Yes, Windows xp + wolfmame 106, in my humble opinion. It is slightly better than arcade, somehow. Can't quite quantify it. Maybe the experts can. Seems the enemy/barrel collision boxes are slightly less intrusive or maybe jumpman's is, or both. I also notice a much higher frequency of 800 point awards for smashes in early levels, compared to my cabinet, which seems significantly biased towards 300's, with occasional 500's.
Ability to group on lower levels also seems better on xp+106 than it is on arcade.
I run MAME (official MAME) .121 on my MAME cab, which is powered by a Windows 2000 PC. It is not quite as good as xp+106, but is pretty good. No noticeable lag, ever so slightly less good than arcade. I also have Windows 10 + official MAME .154, and W10+.154 is garbage, for DK. Noticeable delay, compared to arcade and the other setups mentioned.