Author Topic: Dean's 1.2 million score is probably going to be ignored by the media  (Read 30433 times)

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Offline homerwannabee

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Re: Dean's 1.2 million score is probably going to be ignored by the media
« Reply #75 on: October 10, 2013, 11:46:48 am »
I honestly wish you the best of luck in attempting to make competitve classic arcade gaming a financially viable career choice.   

Why are you stressing the money issue here?  The competitive drive is stronger than money or fame.  I don't understand why you think that you need money or fame to be competitive.  That's a rather shallow way of thinking if you ask me.
« Last Edit: October 10, 2013, 11:58:48 am by homerwannabee »
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Re: Dean's 1.2 million score is probably going to be ignored by the media
« Reply #76 on: October 10, 2013, 12:58:22 pm »
I honestly wish you the best of luck in attempting to make competitve classic arcade gaming a financially viable career choice.   

Why are you stressing the money issue here?  The competitive drive is stronger than money or fame.  I don't understand why you think that you need money or fame to be competitive.  That's a rather shallow way of thinking if you ask me.

Most of the athletes you mentioned in your analogy I imagine would not have spent years and years making many sacrifices, honing their athletic skills if they were not expecting to be compensated for it somewhere down the line.  It was your analogy to professional sports, not mine.  I play competitively in tournaments every once in awhile which do not really pay much, but I like to hang out with my friends, I don't care if I get attention for it though or not, however this seems to be very important to you.   

Maybe I'm unclear as to what the overall issue is.  Can you blame me?  I'm not the sharpest they come.
« Last Edit: October 10, 2013, 01:06:26 pm by pwnasaurus »
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Re: Dean's 1.2 million score is probably going to be ignored by the media
« Reply #77 on: October 10, 2013, 01:58:45 pm »
Hank said "I had to think a bit about this one.  My initial thought was that Dean didn't submit his score to TG, but as you pointed out neither did Brian.  To be honest though, Brian did not get much press either for his killscreen-- an article from PSP and TG.   I don't think it was on any mainstream website.

First I think Brian likes the attention, not just from the DK community but a wider audience.  He seeks the attention.  Dean, on the other hand, shies away from it (except from within the community).

Secondly Brian is the "underdog" and people like a good underdog story (KoK is a classic example).  Because of this, a lot people will try to help Brian out by promoting him.   The 2 articles that were written about him had that tone.  It was almost expected that Dean was going to get 1.2M at some point, but Brian killscreening was not a certainty.

OK, that's a plausible explanation.  Having said that I still wish Dean got some small time pub for his accomplishment.

Steve said "It's just personal opinion of course, but as a whole, I think folks really don't need to get worked up about not getting asked questions regarding 30+ year old video games and their relationship with them.  I get genuinely creeped out by a significant portion of what I see in the hobby that literally has nothing to do with having fun playing video games."

Well baseball is a 140 year old game, basketball is over 100 years old, and so is Football.  Also here is the thing you need to know about this hobby.  It's a competitive individual game.   This is for the most part, not team oriented.  I would advice you to take a gander at other non team activities like Tennis, or Boxing.   Just take a look at youtube videos of John MaCenroe, Jimmy Connors, Serena Williams, Novak Djokovic, Mike Tyson, and Floyd Mayweather.

I am pretty sure you would be creeped out by some of their antics as well. 

P.S. "creeped out" in my opinion is a woman's phrase.  It's akin to calling
something "cute".

Seems when someone other than Steve or Billy gets a high score, the reaction is "well its a 30 year old came nobody cares about" However in 2007 when the fraudulent DOC KOK was released, (at this time DK was 26 years old)  then everyone cared or this forum would never came to be.

I've already lived this. When I broke Billys 1982 record on 8/16/2000 it was considered a milestone and there was media attention from TG. Back then, DK was not treated any different than any other classic game at the time.

Trust me, people care, it just matters who is the subject.

 I saw some promotional material from Man-Verses-Snake and who do I see in the pic, BILLY MITCHEL!L ....................Not Tim McVey, not Dwayne Richards, not Enrico Zannetti........nor Rick Carter...I see Billy Mitchell!

It was nice to get kudos from peers and know that I was recgognized the best in the world at something at the time. However, when the subject material becomes profitable, they put in and market who "they" want regurdless of anyone else.

The basic argument is " nobody cares about "you" or what "you" did..............people care about the "other guy" .

I'm paraphrasing, but this is basicly the response I got.

