Welcome Josh! Yeah as JN said I'm in this mindset to JRTFBDN and get a KS now. It's driving me a little bit now so your more then welcome to watch anytime. There are a ton of great players here and call all give some advice. I've gotten some great info from people and I really think it has helped my game!
Here is some small bits that should help as well as anyone who may not know (and if I have anything wrong someone please tell me because this is just what I have picked up over the years now).
1. If a barrel is "spinning" when DK picks it up on the barrel stage that is a wild barrel.
2. He can only throw a wild barrel when he is facing to the left to "pick up" a barrel. Hence don't try and go up the far left ladder except when he has turned away to the center or right. This keeps you from getting "1/16th"
3. The conveyors on the PF stage change direction at the bottom when Kong reaches the far left of the screen.
4. The hammer on the conveyor lasts for as long as it takes kong to get back to the spot he was in when you picked it up.
5. The wild barrels on Stage 3/4 are the "wildest" (take a huge arc) but tend to go to the right easier.
6. The wild barrels on Stage 4 become Stage 5 wild barrels after 33 "real" seconds. This can be affected by wild barrels but a good rule of thumb is when the time starts getting the in the 6000 range (Thanks marky_d!)
7. To get a "free pass" or a "freebie" on the PF stand just left of the purse. When all the fireballs shoot out at the top left immediately attempt to run up the right side. (getting the prizes as well for a quick xxx point addition)
That's all for now