Author Topic: Allen Staal vs. Brian Allen: The Race to 900,000  (Read 75017 times)

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Re: Allen Staal vs. Brian Allen: The Race to 900,000
« Reply #90 on: June 18, 2017, 04:18:23 pm »

The fart at the end sums up the mood
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Re: Allen Staal vs. Brian Allen: The Race to 900,000
« Reply #91 on: June 19, 2017, 09:26:25 am »
I believe neither one is capable of 900K at this point......  BibleThump  <Allen>
Does it really matter?  They are both killscreeners, and to be honest, 900k isn't that different than 860k.  I don't see 900k as that much of a step up from a killscreen.  I think you need 950k before there is a clear separation from a killscreen.
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Re: Allen Staal vs. Brian Allen: The Race to 900,000
« Reply #92 on: June 19, 2017, 10:44:38 am »
I believe neither one is capable of 900K at this point......  BibleThump  <Allen>
Does it really matter?  They are both killscreeners, and to be honest, 900k isn't that different than 860k.  I don't see 900k as that much of a step up from a killscreen.  I think you need 950k before there is a clear separation from a killscreen.

Sorry, George, I have to disagree. I think when going for your first 840k-860k kill screen, you're building the foundation to go for higher scores. 900k is the perfection of that "running boards" foundation, and it's senseless to go for a million without being capable of 900k first. With a flawed foundation, one could finish a double hammer game and still not hit a million. The first KS and the first 900k games are big milestones in a player's mastery of the game.

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Re: Allen Staal vs. Brian Allen: The Race to 900,000
« Reply #93 on: June 19, 2017, 11:24:21 am »
I believe neither one is capable of 900K at this point......  BibleThump  <Allen>
Does it really matter?  They are both killscreeners, and to be honest, 900k isn't that different than 860k.  I don't see 900k as that much of a step up from a killscreen.  I think you need 950k before there is a clear separation from a killscreen.

Sorry, George, I have to disagree. I think when going for your first 840k-860k kill screen, you're building the foundation to go for higher scores. 900k is the perfection of that "running boards" foundation, and it's senseless to go for a million without being capable of 900k first. With a flawed foundation, one could finish a double hammer game and still not hit a million. The first KS and the first 900k games are big milestones in a player's mastery of the game.
But can't you just reserve double hammer for every time you fall behind 900k pace?  Or maybe even do safe top level point pressing for 900k pace to?
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Re: Allen Staal vs. Brian Allen: The Race to 900,000
« Reply #94 on: June 19, 2017, 12:30:56 pm »
I believe neither one is capable of 900K at this point......  BibleThump  <Allen>
Does it really matter?  They are both killscreeners, and to be honest, 900k isn't that different than 860k.  I don't see 900k as that much of a step up from a killscreen.  I think you need 950k before there is a clear separation from a killscreen.

Sorry, George, I have to disagree. I think when going for your first 840k-860k kill screen, you're building the foundation to go for higher scores. 900k is the perfection of that "running boards" foundation, and it's senseless to go for a million without being capable of 900k first. With a flawed foundation, one could finish a double hammer game and still not hit a million. The first KS and the first 900k games are big milestones in a player's mastery of the game.
But can't you just reserve double hammer for every time you fall behind 900k pace?  Or maybe even do safe top level point pressing for 900k pace to?

IMHO that would be using those techniques as a crutch for pace instead of an addition to pace. With a proper foundation, one should be able to hit 900k simply running boards with no double hammers and no grouping.

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Re: Allen Staal vs. Brian Allen: The Race to 900,000
« Reply #95 on: June 19, 2017, 12:33:29 pm »
Bottom hammer and grouping near Kong are of much greater difficulty than just efficiently running boards and most if not all killscreen-only players shouldn't attempt it just to bring their pace up unless they are confident in doing so. In which case they should be attempting much higher scores than 900k.

I agree with Wes, a 900k kill screen is a great indicator of being efficient enough at getting through the screens without point pressing, and that you are ready to make that next step up.
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Re: Allen Staal vs. Brian Allen: The Race to 900,000
« Reply #96 on: June 19, 2017, 01:19:04 pm »
I believe neither one is capable of 900K at this point......  BibleThump  <Allen>
Does it really matter?  They are both killscreeners, and to be honest, 900k isn't that different than 860k.  I don't see 900k as that much of a step up from a killscreen.  I think you need 950k before there is a clear separation from a killscreen.

Sorry, George, I have to disagree. I think when going for your first 840k-860k kill screen, you're building the foundation to go for higher scores. 900k is the perfection of that "running boards" foundation, and it's senseless to go for a million without being capable of 900k first. With a flawed foundation, one could finish a double hammer game and still not hit a million. The first KS and the first 900k games are big milestones in a player's mastery of the game.

I agree Wes. I was fairly lucky I think that my first killscreen was also a 900k game. I had played a LONG time at that points (like years as FailFish) was pretty efficient with top hammer and the elevator stage so I didn't lose a lot of points there. Generally though 900k is not just a killscreen game. You need to have effective elevators and not waste a lot of points on boards to get it. Its not double hammer play but its not just blazing thru running boards.
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Re: Allen Staal vs. Brian Allen: The Race to 900,000
« Reply #97 on: June 20, 2017, 06:16:06 am »
So, where do we go from here? I think the term "race to" no longer applies if they aren't even able to do it. A Race To 700k just doesn't have the same appeal to me, so is Brian the Allen Off Champion in perpituity? Or, maybe if Allen ever manages to beat Brian's PB, does that make him the champ? I need answers.
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Re: Allen Staal vs. Brian Allen: The Race to 900,000
« Reply #98 on: June 20, 2017, 07:27:44 am »
So, where do we go from here? I think the term "race to" no longer applies if they aren't even able to do it. A Race To 700k just doesn't have the same appeal to me, so is Brian the Allen Off Champion in perpituity? Or, maybe if Allen ever manages to beat Brian's PB, does that make him the champ? I need answers.

Whenever either player is able to actually get 900,000 we can do one of these again, but until then you're right it's probably pointless. Fans of both players seemed pretty disappointed, and I don't want them to be let down again.

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Re: Allen Staal vs. Brian Allen: The Race to 900,000
« Reply #99 on: December 01, 2018, 12:53:17 am »
marg pls.. i am a 900 player lit twice ive got it now.. i will get Million very soon Be Affraid Be very Affraid lit..

 <Allen> <Allen>  <Billy> <Billy> Dad
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Re: Allen Staal vs. Brian Allen: The Race to 900,000
« Reply #100 on: December 01, 2018, 05:35:09 am »
i will get Million very soon

Allen pls, if you carry on at this rate you can get expect to 'get Million' in August 2026, sir

(      (   (  <Allen> )   )     )
« Last Edit: December 01, 2018, 05:36:40 am by QAOP Spaceman »
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Re: Allen Staal vs. Brian Allen: The Race to 900,000
« Reply #101 on: December 01, 2018, 04:52:14 pm »
Allen, come back to facebook.  We miss you man!
Lets be pals!
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Re: Allen Staal vs. Brian Allen: The Race to 900,000
« Reply #102 on: December 01, 2018, 06:22:52 pm »
Come back to Facebook Allen!   BibleThump
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Re: Allen Staal vs. Brian Allen: The Race to 900,000
« Reply #103 on: December 02, 2018, 12:11:30 am »
I heard Allen managed another 900k game...hopefully he will announce it on facebook soon.
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Re: Allen Staal vs. Brian Allen: The Race to 900,000
« Reply #104 on: December 02, 2018, 04:16:20 am »
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