Author Topic: Donkey Kong Kill-Screener Timeline  (Read 246549 times)

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Re: Donkey Kong Kill-Screener Timeline
« Reply #240 on: November 27, 2017, 07:48:00 pm »
The stream seems to have expired, so I'm gonna assume that was MAME, but there it is!

We're getting close to three digits here, but the rate is slowing.

Will 2018 be the year we reach 100 killscreeners?

It was not MAME. It was on a candy cab in an arcade, US Set 1.
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Re: Donkey Kong Kill-Screener Timeline
« Reply #241 on: December 11, 2017, 01:45:13 am »
Richie Knucklez - 862,400 - 12/6/17 - Arcade

JC's announcement in the shoutbox (AZ timestamps):
[07|Dec 05:47 PM] JCHarrist: Richie got a DK killscreen yesterday
[07|Dec 05:50 PM] JCHarrist: 862,400
[07|Dec 06:05 PM] JCHarrist: he's got cell phone video of the end
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Re: Donkey Kong Kill-Screener Timeline
« Reply #242 on: December 11, 2017, 11:55:48 am »
95 Kreygasm
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Re: Donkey Kong Kill-Screener Timeline
« Reply #243 on: March 01, 2018, 05:52:01 pm »
Added a few new names that were missing, and also removed Ike Hall. Based on some new information from Jeremy, I was made aware that his 2009 game actually ended on 21-6.

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Re: Donkey Kong Kill-Screener Timeline
« Reply #244 on: March 01, 2018, 06:15:33 pm »
Mine better be #2 next to mitchells. Webie , in all fairness, should not  be listed until 2003. Not fair Billy having his balls rightfully broke, but you let Setve skate by on his word. Lets see proof of steves 1989 KS. I got mine, where is Steves?
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Re: Donkey Kong Kill-Screener Timeline
« Reply #245 on: March 01, 2018, 06:55:28 pm »
Mine better be #2 next to mitchells. Webie , in all fairness, should not  be listed until 2003. Not fair Billy having his balls rightfully broke, but you let Setve skate by on his word. Lets see proof of steves 1989 KS. I got mine, where is Steves?

 Kreygasm <Tim>

Chrispy Creme Please Respond
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Re: Donkey Kong Kill-Screener Timeline
« Reply #246 on: March 01, 2018, 10:28:08 pm »
Here is an interview from the Classic Gaming Expo 2004, the event where Steve and Billy met and played against each other.

The relevant segment is from 10:08 to around 14:30. There's a lot of interruptions and asides, but if you listen through that whole segment, Steve makes the following claims:

- He had a DK cab in his dorm in college.
- He was scoring in the 900,000s and sold the machine (he mentions the year "1990") because after encountering the killscreen multiple times, he didn't feel like there was any point in continuing.
- Years after he sold the machine, he was curious what the high score was, so he looked on the Internet as he says "about 5 years ago" (which, from the date of this interview, would be 1999) and saw the world record score. Which, at the time, was Billy's.
- Knowing that he was capable of beating Billy's score, Steve bought another machine at some point thereafter.

So, in order to doubt these claims, I would have to assume that Steve was concocting this entire story, or elements of it, out of thin air.

In order to come to that conclusion, I would need to postulate a motive for doing so. Considering that Steve was already known to be a 900K+ player by the time of this interview, I'm having a hard time imagining what that motive would be.

But I strongly suspect that the motive was not to put a fictional backstory in place for Steve, on the off chance that, one year later, a film crew would want to start shooting a documentary about his rivalry with Billy.

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7/26/2013   Coin 35,946   710,800   18-1
7/28/2013   Coin 35,947   903,700   22-1
8/16/2013   Coin 35,948   694,100   17-6
8/17/2013   Coin 35,949   893,100   22-1

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Re: Donkey Kong Kill-Screener Timeline
« Reply #247 on: March 02, 2018, 02:15:48 am »
If Steve was capable of breaking a million in the game in 1999 and knew about TG, then why didn't he take the $10000 offered on the game for doing so. $1000 was offered for beating 874k on DK in late 1999. Don't tell me there's no motive there. Where was Steve and his easy 900k games at the time?
So he was a 900k player dating back to the late 80's BUT didn't know about TG until 1999? Then why did I beat him to that 1982 score in august of 2000 even though he was supposedly playing at the same time I was and was an easy 900k player? but yet in one year could not break 874,300? I did.

