I had the chance to use the mame debugger today. Here are the areas that were highlighted:
0008: 3A 07 60 ld a,($6007)
000C: D0 ret nc
02BD: 26 60 ld h,$60
02BF: 3A B1 60 ld a,($60B1)
02C2: 6F ld l,a
02C3: 7E ld a,(hl)
02C4: 87 add a,a
02C5: 30 1C jr nc,$02E3
02C7: CD 15 03 call $0315
02CA: CD 50 03 call $0350
02CD: 21 19 60 ld hl,$6019
02D0: 34 inc (hl)
02D1: 21 83 63 ld hl,$6383
02D4: 3A 1A 60 ld a,($601A)
02D7: BE cp (hl)
02D8: 28 E3 jr z,$02BD
0318: 47 ld b,a
0319: E6 0F and $0F
031B: C0 ret nz
031C: CF rst $08
031D: 3A 0D 60 ld a,($600D)
0320: CD 47 03 call $0347
0328: 28 14 jr z,$033E
0343: 19 add hl,de
034B: C8 ret z
0350: 3A 2D 62 ld a,($622D)
0353: A7 and a
0354: C0 ret nz
I basically allowed the level to run by itself with no inputs. These were the active locations within the code. 02D0 may have something to do with the egg about to drop but I am not certain. It was not as easy to find correlations as I thought.
Some interesting observations:
1) The debugger showed 0315 location consistently, and it is in the code at one location as $0315 but there is no such line in the code at all.
2) 02C5 did not execute until 600 on the bonus timer, 034B did not execute until 500 on the bonus timer, and the only part of the code that was referenced during around the time of death was 033E. There was no observable code references unique to restarting the level or through the death sequence other than these few areas.
I do not think I can progress further without more information. What is "add", "call" "what does it mean to have an $ before a number on the right side of the code", "jr", "Id", etc?
Any one want to chime in and help me take this a little further?
This list of code references is accurate as far as I know unless there is strange code that was executed in rare places through out the board other than the end. I went through a large sampling of the board but I do not want to assume automatically that I have compiled it perfectly. With that said, this list is a good representation of what is going on in the code during the Springboard level. I am more interested in narrowing in on the pattern of the birds.