The fame i'm not really interested in. Its nice to be recognized by your peers, but when something I was directly apart of becomes valuble,I didn't expect the people I trusted to stab me in the back  and deliberatly write me out of it.
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Re: Dean's 1.2 million score is probably going to be ignored by the media
« Reply #78 on: October 10, 2013, 02:10:28 pm »
Well it now looks like I was dead on the money.  Not only was I right, but it was worse than I thought.  So yes, Dean did not get any worldwide press.  This was expected.  Dean did not get any Nationwide press.  This was also expected.  Dean did not get Kataku press.  This was expected by some including myself.  Dean did not get any Twin Galaxies press.  Again I was expecting this.  Dean did not get any press from "The Entertainer".  Again I was expecting that.  What I was not expecting is that the 1.2 million game would not get any attention from the Donkey Kong blogspot.  That one surprised me since the 1.2 million was so important in the writings.

So what does this mean?  It means that Brian Allen's killscreen MAME game that he failed to submit to Twin Galaxies got more press than Dean's 1.2 million.  So my friends it's time to stick your heads in the sand, and pretend this really isn't a problem.   See I know one thing.  Like most hobbies, most of you are CONFORMISTS.   Generally being a conformist is a good thing.  But in this situation you wanting to not rock the boat, and keep things copacetic is one of the few times when being a conformist is a bad thing.

I wish there were more people like me who could take a stand and actually speak up when they see something that is completely screwed up to the nth degree.

George, no one ignored what was not presented to them. The score was not submitted to us, therefore it was not verified which, in turn, never appeared as a possible story subject in my email. Twin Galaxies' determination of world records operates on a Referee System, created by Walter Day over 30 years ago. It has been in place as the standard for decades. TG has never operated without it.

It was related to me that Mr. Saglio did not wish to submit it. I honor that choice as well as the remarkable score he put up on MAME. I waited for it to come for adjudication, even wrote up the bulk of the article, before making an inquiry in which I was told he did not want to submit it to Twin Galaxies. Actually wanted no fanfare. Nonetheless, I wrote up a quick piece of info with his contact information and sent it abroad. I received a reply from some that if it was not adjudicated, then it wasn't a story they could use. It being on MAME was also a problem for some.  For me, no. But I am not "the world press".

Also know how pop-media sources operate: Kotaku, Game Informer and The Examiner have strict policies their writers must adhere to that have been stiffened over the last year. One is, a breaking story will not be printed after the fact. Meaning, you set a WR then the writer has 48 hours to post it and share it with contacts. Not a week or two. It must be current. So if you sit on loose. Only in rare instances will you ever see this being overturned. It is for this reason, scene writers become quite valuable to the gamer as, if one wants international press, your chances are higher of getting it picked up if your come to them in the first place....and quickly. For what you think might be a shot heard 'round the world, if it originates from an island, cut off from communication outside its home base -which is this how this community often operates- if it's not submitted to us knowledge of it doesn't reach me for days. I cannot constantly be monitoring a single game scene when there are 100s of other gamers and other titles also doing great things. Even so, I give quite a bit of DK coverage, more than anyone these days, and worked on the Press Project for two months that went out to affiliated news sources for national coverage for players at The Kong Off 3.

Classic Gaming is a niche subject, and that niche is small compared to the multi-billion dollar industry that eSport is. Someone could beat the impossible Robotron record tomorrow and, though it would get press for certain, the coverage would not reach the circulation  level of fame that a $400K Warcraft tournament winner would receive...or an XBox release...or GTA V that made over a billion dollars in 3 days.

In the case of Brian Allen, you will note if you reread the article again, that the story is about one man's struggle over social adversity to beat a personal goal. Gaming encompasses far more than high scores. In fact, over 90% of its participants are not competitors at all. So for you to indicate rather loosely that I gave way to favoritism is incorrect and rather petty if not hurtful altogether. But that's okay. I've well grown used to it over the years. But dragging Saglio and this fine community into your beef to pick with TG and others over events decades past completely unrelated to anyone on board is unfair.

The owners of Twin Galaxies opens their door to the DK Community every year, by putting on an event that costs tens of thousands of dollars, 1000s of hours of prep and requires the input of numerous people, including the most professional press core it has ever had, and will be present this year. The owners of TG, Richie and Jourdan, don't make money off of it and exploit no one. They do it for the love of gaming. For the thrill of charging old school arcade tournaments back to life again. They do it for the community.

Want to talk about screwed up, George? Why is it one can point fingers at TG and, respectively me -as I do the bulk of the reporting- and make accusations of lack of support, when you don't even support us in the first place? Hmm? How does that work? You seem to expect me to work hard elevating yours and others achievements, but also expect me to accept the fact there is no reciprocation of support or even respect? Just a slap in the face...criticism and blame-games. Not really a fair trade, is it?

Nonetheless, I am thankful for the community who does respect my arduous and passionate efforts, and who do come to me for support and in turn support me. There are more of them than the latter, and in every country. You don't have to like me. But if you can't recognize my passion and dedication then you aren't looking for it.

This is not directed at the DK Community, or any other posters or opinions on this forum other than George's comments.
Please do not take my statement out of context.


