Author Topic: Donkey Kong High Score List General Discussion  (Read 412517 times)

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Re: Donkey Kong High Score List
« Reply #300 on: May 31, 2013, 05:33:33 am »
Good Job Bro!  Sorry I missed it!

No worries.  :D Whenever you're streaming I prefer to watch you. When you're done someone else is usually playing that I want to watch. By the time everyone else is done and I want to play it's usually bedtime for everyone but Allen and Ben. lol

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Re: Donkey Kong High Score List
« Reply #301 on: May 31, 2013, 02:13:44 pm »
Just achieved another personal best tonight/this morning (5/31)! 281,600 through my last death on 9-2. I'm not in last place anymore!  :P

Twitch highlight:

I've also attached a ZIP file with INP and WLF files. I'll add some notes about the run on my "blog."

Thanks to everybody who watched (Ben, Allen, Joe, Cotea, Drunkguy, Siglemic, and anyone else I forgot!)
Nice work there,
It's a good feeling to start moving up list. ;)
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Re: Donkey Kong High Score List
« Reply #302 on: May 31, 2013, 06:32:01 pm »
I wanted to raise an important question. I purposely waited a couple days before raising the following question. Svavar has offered evidence for a score of 1,008,800. He has presented us with two different camera videos of the last moments of his game. Even though neither video demonstrates a restart, it would seem odd for a room full of people to get so excited over a game that started on a 6 guy setting. We have a verified score of 919,100 which shows that he has the skills of achieving a million point game. It has been assumed by many members of the community that this is a valid score and so he now proudly wears the one million badge on his posts. An individual, a new member of the forum, by the name of Pixelsuicide, states that they saw the game live and that it was legit. Since scores that are submitted by the Auxiliary rules are handled on a case by case basis, and since it also requires a general consensus that a score is genuine, I wanted to propose the possibility of allowing Svarar's score to be placed on the score list.

In previous discussions a non-restarted final moments video has not been accepted as sufficient evidence alone. In the case of Steve Wagner's video, there is no evidence that it is being observed by others, and no one has stepped forward for having seen the game live. In the case of Svarar, we have two videos from two different perspectives, we see eye witnesses of the game in the video, we have a new member who states that they saw the game live, most everyone assumes that the score is genuine, and we already have an over 900K accepted score. Do these evidences combined justify the acceptance of the score on this list, in a way that a partial video without a restart alone would offer? Normatively if anyone who is an established member of the DK Community states that they have witnessed a game live, scores have been accepted on this basis. What about a new member that we may not know?

I want to hear your thoughts. I don't want this list to seem laxed, and must be based on evidence, and fit an established criteria. Is there any who believes that this score should be omitted at this time and that its acceptance may be a laxing of the criteria, or is their a general consensus by the DK Community, that the different kinds of evidences and his notoriety, sufficiently meet the criteria without allowing non-restart partial video evidence alone. This is a new situation, and wanted to get your thoughts on the subject.


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Re: Donkey Kong High Score List
« Reply #303 on: May 31, 2013, 06:47:34 pm »
Congrats, Jeremy! You have moved from #99 to #96. One step at a time! You will breakthrough 300K very soon. :)

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Re: Donkey Kong High Score List
« Reply #304 on: May 31, 2013, 06:59:30 pm »

Put me down as a "Yes" vote to have Svavar's million point game accepted.

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Re: Donkey Kong High Score List
« Reply #305 on: May 31, 2013, 07:07:10 pm »
If Svavar can get a video tape of the Chasis Arcade owner verifying/testifying that the machine was not tampered with and on the right settings, I would be a 'yes' as well. This case is different than Steve and Mike's KSs, because it was public and had witnesses to the actual gameplay and can also be verified by the arcade's owner to have been on the proper settings.

Though, I only say this to keep the standards for this list relatively high. I, personally, believe he did it -even without any further evidence.
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Re: Donkey Kong High Score List
« Reply #306 on: May 31, 2013, 07:28:02 pm »
In my opinion, a player who achieved 2 KS games in one day on 3 man settings (Svavar had two KS games around 900k during the WCR2) is clearly capable of advancing his skill to 1M+ in 3 months time.  That being said, in one of the videos you can see a genuine sense of Satisfaction and Accomplishment on Svavar's face and in his words; I personally do not believe he would have had that type of response if he had achieved this goal on the 6 man settings.  Anyone who has the skill to do 2 KS games on 3 man settings would not likely be "that" proud of a 6 man 1M.

My conclusion, Svavar is either really good at acting excited, or we saw his genuine, real-time response to a serious accomplishment, into which he has invested much time and effort. 

I will go with the latter of those conclusions and give Svavar my vote of confidence (yes he did get 1m+ on 3 man settings). Also, I wouldn't be opposed to Mitch's request, it is not an unrealistic requirement, if that's what the community would decide was necessary, I would support it.
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Re: Donkey Kong High Score List
« Reply #307 on: May 31, 2013, 08:21:21 pm »
I have no problem with Svavar's score being put on the list for the same reasons that Ethan listed.
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Re: Donkey Kong High Score List
« Reply #308 on: May 31, 2013, 08:27:20 pm »
Yes, it is my understanding that the game was done on a multi-pcb, which is allowed if it is demonstrated that continues were not allowed. But once again, given the crowd, and the response of the crowd, and the player, it seems very genuine to me and seems to have sufficient supportive evidence. But Mitch does raise a good question. Should there be any additional evidences or is it generally agreed that the score should be added with the evidence we have?


