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Re: Trippin My Face Off To 1m
« Reply #75 on: May 14, 2015, 06:44:01 am »
July is IGBY2 <stirpot>

Sweet, I thought it might be.  I remember I used that week away to grind IGBY on vacation.  Looks like I'll be doing that again.  Kreygasm
In the summer that you came
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Re: Trippin My Face Off To 1m
« Reply #76 on: May 14, 2015, 07:30:57 am »
Play RU team or riot.
No seriously, they need you. I'm not playing for them either
BoL with Brofest. Let me know if you need tips for Wild Ride Kappa <stirpot>

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Re: Trippin My Face Off To 1m
« Reply #77 on: May 14, 2015, 08:01:11 am »

BoL with Brofest. Let me know if you need tips for Wild Ride Kappa <stirpot>


I'll phone you and you can tell me the moves as I'm playing Kappa
In the summer that you came
There was something eating everyone
And the sunshine fund was low
We couldn't greet you with a simple hello
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Re: Trippin My Face Off To 1m
« Reply #78 on: May 14, 2015, 08:20:13 am »
I'm not playing for them either

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Re: Trippin My Face Off To 1m
« Reply #79 on: May 14, 2015, 09:16:43 pm »
I'll phone you and you can tell me the moves as I'm playing Kappa

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Re: Trippin My Face Off To 1m
« Reply #80 on: May 14, 2015, 10:10:57 pm »
Play RU team or riot.
No seriously, they need you. I'm not playing for them either
wda abuse
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Re: Trippin My Face Off To 1m
« Reply #81 on: June 03, 2015, 08:18:33 am »
Back from the fest of bros.....random thoughts:

12 of the 15 games I had spent some time with.  The only 3 games I had never played before were Solar Fox, Domino Man and Mouse Trap.

Mouse Trap and Solar Fox I found to be on the easier side, Domino Man was very frustrating and had a sharper learning curve.

Gaplus, The Glob, Jump Bug, Pandora's Palace, Pole Position, Rally-X, Space Dungeon, Strategy X and Wacko were all in previous FS tourneys that I had played in.

Robotron TGTS and DK3 Hardest setting 3 lives only were fast games and titles I had a lot of familiarity with so things stacked up well for me there as well.

Speed Buggy I had played with McAllister a bit because one year we suspected that was a possible title to include in a future tourney.  I can finish the race but not with as many points as Dave Nelson or  <Kuh>

Speaking of  <Kuh> he played only Speed Buggy and Rally-X all weekend so it was satisfying to beat his Rally-X score right before dinner on Saturday.  I think he had left for good by then unfortunately.  Dave Nelson tried to beat his Speed Buggy score most of Saturday night but came up a few thousand short in our  <Kuh> shutout bid.

Solar Fox went down on Saturday morning so they removed it from the tourney which was a bummer since I had a large lead on it but I understand the decision.

Having familiarity with nearly every title helped tremendously since we only had a total of 16 hours of tournament time for this event (which doesn't include the dinner breaks I took, etc).  I still felt it was a good amount of time for a tourney so you didn't feel burnt out.

Domino Man should probably be a in Crap Tourney at some point, it's pretty horrible.  I'm shocked they used it instead of something like Mad Planets that is still semi-rare but pretty much everyone enjoys.

I didn't play a whole lot of games outside of the main tourney, Space harrier, Front Line, Spectar, Zarzon and I think that's about it on Saturday night.

Was good to see a lot of FS regulars that I didn't think were coming, show up to this.  Pretty much the entire New England gaming crew were there as well as Jeff Reuhs and a few other tourney regulars.

John and his cohorts did a tremendous job hosting this event.  For a first pass it went as well as it possibly could.  Lots and lots of prizes, giveaways and various side events gave good balance to the event as opposed to just being all about competition. 

With the tourney being entirely free, they relied on raffle sales, t-shirt sales and other purchases to fund the prize pool and it ended up not being far off at all from what the Funspot tourney normally hands out as prizes which is extremely impressive.  Plus they donated 1/3 of the prize pool to the family of Scott Gaulin, a New England collector and FS regular who passed away recently.

I'm optimistic this becomes a yearly event.

As far as scores go the only one I got that I felt was noteworthy was a PB on Rally-X of 120,160 which topped the FS high score from like 15 years ago.  It felt good to finally put together a good run on that game in a live setting after grinding through it in many tourneys.   <Kuh> loves it I reckon

In the summer that you came
There was something eating everyone
And the sunshine fund was low
We couldn't greet you with a simple hello
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Re: Trippin My Face Off To 1m
« Reply #82 on: June 04, 2015, 07:17:09 am »
Such awesomeness Mr. Wagnarsaurus Sir  Kreygasm
Was very happy to see you take first place.  Much deserved, especially impressive after watching you slam 44 oz of beer and still crush all of your enemies.  Conansaurus crushing everyone in his path!  Please keep crushing.  Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm
Millipede defaults - 1,902,984
Millipede TGTS - 360,827
Hi Score List -
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Offline TheSunshineFund

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Re: Trippin My Face Off To 1m
« Reply #83 on: September 23, 2016, 08:25:31 pm »
To keep my badge.....