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Re: Dean's 1.2 million score is probably going to be ignored by the media
« Reply #79 on: October 10, 2013, 05:54:16 pm »
Well it now looks like I was dead on the money.  Not only was I right, but it was worse than I thought.  So yes, Dean did not get any worldwide press.  This was expected.  Dean did not get any Nationwide press.  This was also expected.  Dean did not get Kataku press.  This was expected by some including myself.  Dean did not get any Twin Galaxies press.  Again I was expecting this.  Dean did not get any press from "The Entertainer".  Again I was expecting that.  What I was not expecting is that the 1.2 million game would not get any attention from the Donkey Kong blogspot.  That one surprised me since the 1.2 million was so important in the writings.

So what does this mean?  It means that Brian Allen's killscreen MAME game that he failed to submit to Twin Galaxies got more press than Dean's 1.2 million.  So my friends it's time to stick your heads in the sand, and pretend this really isn't a problem.   See I know one thing.  Like most hobbies, most of you are CONFORMISTS.   Generally being a conformist is a good thing.  But in this situation you wanting to not rock the boat, and keep things copacetic is one of the few times when being a conformist is a bad thing.

I wish there were more people like me who could take a stand and actually speak up when they see something that is completely screwed up to the nth degree.

George, no one ignored what was not presented to them. The score was not submitted to us, therefore it was not verified which, in turn, never appeared as a possible story subject in my email. Twin Galaxies' determination of world records operates on a Referee System, created by Walter Day over 30 years ago. It has been in place as the standard for decades. TG has never operated without it.

It was related to me that Mr. Saglio did not wish to submit it. I honor that choice as well as the remarkable score he put up on MAME. I waited for it to come for adjudication, even wrote up the bulk of the article, before making an inquiry in which I was told he did not want to submit it to Twin Galaxies. Actually wanted no fanfare. Nonetheless, I wrote up a quick piece of info with his contact information and sent it abroad. I received a reply from some that if it was not adjudicated, then it wasn't a story they could use. It being on MAME was also a problem for some.  For me, no. But I am not "the world press".

Also know how pop-media sources operate: Kotaku, Game Informer and The Examiner have strict policies their writers must adhere to that have been stiffened over the last year. One is, a breaking story will not be printed after the fact. Meaning, you set a WR then the writer has 48 hours to post it and share it with contacts. Not a week or two. It must be current. So if you sit on loose. Only in rare instances will you ever see this being overturned. It is for this reason, scene writers become quite valuable to the gamer as, if one wants international press, your chances are higher of getting it picked up if your come to them in the first place....and quickly. For what you think might be a shot heard 'round the world, if it originates from an island, cut off from communication outside its home base -which is this how this community often operates- if it's not submitted to us knowledge of it doesn't reach me for days. I cannot constantly be monitoring a single game scene when there are 100s of other gamers and other titles also doing great things. Even so, I give quite a bit of DK coverage, more than anyone these days, and worked on the Press Project for two months that went out to affiliated news sources for national coverage for players at The Kong Off 3.

Classic Gaming is a niche subject, and that niche is small compared to the multi-billion dollar industry that eSport is. Someone could beat the impossible Robotron record tomorrow and, though it would get press for certain, the coverage would not reach the circulation  level of fame that a $400K Warcraft tournament winner would receive...or an XBox release...or GTA V that made over a billion dollars in 3 days.

In the case of Brian Allen, you will note if you reread the article again, that the story is about one man's struggle over social adversity to beat a personal goal. Gaming encompasses far more than high scores. In fact, over 90% of its participants are not competitors at all. So for you to indicate rather loosely that I gave way to favoritism is incorrect and rather petty if not hurtful altogether. But that's okay. I've well grown used to it over the years. But dragging Saglio and this fine community into your beef to pick with TG and others over events decades past completely unrelated to anyone on board is unfair.

The owners of Twin Galaxies opens their door to the DK Community every year, by putting on an event that costs tens of thousands of dollars, 1000s of hours of prep and requires the input of numerous people, including the most professional press core it has ever had, and will be present this year. The owners of TG, Richie and Jourdan, don't make money off of it and exploit no one. They do it for the love of gaming. For the thrill of charging old school arcade tournaments back to life again. They do it for the community.

Want to talk about screwed up, George? Why is it one can point fingers at TG and, respectively me -as I do the bulk of the reporting- and make accusations of lack of support, when you don't even support us in the first place? Hmm? How does that work? You seem to expect me to work hard elevating yours and others achievements, but also expect me to accept the fact there is no reciprocation of support or even respect? Just a slap in the face...criticism and blame-games. Not really a fair trade, is it?

Nonetheless, I am thankful for the community who does respect my arduous and passionate efforts, and who do come to me for support and in turn support me. There are more of them than the latter, and in every country. You don't have to like me. But if you can't recognize my passion and dedication then you aren't looking for it.

