I will not be renewing my website devoted to Donkey Kong, Jr, Mario Bros, player pages, etc. There hasn't been much interest in the site for the purpose for which it was made - for the Donkey Kong Community. I have no ill feelings concerning the project, it has been a huge learning experience both in code and in assessing what interests people. If anyone is interested in owning the content, changing it, and making it their own, I would be more than willing to relinquish any and all claim to its contents. It has been about $6 a month through Nixihost for server space, and can be placed on any url once it is owned, costs may vary for url depending on who you go through I am sure. I used NameCheap and pay $13.02 a year for the url and something called WhoIsGuard. My Donkeykonggenius.com url is owned by me until July 20th, 2017, that will be the final date of this project. Here is the direct link to the content on the site:
http://wiki.donkeykonggenius.com/Main_PageOnce again, if anyone is interested I am sure it would not be too difficult to move everything over to another server under another url. Unless anyone is interested then this content will only be avaliable until July 20th, 2017. I am hoping this content can be useful to someone within the community, if not, then that is ok too. PS. Twitch has changed how they allow videos to be embedded in the site so those will need to be updated for them to show up going forward.