Turn to 4.
Thanks, John! I definitely want a Weehawk shirt. I'd be happy to pay for it too.
PM me your address and size.
Regarding the game, for anyone watching, I didn't make a mistake. As Ben has explained, if you must roll first, the only "safe" roll is a 4. With each turn, Ben stayed in a position from which he could be sure of a win by playing correctly.
The simplest explanation of winning strategy involves the
digital root of the running total.
1) If you can make the digital root equal 4, do so.if 1) is not possible, then
2) If you can make the digital root 1, 5, or 9 by turning to 3 or 4, do so.if neither 1) or 2) is possible then
3) Make the digital root 8 by turning 2 or 5.If none of the above are possible, then your opponent is in a position to guarantee a win by playing the same strategy.
The only explanation of why this is, that I see in a quick Google search, is:
http://headinside.blogspot.com/2011/06/secrets-of-nim-dice-nim-1.htmlhttp://headinside.blogspot.com/2011/07/secrets-of-nim-dice-nim-2.htmlWhen I was first learning computer programming in the late 70's I looked for games like this for the computer to play against a human opponent.