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Re: Donkey Kong High Score List
« Reply #309 on: May 31, 2013, 08:56:19 pm »
New Question: A few weeks ago it was said that multiboards use MAME drivers, and that since MAME is accepted then therefore the multiboard should be accepted. However, we know that the MAME scores that we receive are US Set 1, and I don't think the same can be said of multiboards such as the x in 1. It was suggested that for widely-known hardware, the burden of proof should be on he who doubts the hardware to prove that it has an effect on the game, and that many players have played on these machines and no noticeable differences exist. As I understand it, only Svavar's score is not considered US Rom set 1. We talked about the issue with continues, and that it would need to show that continues were not used. So the question is raised again. Should the list be US Set 1 only? Discuss.

Edit: Svarar said that he doesn't mind. He has said so on two occasions. He will be playing on MAME to get on TG anyways, so that will be US Set 1. After that it won't matter. But it could be in effect for future submissions. I don't think this will be too restrictive though. Most people have access to MAME, and I am sure that the best players in the world really want a TG score for the Kong Off. But let the community decide!
« Last Edit: May 31, 2013, 09:22:27 pm by corey.chambers »

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Re: Donkey Kong High Score List
« Reply #310 on: May 31, 2013, 10:16:51 pm »
I support Svavar's score 100%.

This is a big deal - the first million-point European player. Put him up!  :)

4 Quarters :-* - 800K Avg. Per Qtr. :o - No Restarts 8) - No Proof :'(

7/26/2013   Coin 35,946   710,800   18-1
7/28/2013   Coin 35,947   903,700   22-1
8/16/2013   Coin 35,948   694,100   17-6
8/17/2013   Coin 35,949   893,100   22-1

3,201,700: the $1 World Record?
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Re: Donkey Kong High Score List
« Reply #311 on: May 31, 2013, 11:06:21 pm »
I belive the 48-1 and so on boards are like the Nes versons of the game.

There not the same as  Arcade or Mame versons.

Closest thing to an Arcade  Verson was on the 1069 MI-System ....     But it was'nt perfect   sounds and stuff where missing in the game .
New Question: A few weeks ago it was said that multiboards use MAME drivers, and that since MAME is accepted then therefore the multiboard should be accepted. However, we know that the MAME scores that we receive are US Set 1, and I don't think the same can be said of multiboards such as the x in 1. It was suggested that for widely-known hardware, the burden of proof should be on he who doubts the hardware to prove that it has an effect on the game, and that many players have played on these machines and no noticeable differences exist. As I understand it, only Svavar's score is not considered US Rom set 1. We talked about the issue with continues, and that it would need to show that continues were not used. So the question is raised again. Should the list be US Set 1 only? Discuss.

Edit: Svarar said that he doesn't mind. He has said so on two occasions. He will be playing on MAME to get on TG anyways, so that will be US Set 1. After that it won't matter. But it could be in effect for future submissions. I don't think this will be too restrictive though. Most people have access to MAME, and I am sure that the best players in the world really want a TG score for the Kong Off. But let the community decide!

Offline marinomitch13

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Re: Donkey Kong High Score List
« Reply #312 on: May 31, 2013, 11:11:38 pm »
I belive the 48-1 and so on boards are like the Nes versons of the game.

Um.... Svavar's gameplay footage looked nothing like the NES version...

 :o  ???  :-\  ::)  :P  ;D
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Re: Donkey Kong High Score List
« Reply #313 on: May 31, 2013, 11:31:38 pm »
I belive the 48-1 and so on boards are like the Nes versons of the game.

There not the same as  Arcade or Mame versons.

Closest thing to an Arcade  Verson was on the 1069 MI-System ....     But it was'nt perfect   sounds and stuff where missing in the game .

Thats a silly thing to say. The gameplay for DK and DKJR are SPOT ON on the 48-1 and the 60-1 I have experience with. NOTHING like the NES versions.

For community purposes I would totally accept the score to the list. To be on TG it would have to be done on a real machine or MAME, but we can certainly be more lax here as we have the ability to label the platform and note it for future reference in case someone does find and demonstrate a clear difference in gameplay.

« Last Edit: June 01, 2013, 06:21:45 am by JCHarrist »
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Re: Donkey Kong High Score List
« Reply #314 on: June 01, 2013, 12:15:38 am »
I have a 60-1 and the only difrerence is that some of the sounds are missing.
And throughout the time ive had it and played on mame my highscores have generally been about 15000 difference on the 2.
the Arcade sd programmable i have downloaded the rom set for the board and loaded it into mame and it is running US version 1.
« Last Edit: June 01, 2013, 07:08:27 am by Monstabonza »
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