I know this is an old thread but I just saw this
But despite this we only had five out of 75 get a million for scores submitted, and of those only one was a person who didn't have one million before. That being BBH, and he had over 700k on hard settings in a previous tournament, so he doesn't really count.
For what it's worth, the 1.4 million in IGBY wasn't my first million on those easy settings. I'd gotten ~1.2 million practicing for Battle of the Arcades in 2014, when we thought it was going to be played on Easy difficulty instead of Medium, where indeed I only ended up getting 700k lol. So yeah you're right, I obviously didn't count.
I will say that while I'm not a gigantic fan of the game, I do enjoy DK3 way more than DK or [especially] DKJr. I just never feel motivated to play the game outside of tournaments.