Ummm, let's see. 

I'm planning to update Front Page Sports Baseball 98 for the PC with 2016 rosters.  It's a big task and will take some time but will be enjoyable for me to complete and then play with modern players.  I plan to start after the MLB season ends and data is complete for me to evaluate, run through my own formulas and then load into the game.

As far as arcade games are concerned, I plan to try and beat the Arkanoid arcade WR for TGTS at some point but since I don't own a cabinet it will have to be done at the local and very busy arcade.  Not sure how up to it I'll feel to lug my camera there late at night when there are less customers and then point press a game I just like to play through but I'll give it a few real shots over the winter I think.

Also probably time to actually get my ass in gear for the Trifuckta badge.  I can make those attempts from home at least.

Love and trackball pinches

 <Pigger>  & Pwn
In the summer that you came
There was something eating everyone
And the sunshine fund was low
We couldn't greet you with a simple hello
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Re: Trippin My Face Off To 1m
« Reply #84 on: September 24, 2016, 02:44:22 am »
Much wow very Kreygasm

Consider streaming arkanoid and consider going good. Also trifuckta badge not possible without sufficient streams

Wags is back Kreygasm

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Offline TheSunshineFund

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Re: Trippin My Face Off To 1m
« Reply #85 on: October 04, 2016, 06:10:45 am »

 Also trifuckta badge not possible without sufficient streams

Interesting.  I thought some of the scores were just culled from sources like MARP, etc.
In the summer that you came
There was something eating everyone
And the sunshine fund was low
We couldn't greet you with a simple hello
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Re: Trippin My Face Off To 1m
« Reply #86 on: November 21, 2016, 01:39:04 pm »
Attended the always fun, annual November  <Mruczek> Funspot week the last few days.

Some general highlights:

- All the games on the floor were working really, really well, very impressed

- The pub added my favorite beer, Ommegang Hennepin  Kreygasm

- I broke my phone and needed a new one so that I could get home eventually via Google maps.  The Laconia Verizon store was very nice and hooked me up.

- I picked up 2 bottles of Moxie soda to bring home, since it's mostly regional to New England.  If you've never had Moxie, I'd describe it as a cross between Dr. Pepper and black licorice in soda form.  Sounds weird/bad but it's super.

- Picked up some homemade chocolates to bring home.  My wife is a fan of chocolate covered pretzels so I got a few of those and got myself some chocolate covered oreos.   <YSG>

-  Watched  <Mruczek> put up a large Pandora's score (like 1.5m or so) and leave a bunch of men in reserve to go eat dinner

-  It was great to finally have another Aurcade ref besides myself there this year (Graham Ogilvie) so that I could also submit should I feel so inclined

-  Seeing all the cobbas I see once or 2x a year is always the best.

Games I played:

- I managed a new WR on Turbo (TGTS Hard) breaking Jamie Cahill's old record done at Richie's back in the golden era of NJ vintage e-Sports (2008).   Didn't film it so it is Aurcade only for now, but since there is a cab local to me, I'll likely do it there as well at some point.  Took a lot of tokens and nearly a full day of playing (with scattered breaks).  Props to  <Kuh> for making me work as he had the house high which was slightly lower than Jaime's score.  The setting is pretty brutal, hard difficulty, 1 life per loop, no extras, so you can only have at most 1 extra life at any point in the game and cannot carry them through to the next stage regardless.

- Jay Cameron talked me into playing some games of 1943 with him and I managed a new PB (I think, I forget what I got in Iglympics) of 2.3m

- I started a game of Commando pretty late on Saturday night because I was bored wandering around and ended up playing until close, killing off my game at 800k with no leeching and about 10-12 men in reserve.  I broke the grenade button about halfway through somehow and lost a few lives trying to use the other grenade button cross handed (even though that one didn't work either).  If I find a cab local to me I'll probably submit something to TG, maybe the 2m second place score as #1 is 10m which seems like torture (and highly difficult playing straight up).

-  I filmed a game of Rally-X on the default settings track I created in TG to put up an inaugural score for that track.  I forget what I got and haven't watched the playback yet as I mostly slept through all of yesterday.  Something over 100k.

Notable scores I verified for other people that now reside in Aurcade:   

Jay Cameron - 1943 - 2.2m

Brendan O'Dowd - 1943 - 2.845m

Graham Ogilvie - Pole Position - 66,060

Mike Sao Pedro - Armored Car - 178,980

Dave Nelson - Speed Buggy - 108,510

Also made it home in record time on Sunday, under 5.5 hours.   NWR, lit, EngPls, Ffft, wda, make   <Allen>
« Last Edit: November 21, 2016, 02:13:04 pm by pwnasaurus »
In the summer that you came
There was something eating everyone
And the sunshine fund was low
We couldn't greet you with a simple hello
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