Sorry, your first kill screen should be your first documented and proven official one. Steve is the only KS listed that is not provable.
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Re: Donkey Kong Kill-Screener Timeline
« Reply #248 on: March 02, 2018, 03:35:26 am »
The Galaxian guy David Lyne got a killscreen of 891,900 on 23 Feb 2018 on his mame cab  <Billy>

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Offline Xermon54

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Re: Donkey Kong Kill-Screener Timeline
« Reply #249 on: March 20, 2018, 03:00:24 am »
With George's kill screen, the number of kill screeners is now at 99. I've been waiting for years to see 100 kill screeners. I've even wondered if we would ever reach that milestone. So who's going to be our 100th kill screener?                                    Edit: I just saw that David Lyne wasnt yet put on the ks list. Therefore, is George the 100th?
« Last Edit: March 20, 2018, 03:05:59 am by Xermon54 »
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Re: Donkey Kong Kill-Screener Timeline
« Reply #250 on: March 20, 2018, 05:17:58 am »
With George's kill screen, the number of kill screeners is now at 99. I've been waiting for years to see 100 kill screeners. I've even wondered if we would ever reach that milestone. So who's going to be our 100th kill screener?                                    Edit: I just saw that David Lyne wasnt yet put on the ks list. Therefore, is George the 100th?
Or it's Dave Clark who got a killscreen on the second day of the Kong Off, and is listed on the list.
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Re: Donkey Kong Kill-Screener Timeline
« Reply #251 on: March 20, 2018, 05:26:58 am »
Or it's Dave Clark who got a killscreen on the second day of the Kong Off, and is listed on the list.

Rock and Roll HOFer as well!

Also congrats George!  Awesome, awesome achievement to do it live at the KO, can't ask for much more.
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Re: Donkey Kong Kill-Screener Timeline
« Reply #252 on: March 23, 2018, 02:00:43 am »
I wanna update this list, but does anyone have a date for Dave Clark's first KS? The KO6 one was not his first.

In any case, yeah, these three additions will push it over 100!

I'll remind everybody though that there are almost certainly a number of killscreeners that we don't know about, from the quiet Dave Clark-types, so take that "100" with a grain of salt. Far less likely that there are any million players missing from the million list (one or two max?), but who knows.

4 Quarters :-* - 800K Avg. Per Qtr. :o - No Restarts 8) - No Proof :'(

7/26/2013   Coin 35,946   710,800   18-1
7/28/2013   Coin 35,947   903,700   22-1
8/16/2013   Coin 35,948   694,100   17-6
8/17/2013   Coin 35,949   893,100   22-1

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Re: Donkey Kong Kill-Screener Timeline
« Reply #253 on: March 23, 2018, 04:37:02 am »
I unintentionally KSed the Japanese romset for rank #2 on 05/02/201.6  (I have not KSed regular because no poser pace BibleThump)

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Offline Mary McManus

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Re: Donkey Kong Kill-Screener Timeline
« Reply #254 on: March 23, 2018, 06:57:42 am »
Here is an interview from the Classic Gaming Expo 2004, the event where Steve and Billy met and played against each other.

The relevant segment is from 10:08 to around 14:30. There's a lot of interruptions and asides, but if you listen through that whole segment, Steve makes the following claims:

- He had a DK cab in his dorm in college.
- He was scoring in the 900,000s and sold the machine (he mentions the year "1990") because after encountering the killscreen multiple times, he didn't feel like there was any point in continuing.
- Years after he sold the machine, he was curious what the high score was, so he looked on the Internet as he says "about 5 years ago" (which, from the date of this interview, would be 1999) and saw the world record score. Which, at the time, was Billy's.
- Knowing that he was capable of beating Billy's score, Steve bought another machine at some point thereafter.

So, in order to doubt these claims, I would have to assume that Steve was concocting this entire story, or elements of it, out of thin air.

In order to come to that conclusion, I would need to postulate a motive for doing so. Considering that Steve was already known to be a 900K+ player by the time of this interview, I'm having a hard time imagining what that motive would be.

But I strongly suspect that the motive was not to put a fictional backstory in place for Steve, on the off chance that, one year later, a film crew would want to start shooting a documentary about his rivalry with Billy.

Motive for doing so?! He was paid thousands for that "concocted" film and took credit for the main narraitive it was based on which I did 3 years BEFORE him. There's  your motive. If Steve was a 900k player in the late 80's then why did he not beat Billy's 874k prior to 8/16/00?
Better yet why did he not claim the $1000 bounty billy put on that WR in late 99?
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