I did get one, and extremely coincidentally, I just got it out last night to try to give it a go again. When I initially got it, about a year ago, it was not a fully baked product. With the adapter inline, colors on the arcade monitor and colors on the output were off, there was ringing, and the image was fuzzy. I'm going from memory on that, because when I tested it again last night, the split out RGB signal appears to no longer be working. The board functions as a pass-thru and nothing else.
At the time that I got the board and experienced the initial problems, I e-mailed the guy who made the adapters, and he acknowledged that some people were experiencing issues. He said he was working on a v2, and would be sending a replacement to anyone that had problems with v1. I think he posted this on KLOV also. Well, over the course of about 6 months and a few more exchanges of "hey, when is v2 going to be ready?", the promise devolved to "I have other projects and don't have any more money to keep working on this right now. I will let you know when v2 is ready but don't have a timeline."
So, DO NOT BUY THAT PRODUCT, even if you see them for sale, which I don't think they are any more.
Now, all that said, Wes Copeland has a working direct feed setup that was a much simpler solution than mine and what I outline above. I believe Wes is using a Mike's Arcade edge connector adapter for Nintendo boards and tapping straight off of that. Assuming you guys are looking to get a direct feed off a Nintendo board, that's probably the easier way to go and frankly, the additional jamma pass-thru adapter is unnecessary. You would simply keep your game board wired in the cab as normal, install the edge connector adapter board, and tap video and audio off of the appropriate headers on the edge connector adapter. Maybe Wes can chime in with some details on how he solved the problem.
mrvaya - if you're looking to have something built to plug n play into your cab, shoot me a PM.