Author Topic: I'm missing something on the 100 point pressing of the barrel on Donkey Kong  (Read 14252 times)

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Offline homerwannabee

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There is something I'm not doing when it comes to the 100 point pressing on the barrel.  I was able to accomplish this only once after hundreds and hundreds of tries.

It's something in Donkey Kong that seems fascinating that something so simple looking is so complex to pull off.  I think I'm missing something.  Do you press a directional when jumping the second time?  Do you have more success with a back jump or a front jump the second time?  I really don't understand how this tactic isn't instant death for most people.

There is something I'm missing on this.  What's the trick.  Do you press right two times in a row real quick.  left two times in a row real quick.  Really, it shouldn't be this hard.  What am I missing on something that seems so simple?

Can someone show me a video on how to do this?  Or at least make a video?
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Offline homerwannabee

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Also, another point.  Is there a spot on the top girder where this will work better? 

Edit:  Yet another important point.  Is there an optimal way for Mario to stand (leaning forward, standing straight, or facing backwards?)
« Last Edit: December 30, 2017, 08:50:50 am by homerwannabee »
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Offline dnickolas

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Not sure if I know what you mean, but if you're talking about the girder 6 back jumps then it's all about starting location and jumping just early enough to not die on the first back jump. If you're too far right you fall off the edge after jump 2, and too far left it won't work. If you jump too late you'll live sans points, and too early you die.
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Offline homerwannabee

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There is more to it than that.  I'm almost positive.  I hear Robbie pressing the joystick twice on this jump.  There is a very specific way to do the top girder back jump on the barrel board.  What I want to know is the optimal way.  Yes, I figured out timing matter, but I wonder about positioning.  How Mario stands.  About pressing a direction while in the air.  There is more to this back jump than what people are letting on.  It wouldn't take me hundreds of tries just for one successful attempt.  There is more to it.
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Offline homerwannabee

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OK, I'm looking at Robbie's point pressing again.  He seems to stand straight up, and then do two back jumps facing forward.  He also seems to be two steps away from the top step on the girder, but he's not standing on the edge of the step but he seems to be very close to the next step up.
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Offline homerwannabee

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OK, it seems to me doing it two steps from the top step is working decently for me.  Standing straight or leaning forward doesn't seem to matter.  Surprised people are so tight lipped about this.  You'd think this would be discussed in more detail, but instead people act like is some top secret stuff. LOL
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Offline dnickolas

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It's just all about the second jump being close enough to the right edge to be within range when the barrel slows down while reaching the edge and falling off. And it's easy to die doing it because too late you'll be safe but not get the points, and then you compensate and kill yourself the next time.
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Surprised people are so tight lipped about this.  You'd think this would be discussed in more detail, but instead people act like is some top secret stuff. LOL

lol you posted this an hour after your OP. Relax. You've had, what, 9 years or so to ask about it?
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Offline aarontruitt

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Also, another point.  Is there a spot on the top girder where this will work better? 

Edit:  Yet another important point.  Is there an optimal way for Mario to stand (leaning forward, standing straight, or facing backwards?)

It doesn't matter what direction you are facing. It only matters where you stand, and when you jump. The barrel SLOWS DOWN as it drops from that girder to the girder below it. You are leeching it (the second jump) as you would leech any barrel that you aren't jumping over. It is about timing. I hold RIGHT the entire time until I land after the second jump. It has to be timed so that you do not die in the first jump, but you jump early enough to leech the second jump. There is no secret here. You do not have to tap any direction more than once. Not to mention, this is hardly worth any extra points when you factor in Kong throwing wild barrels and barrels you'll miss on. I recommend improving other parts of your game long before this. I only do it when I am bored and tired of playing and don't care about dying (or on 1-1 and the stakes are so low I don't care if I die).
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Honestly, if you can't figure it out on your own I wouldn't worry about it... Could just be you aren't skilled enough...

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Offline homerwannabee

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OK, the 2nd step thing really worked.  I was able to get four 100's in a row at one point.  It's not really to up my game, it more to be able to do a move I found very interesting.
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