I couldn't stay away from my "hard version" PCB. As I learn more nuances of the "regular" version, I'm able to see more in this version.
Now that I'm getting better I see that chains actually isn't that bad with the weird flight paths. You actually get something in exchange for the fact that they dip lower, you have a bigger "pocket" in which to maneuver yourself and the keys in the upper quadrant. You just have to set everything up in a way that doesn't rely on the safe spot, which seems doable.
The springboard birds are just a nightmare though. They go lower and are also more tightly-spaced, which makes it just different enough that the existing patterns just don't work. I'm gonna have to come up with my own.
Also, I was thinking of getting in touch with the guy who owns HobbyROMS.com about my board. I could send my two ROM chips to him, have him dump the data and send it to me, and I could then give it to the MAME people/all of you (and while he's at it, have him burn me the correct chips). I'll see how much he wants to charge for that.
I got this Junior board kind of by accident, and I almost sold it immediately but now that I've given the game a chance I'm glad I didn't.