Author Topic: Twin Galaxies Submission Requirements, Step-by-Step List  (Read 12013 times)

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Twin Galaxies Submission Requirements, Step-by-Step List
« on: June 01, 2015, 06:40:13 pm »
Hi All,

I reviewed the requirements for TG score submission for DK to be a bit cumbersome.  The paragraph format is pretty clear, but can be a tough read.  I put the requirement in numbered, step-by-step format, for easier reading and doing.  Please comment, if anything is not correct, out of order, etc.

1)   Game powered off
2)   Introduce self, including name, state date and time
3)   Record walk-around, show power cord
4)   Open back of machine, record interior
5)   Show PCB and dipswitches
6)   Close back door
7)   Turn on game, recording flip of switch
8)   Record game screen
9)   Zoom in on screen, capturing screen and score table
10)   Turn game off and back on quickly
11)   Allow attract mode to run and show title screen and hi score table
12)   Add credit and begin playing
13)   If restarting, kill of men, allow title screen to display then restart
14)   After finishing game, enter initials and show hi score table
15)   Show control panel
16)   Remove control panel and record the bottom of it
17)   Show wire bundles at control panel
18)   Rotate joystick slowly
19)   Reinstall and latch control panel
20)   Add 2 credits
21)   Start 2 player game
22)   Control player 1
23)   Allow player 1 to die
24)   Control player 2
25)   Leave player 2 game running
26)   Open back panel
27)   Record PCB, show part number, with game sounds still audible
28)   Turn game off
29)   Record power supply
30)   Disconnect PCB from machine
31)   Show 2 board set
32)   Show ribbon cables
33)   Show part number on roms on both boards
34)   Show dipswitch bank
35)   Show processor at position 7C (must read 780c or Z80)
Matthew 21:22

DK Arcade PB (verified): 970,200 KS
DK Start PB (verified): 126,600
DK L1-1 PB (verified): 11,400
DK PB 1st Man: 622,000

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Offline VON

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Re: Twin Galaxies Submission Requirements, Step-by-Step List
« Reply #1 on: June 01, 2015, 08:12:35 pm »
You can ignore about half of those steps,... they were set up by a dumb dumb and no one ever took them seriously.

You needn't worry about any pregame steps.  All you need to do is clearly show the score and gameplay at all times, then after the game is over you'll need to film the PCB and CP.

Just start recording when you start playing, and if it so happens you have a big game, you can accommodate all other verification requirements postgame.

Offline VON

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Re: Twin Galaxies Submission Requirements, Step-by-Step List
« Reply #2 on: June 01, 2015, 08:22:16 pm »
Here's the simplified steps:
1)   Game powered off
2)   Introduce self, including name, state date and time
3)   Record walk-around, show power cord
4)   Open back of machine, record interior
5)   Show PCB and dipswitches
6)   Close back door
7)   Turn on game, recording flip of switch
 8)   Record game screen

9)   Zoom in on screen, capturing screen and score table
10)   Turn game off and back on quickly
11)   Allow attract mode to run and show title screen and hi score table

12)   Add credit and begin playing
13)   If restarting, kill of men, allow title screen to display then restart
14)   After finishing game, enter initials and show hi score table
15)   Show control panel
16)   Remove control panel and record the bottom of it
17)   Show wire bundles at control panel
18)   Rotate joystick slowly
19)   Reinstall and latch control panel

20)   Add 2 credits
21)   Start 2 player game
22)   Control player 1
23)   Allow player 1 to die
24)   Control player 2
25)   Leave player 2 game running

26)   Open back panel
27)   Record PCB
, show part number, with game sounds still audible
28)   Turn game off
29)   Record power supply
30)   Disconnect PCB from machine
31)   Show 2 board set
32)   Show ribbon cables
33)   Show part number on roms on both boards
34)   Show dipswitch bank

35)   Show processor at position 7C (must read 780c or Z80)