I should mention (since the video is kinda fuzzy, and I don't want other people to have to go through the work to figure this out themselves) that my blue smashes were as follows:
Bottom hammer: 500, 500, 800.
Top hammer: 500.
I took the bottom hammer sooner than I would have liked to, but I couldn't pass up all those barrels that were there at the time. This made me get one less blue smash with the bottom hammer than I would have liked.
However, I'm still not ultimately satisfied; but I'm resolved to be content for a while now. TBH I really want that 14k at some point down the road. If I had been more aware in my attempt it may have been possible: A little more leeching precision and I could have gotten maybe 200-300 more points (one group of two could have been a leech of three, and I accidentally steered one barrel down the broken ladder), and if I had seen the number of barrels coming my way before I grabbed the bottom hammer, I could have maybe gotten a smash on one of those two leading, grouped barrels -maybe even both(?). Suffice it to say, I left points on the table -and I'm sure the other ~13k/13k+ 1-1ers feel the same.