we still have what matters most. The respect of our peers.
Judging by what I read on social media there's probably an equal amount of disrespect
The majority of the people on social media who spew that kind of garbage (namely an abusive SJW from the northwest) never actually attend live events... nor really have a net positive impact for the community.
These people who exist only to stir up drama don't really represent the CAG community as a whole, and are better off left ignored to their own delusions. You must accept that some of these people quite possibly have mental issues that are beyond anyone but a professional's ability to help. The CAG community is much larger than them, any forum, or even the entire score-chasing community ... and I'd say DKF/TG/CAGDC probably only make up about 1% of the people who have a vested interest.
It's really easy to get caught in the trap of negativity ... I've fallen into it a few times myself. This is exactly what they want, so try to avoid it. At the end of the day, you are solely responsible for what you take in from the community. It's very easy to turn certain sources of noise off and only take in the content that drives you. Go play some new games, try to raise your scores, or introduce a friend to the hobby.
This is all about having fun. I like playing retro video games, and I like people who like playing retro video games. If someone isn't having fun, they're either doing something wrong or they're in the hobby for the wrong reasons.