Conspiracy or coincidence. The default scores were inherited from Radarscope.
Another question is why they left scores ending with "50" in there when Donkey Kong does not have anything that scores 50 points.
The 3700 does make an interesting coincidence. The x700 is from x100 being decremented 4 times... x100 x000 x900 x800 x700. But how unlikely is that? There are 4 barrels next to Donkey Kong. The kill screen ends with DK's barrel pile running down exactly. Does the timer/counter overflow just happen to equate 4 barrels mathematically at the kill screen?
2 boards I guess is pretty easy. The game tells a story. The shortest complete version of the story is DK taking Pauline up the girders, then Jumpman knocking DK down to save Pauline on the rivets board.
If you were to complete the kill screen, the game continues it's 6 board pattern.
I'm pretty convinced that the 2,3,4,5,6 board progression was actually the original intention and the 4,4,4,4,4 progression of the Japanese version is actually the hack. Everything for 2,3,4,5,6 progression is already programmed and organized for in ROM in the Japanese version. I suspect Ikegami and Nintendo had conflicting opinions about the game and I don't think Nintendo got the source code, so any changes they made were hacked on.