focused at contesting the findings or consensus of the DK community directly (I think for a time it was, but this was abandoned for obvious reasons) - it's one predicated on soliciting support and good will of fans by refuting the findings indirectly by shifting the focus to Billy's ability. Billy's Twitch and event attendance reduces the original determination of MAME use to an accusation that Billy couldn't score 1 million+ games, leading to the effort over the last year of Billy "re-performing" his high scores. As a result, his Twitch games have been lauded as anecdotal evidence he didn't cheat.

Of course, the DK community will continue to serve as a source of knowledge on Billy's past actions, but venues like the Kong Off 7 will afford Billy and his fans a chance to shift the focus.
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Offline ersatz_cats

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On Saturday, I conducted a 2+ hour phone interview with Robert Mruczek, with the first order of business being getting to the bottom of the matter of where he got the tape in the MTV interview from.  Of course, we went on to talk about many, many other topics, including King of Kong, Billy's "Road to Redemption", and Todd Rogers stuff as well:

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For me, at this point I am just interested in the Pro Billy Mitchell response.  I just want to see how they spin this.  So far it seems like we have had silence from their side.

I would love for Team Billy to even attempt to address this, but I have to agree with Coleco.  It's a losing proposition for them to even try.  As far as objective evidence, they were already skating on thin ice, and this discovery takes even that away.  The only chance they address it in any non-dismissive way is if people really put the pressure on them to do so, and since this isn't a big news item the way it was a year ago, that sadly just ain't gonna happen.  Billy will keep streaming DK, and his defenders will continue to cover their eyes and plug their ears.
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Great work ersatz_cats. It's not as if there was any doubt at all but you just helped further cement the proof. I followed the events with great interest as they unfolded at the time, hard to believe that was over a year ago! I enjoyed reading through your new findings and was surprised to see my name mentioned. Glad I wasn't saying anything stupid.   :D

At work tomorrow I'm definitely going to listen to that interview with Robert, looking forward to it.
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Great response.  My concerns about a mame submission started.  When all the referees  were let go when walter was selling to pete.  I felt there was no one with skills to pick it up.

I knew nothing about mame other then save state recordings were possible.  I asked rick twice to help with a recording to see if they would recoginize it.  I had no idea bill had already did this.

My observations have never seen bill plsy live like he did on those tspes using third level girder to group barrells that alone tells me he cheated.


Offline ChrisP

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I watched large sections of his 1,050 game, and yes about the third girder. In fact, I would say the biggest giveaway that these are pieced-together trial-and-error runs is that his basic approach to the barrel boards is one that would cost any other player massively in points (and lives).

Specifically, the way he often plays the bottom hammer with that third girder run makes no sense. Rather than the sane method of getting to the hammer and staying parked below it ready to grab, he goes straight up to that girder, in board after board after board, to uselessly jump a barrel or two for minimal or no gain before going back down to get the hammer. Nobody who actually knows how to play would ever do this because if the fireball climbs at any point before you get the hammer, the fireball will more often than not block you from being able to get it, forcing you to abandon it, and there goes all your points. But Billy plays this nonsensical strategy over and over again and somehow it always works out for him.

Then there are the maniacally and often pointlessly-risky plays that just never get him killed - like jumping over the fireball at one point on the springs in the 1.047 game (which is never necessary on that board but risks death), parking at the VERY TOP of ladders with fireballs directly overhead that will kill him if they decide to come down (which they never do in his games), failing to keep the firefoxes contained on the left side of the rivet boards just so that he can get more smashes (which never ends up causing a problem), etc.

The games look like somebody who has no clue how to play at 1.1 million pace managing to somehow get all the way to the end by getting impossibly lucky about a thousand times.

Note that his "real" games over the past year look NOTHING like this, are at significanly lower pace, and it took him the better part of a year to reach his old scores. Yet in 2007 and 2010 these were supposedly effortless one-day feats?
« Last Edit: March 08, 2019, 01:38:35 am by ChrisP »

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7/26/2013   Coin 35,946   710,800   18-1
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