Went to Funspot for a bit this past week for
's weekend of fun-ness. Fellow DKFers Tim, Brendan, Martin, Donald and MSP were in attendance as well as other luminaries such as
I was able to play a dedicated Bank Panic for the first time and managed to break 1m before all the patrons at the bank started to look the same. I improved my Dig Dug speed to 1m a bit over last year by about 5 rounds which pleases me and I also had a PB on 5 man only Millipede with a 197k. Also came close to beating the Funspot high score on Zarzon but missed it by 1k. I attempted to setup a team play Wizard of Wor tourney but the game was spazzing out on us. Brendan
'd because he was off to a great start on it I reckon.
Brendan and Mike set a new WR on doubles 1943 and
had a 700k+ game of Pandora's. My favorite part of the weekend was finding a new breakfast place called Kitchen Cravings which was incredible. Also, Tim introduced me to a game called Galaga '88 which I took a liking to on Sunday. My wife was able to finally break 200k on a Vs. Dr Mario with a 260k which was enjoyed by all.
I didn't get around to playing any DK, a couple of times I felt like playing it, there was a crowd at the machine surprisingly. All in all had a great time hanging with my mates, drinking and playing games, lit.