I am about to give the info required to sign in for free to hear the show Bill will be on tonight and also give the Youtube addy to view it there, as it will be up by Thursday...
To follow up on a personal note to what I put out there yesterday, Ultimately,to be a devil's advocate, if you will, and completely objective about this whole thing, I did express to Bill that in the end, what he needs to do is just go to a welcomed and official place/arcade, whatever, and sit or stand in front of a DK machine that has been deemed 100% verified official and get his score in question. Play all day or weekend if he has too, as we know even the most skilled player in DK doesn't automatically achieve a score like that on a first try live. Possible but not probable, but at the same time, extend an open invitation to anyone who wants to show up to be there in person/attendance to witness it at the same time. There should also be a live stream or broadcast of it such as FB Live/Twitch, etc.. If any of you people disputed any of my Mario Bros. or Turbo Ms. Pac Man records, that is exactly what I would do. Put your money where your mouth is and watch me play the game in front of all the skeptic's faces, get the score in question or better, and drop the mic. So even though Bill will start to address the past tonight, I told him of my own accord, that he should do that in the near future and soon. Now on to the login info for tonight.... If you go to
www.compoundmedia.com and type for the user name, temp@compoundmedia.com, and the password is Temppass2017, you will be logged in for free. Make sure on the password, that first "T" is upper case. The youtube channel to view it as soon as Wednesday or Thursday, is