This is not directed at the DK Community, or any other posters or opinions on this forum other than George's comments.
Please do not take my statement out of context.


Cat, don't support Twin Galaxies?  Huh, I do like your posts on Facebook, and give a hearty congratulations to those you spotlight.  As far as paying the $25 or $60?  Well that's a different story.  I just can't really afford to do it at the present moment.  If I was making even $25,000 a year I would gladly pay the $25 or $60 fee.  If there ever comes a time when I am not struggling, than yeah sure I'll be more than willing to flip the bill.

Cat, here is the thing.  And I mean this now.  I have received more attention than I have deserved, for my gaming exploits.  At one time I cared big time about being recognized, but at some point in thinking about it, I have realized I have gotten a ton of attention, and support.  I have been on cards, books, in a newspaper, did a few interviews, and all for playing some really old video games.  How cool is that?

Overall I am very supportive of Twin Galaxies, there really have only been two big issues I have with them.  Them excluding MAME scores from the Kong Off 3, and the lack of coverage of Dean.  But I have to say I do admire your more than adequate response on the issue.  You put enough time and effort into this response that you definitely are aware of the situation, and I do believe you made a pre piece for Dean's 1.2 million game.

So thanks for the response, and I am just happy that you addressed this situation.  That works for me. 8)

You see my main thing is I regard Dean's accomplishment as arguably the greatest classic gaming accomplishment of all time.  I have that much respect for it, and so when I see it remain so underground it feels like this achievement has become a diamond in the ruff.  Only those truly in the know will know of the artistry, and pure magic of this game.  In my mind it's a work of art right up there with a Picasso or Van Gough masterwork.  Yes I hold it in that high of a regard.

Alright I have said my two cents
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Re: Dean's 1.2 million score is probably going to be ignored by the media
« Reply #80 on: October 10, 2013, 06:11:22 pm »

Most of the athletes you mentioned in your analogy I imagine would not have spent years and years making many sacrifices, honing their athletic skills if they were not expecting to be compensated for it somewhere down the line.  It was your analogy to professional sports, not mine.  I play competitively in tournaments every once in awhile which do not really pay much, but I like to hang out with my friends, I don't care if I get attention for it though or not, however this seems to be very important to you.   

Maybe I'm unclear as to what the overall issue is.  Can you blame me?  I'm not the sharpest they come.

First off, again maybe I need to put this in caps for all to see.  I HAVE RECEIVED MORE ATTENTION THAN I DESERVE FOR MY GAMING ACHIEVEMENTS! 

Second off, people in this hobby have spent years, and years making many sacrifices.  People spend thousands of hours, and have made probably even more sacrifices because the money isn't even enough for it to be even a side job.  You are incorrect in thinking just because you adapt super quickly to these games that everyone is doing the same thing.  Wrong, most people struggle for a decent amount of time before they master a certain game.  You are the exception to the rule, but somehow you can't see that.
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Re: Dean's 1.2 million score is probably going to be ignored by the media
« Reply #81 on: October 11, 2013, 02:55:27 am »
psst... hey George!

If only I were "the media..." ;D

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Re: Dean's 1.2 million score is probably going to be ignored by the media
« Reply #82 on: October 11, 2013, 07:03:24 am »
Great write up Chris! Enjoyed it.
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Re: Dean's 1.2 million score is probably going to be ignored by the media
« Reply #83 on: October 11, 2013, 07:21:16 am »
psst... hey George!

If only I were "the media..." ;D
Very good write up.  You are by far the best person who happens to write about something in the classic gaming genre out there, and there are some good ones in the hobby.
Of course you count Chris as the media, and in 10 years time I have a feeling that your story will get more views, than even a Kataku story since Kataku stories get drowned out by other stories.  This article though will probably always be one of your top 10 most viewed articles. 
"Perception forged in delusion and refined by pain"

-Ross Benzinger

"It's like we are able to play beautiful music out there, but no one can hear the instruments"

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Re: Dean's 1.2 million score is probably going to be ignored by the media
« Reply #84 on: October 12, 2013, 04:10:53 pm »
Well, it's up to about 200 views now, which is pretty good for 2 days.

(For comparison, the article about his 1,167 game from last year has over 2,500 views, but that's after 18 months.)

View-wise though, three pages on that blog have more views than everything else combined: the Top 20 list is just about to cross 100K, the World Record History is at 25K, and the big one is the Eminem story, which has 240K (because it got traffic-bombed by Reddit a few times).

4 Quarters :-* - 800K Avg. Per Qtr. :o - No Restarts 8) - No Proof :'(

7/26/2013   Coin 35,946   710,800   18-1
7/28/2013   Coin 35,947   903,700   22-1
8/16/2013   Coin 35,948   694,100   17-6
8/17/2013   Coin 35,949   893,100   22-1

3,201,700: the $1 World Record?
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