Congrats Ethan!
Mitch, here is the potential challenge, Its all about grinding points off the first fireball on 1-1
but it is done by linking jumps together with as little walking as possible.
For example if you miss a jump and dont score points because the fireball went left and you jumped right, you cannot chase after it as the chain of jumps was broken.
the 100 points that apear while grinding against the fireball must stay on screen otherwise the chain is broken, I have included a link to demonstrate this potential challenge. was my best attempt, I think I counted 10 succesful jumps in a row.......I did not count the 11th since I died on that one.
Anyway I thought this would be a cool mini challenge if anyone got bored, Im unsure if this challenge already exsits but anyway, might aswell throw it out there to see what people thought, or if others could add to the challenge ....different rules or additions ect.
Almost forgot, the challenge begins the second the fireball is ejected from the oil barrel and touches the ground, this way we all have the same chance and starting point as everyone else (no waiting around till it gets stuck) see video to see starting point.