But, at the same time accused Steve Wiebe of playing with a hacked board to get a low 1 million score. Hasn't the light been shown now? Time to let that go a realize it was a major overreaction amplified by Dwayne.
This is a strawmen argument that will no longer work...............in context I was stating that the game I saw was suspicious. I also stated that theres NO WAY to score a million points ..............."WITHOUT POINT PRESSING".......................anyone here who is not a cult ass kisser and who does not fear reprisal from the "higher ups" will confirm this.
A lot of the "point pressing tactics Steve used would've just been called "point leeching" and most likely not allowed by TG at the time as there was little interest in exploiting the game.
For example:
If I was playing Zoo Keeper and used the top platform on the coconut levels to jump down and jump up ect.... rack up single jumps worth 80k each (still not easy but possible) and I beat Mr. Crams record doing this, the score I got would not count as this is considered point leeching.
But If I had connections in the film business.......slipped Walter and Billy some cash....promised them some media attention in a fiilm....then Mr. Crams score would suddely become "unverified" at this point" considered "constantly disputed" ( even though everyone knows better) and the point leeching I used turns to "point pressing" and because the insiders make a profit exploiting the subject material, "point pressing is now allowed and becomes the game play norm.
Again this is basicly a strawman argument and I love how many people use it to feebly try to explain away the initial cover up and score disenfranchisement to start with.
Let me ask you what is your argument about my initial score being covered up?
What do you think of Walter Steve and Billy profiting from this?
What do you think of KOK producers intentionally lying and fabricating reasons to keep me out of the story's time line?
Do you think its fair that Steve Saunders made a 5 figure profit for just being an associate of Billys and I recieved nothing?
So in closing, trying to use the fact I thought Steves game was suspicious (as did others) is NOT a defense for the wrongdoing done to me at the start.
What do you think of the fact it was done with malice of forethought?