Author Topic: Robbie and Wes: An Analysis  (Read 31587 times)

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Re: Robbie and Wes: An Analysis
« Reply #15 on: September 21, 2015, 01:00:21 pm »
Since it's being discussed, I will throw it out there and say 1.2 will may never be broken on arcade.  Not because of skill as I feel there are many players that could do this, but rather motivation.  Unless you get a string of minimal/no screwing games, 1.2 requires a lot of time and grinding.  To make it worth it, I believe only a bounty put on a 1.2M arcade score will motivate anyone to attempt this.

I thought that motivation around this game would fade when Dean got 1.2 just before KO3. Then I thought so after KO3. Then I thought it after Robbie got the record. Then I thought it when DK seemed to have cooled off to new lows and everything was about IGBY.

Then KO4 happened. Fire thoroughly reignited (geez, it even got me). FailFish

It seems to be more "seasonal" nowadays, but never dies completely.

I think that Robbie, Wes, and Ethan have proven over the last few months that motivation is not a problem for at least a few people, money or not. :) Some just want/love/need the grind.

This will serve as a place holder, I'm gonna make a post with some additional comments and data regarding these games, the respective strategies employed, and the implications (or lack there of) of these games, with regards to Robbies and Wes' chances at 1.2 in general.

Yes, please. Make sure you post them soon, and that your thoughts and ideas are easy to copy/paste and slightly rewrite... Kappa

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Re: Robbie and Wes: An Analysis
« Reply #16 on: September 21, 2015, 06:35:05 pm »
jry charts so amazing Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm

gl on 1.2m, gentlemen :)
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Re: Robbie and Wes: An Analysis
« Reply #17 on: September 21, 2015, 08:16:57 pm »
That was a wonderful, well thought out, and informed post Ethan. Thank you Kreygasm

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Re: Robbie and Wes: An Analysis
« Reply #18 on: September 21, 2015, 08:31:06 pm »
That was a wonderful, well thought out, and informed post Ethan. Thank you Kreygasm

I agree that is a factor that is different. Wes wasn't playing for World Record he was just playing for 1.1.  if your end result is just a good 1.1 game to get 1.170 is phenom. I also believe both Wes and Robbie have the capability to get 1.2 for sure given time to work out getting a game that doesn't ram it at you. Its possible to have 4 players with 1.2 scores soon and yet when Dean finally got his it was just unheard of to even think this could happen. BibleThump . I think its more the desire to get it vs the ability to get it. You have to just want it more than the frustration it pounds into you! :D Good luck sirs even if we know its all just juiced cabs and roms!  <Tim>
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Re: Robbie and Wes: An Analysis
« Reply #19 on: September 22, 2015, 04:36:31 am »
Such analysis. Very depth. Wow.

Thank you for taking the time to do an in-depth explanation of the numbers, sir. <3
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Re: Robbie and Wes: An Analysis
« Reply #20 on: September 22, 2015, 02:29:43 pm »
In light of some points made by Ethan and some data he shared that I was not previously aware of (e.g. that Wes has been to 800K on more than one occasion with a pace above 1.2m), I will have to retract my previous statement that Robbie seems to be the only player of the two primed to feasibly go for 1.2m+ in the near future. The point that Wes was simply going for 1.1m+ and ended up getting there on his first man (thereby allowing himself to change his plans and go for the record) is a valid point and provides a crucial explanation as to why his pace was as low as it was in this game. It also explains why his pace does not have the decay effect Robbie's and Dean's charts show. Furthermore, the steadiness of his pace alludes to the fact that Wes can actually play at a (probably significantly) higher pace than he was playing at in this game and, as Ethan stated, demonstrates his mastery of the mere 1.1m pace range.

Apologies to Wes for being uninformed in speaking about his DK ability. I wish both him and Robbie best of luck going for 1.2m, though I still stand by my main statement that I would be quite surprised if either of them got it in the next few months. Time to prove me wrong (and make me pleasantly surprised), gents! ;)
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Re: Robbie and Wes: An Analysis
« Reply #21 on: September 22, 2015, 05:36:27 pm »
Just a clarification, when I say by the end if next year, I mean by December 31st 2016.
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Re: Robbie and Wes: An Analysis
« Reply #22 on: September 22, 2015, 07:14:27 pm »
Just a clarification, when I say by the end if next year, I mean by December 31st 2016.

Ah, well, if that is what you meant it was not what I took you to mean. In *that* amount of time I think 1.2m just might happen.  <Walter> We'll just have to wait and see!  <popcorn>
« Last Edit: September 22, 2015, 09:54:54 pm by marinomitch13 »
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Re: Robbie and Wes: An Analysis
« Reply #23 on: October 02, 2015, 12:29:40 am »
That last level. Almost 100k. I'm factoring the deaths in but that's insane. Never seen 100k level. I'm sure it's happened but wow.
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